People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 54: Survival Day 054: A plan within a plan

Based on the current situation, it can be deduced that the strange shape is a monster or a carbon matrix, which barely complies with the rules of physics.

Not a ghost.

How can it be said that it disappears? !

This is so weird and terrifying!

Adam and the others were already frightened to death, but now the hairs all over their bodies stood up and they felt suffocated.

Olaf was timid at first, so he hurriedly stayed close to Xu Zhijian, almost falling into his arms.

Kate's heartbeat couldn't help but speed up a bit.

She asked worriedly: "Xu, is this situation... also what you expected?"

"Not here." Xu Zhijian shook his head first, then nodded: "I mean I don't know how to disappear."

This does feel strange.

According to normal reasoning, even if the Thing is forced to a dead end and cannot escape, he will only reveal his true form and fight back.

There is no ability to move instantly.

How on earth did it disappear in just ten seconds with the doors and windows intact?

I couldn't figure it out for a while.

This time Kate and Olaf's mentality is -1 again.

Even he doesn't know? ?

Then it’s going to be over now!

The dark wooden house fell into an eerie silence, with the only sound of people gasping in panic.

There was a howling wind and snow outside, and three charred corpses were lying on the floor inside.

Evil monsters hide inside.

This scene at this time is really sour and refreshing.

Olaf stuttered a bit and asked: "What...what should we do...??"

Xu Zhijian said with a sullen face: "Of course, continue checking! And start again from the first place."

He subconsciously said: "But didn't Sam run away... wasn't he the monster?"

Adam and the others had the same idea.

Xu Zhijian turned to look at him, sneered twice and said nothing.

Olaf was horrified by the sight and quickly shut up.

Kate echoed: "Yes, continue the new test starting with me!"

As he spoke, he held the flamethrower in one hand and reached for the cup with the other hand, preparing to continue dripping blood into it.

However, Xu Zhijian suddenly turned his head and looked at the left corner of the room, and at the same time shined his flashlight there.

Listen with your ears open.

I just vaguely heard a slight movement.

It was like a "dah-dah" sound like a glass ball falling to the floor.

But there's nothing there.

Xu Zhijian didn't think he heard wrongly. At this time, he must always be on guard against any situation.

After looking for a long time, I still found nothing.

Kate couldn't help but ask: "Xu, what's wrong??"

He had no choice but to look away: "Something seems wrong. No more blood now. I'm going to use a new method!"

"any solution?"


Kate couldn't help being surprised when she heard this. Although she knew that the Thing was afraid of fire, she wanted to use the strongest method to force it out.

But direct fire...isn't it a bit too exaggerated?

Xu Zhijian added: "Don't be afraid, just put out your palm and endure it for two seconds. I will control the intensity."

Kate hesitated for a moment, then nodded firmly in agreement.

Being roasted by fire for two seconds would definitely hurt like hell, and the skin would definitely be permanently damaged.

But finding the monster makes it all worth it.

She took a deep breath and held out her palms.

But Xu Zhijian looked at others: "You don't need to be the first one this time, let's start one by one from Adam."

Adam's throat couldn't help but roll twice, which was a sign of nervousness and panic.

He timidly suggested: "Do we have to use fire? Can't we use a gentle method?"

Xu Zhijian looked serious: "I only give you three seconds, 1...2..."

"Okay, okay, I agree, I agree!"

Adam was so frightened that he quickly agreed, stretched out his left hand tremblingly, and closed his eyes tightly at the same time.

Xu Zhijian took two steps forward and turned the flamethrower switch to the lowest setting to start.

Waves of hot flames burned the opponent's hands, but they did not devour them all, only the tips of his fingers.

1 second.

2 seconds.

A strange smell wafted up.


When the flames went out, Adam immediately pulled back and held it tightly, gasping in pain.

Second place, Sander.

When Xu Zhijian was about to continue checking, he suddenly heard the clicking sound just now.

He couldn't help but subconsciously turned his head and glanced behind him.

Then suddenly, a black thing appeared behind Kate.

It was about to crawl onto my legs.

He immediately shouted loudly: "Kate, get out of the way!!"

Kate's reaction was also extremely quick. She didn't have time to think about the reason and jumped away instinctively.


At the same time, Xu Zhijian also activated the flamethrower.

The flames flew towards the place where she was standing just now, and the black figure ran away very quickly when she saw it.

Da da da!

Because of the high speed and loud noise, everyone heard the sound now.

"what is that?!"

"Damn...what is it? I can't see it!"

"Burn it to death..."

Everyone screamed in fear, and everyone jumped around, fearing that the black shadow would crawl on them.

Xu Zhijian took aim with a flashlight in one hand and controlled the flamethrower to attack with the other.

Kate saw this and immediately joined the fight.

The opportunity for trial and error with the two weapons was greatly increased, and the mysterious black figure was soon cornered and unable to retreat.

And then finally engulfed in flames.

The black shadow made bursts of sharp screams and twisted wildly in the flames.

The light of the fire and the flashlight finally made it clear what it really looked like.

It was a... how should I put it?

It was more appropriate to call it a strange-shaped arm.

It was about 25-6 centimeters long, and the tail was shaped like five human fingers.

There were eight or nine limbs like scorpion legs on both sides of the body.

The head was a worm-like mouth with several sharp fangs.

Everyone had seen the body of the strange-shaped creature before, and had some immunity.

So they were not too surprised to see this thing.

They just couldn't figure out how it appeared?

And where did it come from?

Kate looked at the strange-shaped arm that was gradually moving in the flames, and then looked at Xu Zhijian.

She was curious and admired that he could detect it in the first time.

His senses were too strong.

Xu Zhijian also admired himself, thinking that it was probably the bonus of the second star map that worked.

It was really more powerful than expected.

The sixth sense and hearing complemented each other, and he keenly detected the movement.

The main reason was that this kind of arm had also appeared in the movie, so he had always been on guard.


Just as everyone was staring at the burning monster, a loud sound of glass breaking suddenly came.

He turned his head hurriedly and saw a person jumping out of the house at the fastest speed and running away directly.

And this person was Juliet, who had not said much and was very cooperative!

"Damn it!

This is a feint to the east and attack to the west!"

Xu Zhijian instantly understood what was going on.

Without time to think about it, he rushed to the window, took out his pistol and fired several shots at the back.

The first four shots missed.

The dark environment plus the wind resistance were really miserable.

Until the seventh shot, Juliet was finally shot and fell in the snow.

Thanks to Wasteland Law for 100 book coins.

Thanks to Tofo, Book Friend 8742, Book Friend 0521, Book Friend 4046, Hide and Seek with Fox, Book Friend 1827, and Du Ai Lingbo for the monthly ticket

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