People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 39 Survival Day 039: Everything is ready

Xu Zhijian hid the pistol on his body and walked out of the bedroom.

Kelly had already gotten up and was making breakfast.

Milk, fried eggs, toast.

Classic three-piece set.

After it was done, the two sat down face to face and enjoyed it.

He stared at Kelly from time to time while eating, and his eyes had a special meaning.

Kelly felt very uncomfortable: "Why do you keep looking at me like this?"

He smiled and shook his head: "Nothing, I just think you are very beautiful."

He drank the milk in the cup in one breath.


Then he put it down with a little force: "Okay, it's time for the final judgment."

Kelly's eyes lit up when she heard it, ignoring the embarrassment caused by the previous sentence.


Is it finally time to end it!

She asked expectantly: "What do you need me to do?!"

Xu Zhijian smiled slightly: "No, just wait patiently."

This smile is very sincere and sunny.

But she felt a little strange no matter how she looked at it.

After finishing breakfast and cleaning up, a man in a suit and glasses suddenly visited.

This person is a lawyer.

Mainly to deal with the sale of this house.

Kelly had made plans before, and she would sell the house directly after solving the ghost mirror.

Then she would divide the assets with her brother.

Or the two of them would buy a better one together.

Because there were too many painful experiences in this place that she didn't want to recall, living there would only be pain.

Half an hour later, the two sides finished the discussion.

After the lawyer left, Kelly took out a check from her bag and put it on the table.

Then she said sincerely: "Xu, you just came out of the hospital and don't have a job, so use this money first."

"It's also a reward for your help."

Xu Zhijian took a look, wow, it was actually 30,000 US dollars.

What a rich woman, generous.

Originally, he didn't want it, so he had to be polite even if he took it.

But then he thought, wait... I'm going to do that thing later, maybe it's better to take it?

So he took it without hesitation.

He thanked her, "Okay, I won't shirk my responsibility. Thank you for your help."

Kelly smiled, "If it's not enough, you can still come to me."

"Thank you, it's enough."

"Okay, I'm going to the company."


Xu Zhijian watched her leave without doing anything because the time was not right.

It was Wednesday and everyone in every household was at work.

We had to wait until everyone came back in the evening.

He sat on the sofa, crossed his legs and looked at the ghost mirror quietly.

Not long after, a scene suddenly appeared in the mirror.

It was like a projection.

A middle-aged woman and a middle-aged man were seen hiding in the study with a look of horror.

Didn't that look look like Kelly's parents?

Soon, a man with his back to the camera rushed in and pulled the trigger at them without saying a word.

The couple were both shot in the head, blood splattered, and fell to the ground.

The murderer slowly turned around, revealing his true face, and sneered at the camera with an evil face.

This person turned out to be Kelly.

The scene ends here.

Xu Zhijian is sure that there is no such scene in the movie, but he also guessed what it means.

This is to remind himself to act quickly.

He stood up and walked to the mirror, gently stroking it: "Don't worry, I will kill her at night!"

The ghost mirror responded this time.

A blurry black shadow like smoke appeared, with bright light in the eyes and mouth.

It can be seen that it is sneering.

Then it disappeared in a flash.

Xu Zhijian stayed for a while, then walked out of the house and took a slow walk in the community.

On the one hand, it was killing time, and on the other hand, it was observing the layout.

After walking for a few minutes, a woman riding a bicycle passed by.

As the other party passed by, she suddenly showed him an extremely weird and twisted smile.

It was like a ghost possessed.

Xu Zhijian couldn't help but stop, frowned and rubbed his eyes, and looked again.

At this time, the woman had passed, but he still saw the last glimpse.

Still with that creepy smile.


He cursed inwardly, puzzled and puzzled.

This is reality now, and the ghost mirror is not around, why can hallucinations appear inexplicably?

Thinking about it, he shuddered.

What the hell!

Could it be... that the reality I thought I saw was actually an illusion all along? !

To verify, he stared at the pedestrians nervously and checked carefully.

Three more people passed by within a minute, but there was no ghost smile like that woman.

At this time, a gangster youth wearing hip-hop and with tattoos on his neck came over.

Xu Zhijian immediately had an idea and walked towards him in big strides.

Then he deliberately bumped his shoulder with the other party.

The young man immediately cursed: "FUCK! Don't you have eyes? Do you want to die?"

He pushed him hard twice.

And Xu Zhijian staggered back and almost fell, but he did not resist, but felt relieved instead.

Generally, when hallucinations occur, they can be eliminated as long as there is interference from external factors.

Now, both the young man's curses and body movements are so real.

It can not only break it indirectly, but also prove whether it is true or false.

It is the reality at present.

The young man saw that he did not say anything or refute, but had a blank expression, and felt that it was meaningless and left with a curse.

Xu Zhijian took two deep breaths and adjusted his mentality.

Why did I see the woman smile like that just now? Perhaps there is only one reason.

That is, after a few days of contact with the ghost mirror, I have been deeply influenced.

And I completely let down my guard and did not resist or interfere with their control.

So it is normal to see it wrong.

After thinking it through, he continued to stroll leisurely.

The main range is a hundred meters around Kelly's house, observing which direction the windows of other houses are facing.

Imagine if you stand inside and deliberately look at Kelly's house, what you can see, etc.

Finally, I deduced a time and location that I think is the best.

Time flies to 7:30 in the evening.

The people who work have all gone home one after another, and the lights of more than a dozen houses around are on.

And it is also the dinner time.

Everything is ready.

It can start!

Kelly's house.

Xu Zhijian and her made a hearty dinner together, chatting while eating.

Kelly asked expectantly: "Xu, didn't you say during the day that you wanted to make the final decision?"

"When exactly will it start? Today?"

He nodded: "Yes, it will be done before midnight."

She immediately smiled excitedly. Great, great, it's finally starting!

I thought it would take a few more days.

She wanted to ask what specific method was used, but she held back when she thought of the mirror in the living room.

Whatever it is, she will know when the time comes.

It doesn't matter if it's just a few hours.

At 8:20, the two finished their meal, cleaned up the dishes and sat in the living room.

Xu Zhijian had a relaxed expression on his face, as if he was determined to win.

Kelly had an expectant expression on her face.

Because everyone was thinking about their own things, they didn't say anything and just sat there silently, and the atmosphere seemed a little weird.

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