People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 42 Survival Day 042: The Note

As they waited, the four policemen heard screams and crashes from inside.

And all kinds of messy noises.

They looked at each other and wondered what the hell was going on.

What happened in the house?

A police officer asked, "Captain, should we go in and investigate?"

The older captain said, "Wait a minute, our firepower is too weak, and there is no light source."

"It will be dangerous if you go in rashly. Don't worry, ask where the support is."

The police officer nodded, picked up the walkie-talkie and continued to call.

Inside the house.

Xu Zhijian was not idle either, and was continuing to attack.

Marisol was hit and flew to the left and right.

Either she lost her arms and legs, or her head, and she couldn't recover.

Speaking of which, this female ghost was pretty when she was alive.

I didn't expect that the changes after death would be so twisted and weird.

The other evil ghosts were also frightened and dared not approach, and some even took the opportunity to run away.

The strongest boss couldn't stand it, so why not run away?

Marisol, who was beaten to death, was no longer stubborn, and her figure disappeared without a trace.

"Are you giving in?"

Xu Zhijian thought to himself and breathed a sigh of relief. This Holy Cross is really powerful!

Although it is a beginner level, it feels like an advanced level.

It would be more perfect if there is no need to recite the spell.

It also shows that the abilities of these ghosts in the mirror are weaker than expected, and at most they are not more than intermediate level.

The reason why they can be so domineering for so long is their ability to defend themselves in advance.

Thinking about it, he turned around and wanted to untie Kelly who fainted.

However, he suddenly found that she was gone behind him!

Where is this... person? !

Just when he was confused and nervous, Kelly's voice suddenly came from the opposite corner.

"Xu... Save me... Save me."

He didn't have time to think about why he changed his position inexplicably, and quickly took a photo with his mobile phone.

Kelly was lying on the ground with blood all over her face, extremely weak.

"I'm here, hold on!"

Xu Zhijian shouted and rushed over to help.

"Save me... Save me quickly."

Kelly called out weakly, but for some reason, it sounded ethereal.

Just as it was about to reach him, a current suddenly spread throughout Xu Zhijian's body.

He came back to his senses with a start.

Then he realized that there was no Kelly in front of him, but Marisol, whose body was already incomplete.

It seemed that she didn't run away, but was still resisting.

She wanted to seduce him with illusions, and then kill him with one blow.

Luckily, "mental resistance" worked at the critical moment, and he was not confused.


Death to me!

He raised the cross and aimed at him, chanting a spell loudly.

Marisol, who found that her plan had failed, wanted to escape, but she couldn't escape.

The body was first hit hard, and then sparks came out.

After many blows, its body was already very fragile and couldn't stand the tossing.

This was also the last blow.

Marisol's body and facial features twisted wildly, and she let out screams that humans couldn't hear.

It lasted for a few seconds, and the body gradually disappeared into the air.

Just like water evaporated under the sun.

At the same time, the long-awaited prompt finally came.

"Qualifying match "Blindfolded" challenge successful"

"Return in one hour/return immediately"

Xu Zhijian originally wanted to stay for a while and leave after Kelly woke up.

But there were still police surrounding her outside, and they could rush in at any time, so he had to get out of here quickly.

So he walked to Kelly and checked to make sure she was just unconscious and not in danger of life.

Then he stuffed a note that he had written earlier into her pocket.

Then he immediately returned to Horror Town.


Less than two minutes after leaving, the police support finally arrived.

Six fully armed special police jumped off the armored vehicle and learned about the situation from the four policemen.

Quickly arranged the battle plan.

Five people in a group, each equipped with an explosion-proof shield of more than 1.5 meters.

Group A entered from the broken floor-to-ceiling window.

Group B broke through the door from the back.

Let's go!

After successfully entering the house, the police first conducted a thorough inspection.

In the end, they did not find the suspect.

It was really strange, where was the person?

He did not run out, how could he suddenly disappear from the face of the earth?

According to their experience as police officers, they believed that there must be a secret door or a tunnel, so they left eight people to continue the search.

The other two took Kelly to the community hospital.

About fifteen minutes later.

Kelly, who was in a coma, finally woke up dazedly and saw herself lying on the bed with a policeman sitting next to her.

She was stunned for a while and did not react to what was going on.

The policeman saw this and said, "Madam, you are finally awake. Wait a minute, I will call the doctor."

After that, he strode out of the ward.

After a moment of stagnation, she remembered everything.

Kelly felt sad and hateful. On the one hand, she blamed herself for her ignorance and paranoia, which harmed Xu Ye.

On the other hand, she was desperate for not being able to solve the mirror.

Oh wait...

The mirror has been broken!

That scene was seen clearly, it was definitely not fake.

Thinking of this, she immediately became excited again, and then she also noticed a hard feeling in her pocket.

It seemed to contain something.

So she reached out and took out the note.

It read:

"I've already left when you saw the note. I'm sorry for putting you in danger with such an extreme plan."

"But there's really no other way to deal with the mirror."

"My performance was great, I could win an Oscar for Best Actor, haha."

"Now it's been completely destroyed, and you can live a stable life from now on."

"This incident made me very tired and exhausted, so I decided to travel around the United States alone to heal myself."

"Thank you for your $30,000, so I can do this."

"I won't use any communication equipment during this period, so don't try to find me."

"As for how to tell the police, it's up to you."

"I'll contact you again when I'm completely cured, bye."

After reading the note, Kelly felt relieved, happy, and moved, and her eyes were red.

It turns out that Xu has been fine!

That's great.

It turns out that all the strange actions he did were pretended, just to use his life to solve the ghost mirror.

This favor is really too big.

Kelly understood everything, except for one thing.

What Xu Zhijian did was not pretended, but he was really confused by the ghost mirror, otherwise he couldn't complete it.

I just made a plan in advance.

I subconsciously took out my phone and wanted to call him, asking him where he was and going there immediately.

But thinking that Xu didn't want to have any contact and couldn't contact him, I let it go in disappointment.

Even though I really want to see him now and want to thank him deeply in person, I can only suppress it.

Well, in this case, I will wait patiently.

Don't disturb him deliberately.

Wait with expectation and gratitude.

At the same time, prepare the best gift and wait for the day to meet him again!

Thanks to book friends 7533, Emperor Ba Ye Ren Ye, and Engineering Qingqing for their monthly tickets.

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