People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 63 Survival Day 063: This is outrageous

Rose frowned when she heard it, but soon returned to normal.

As a professional psychiatrist, she has been practicing medicine for many years and has seen and heard too many bizarre and absurd words.

There are also words like seeing many people, including dead relatives, smiling at her.

According to professional terms, it is roughly a manic delusion.

She smiled and said enthusiastically: "I understand. If you need help, you can come to me at any time."

Xu Zhijian nodded: "Okay."

After Rose left, he sat down by the bed again and had no intention of contacting her more.

Because this woman is particularly passionate about work and kind-hearted.

She would rather not have money and would help with the treatment first.

In the end, she knew the truth about the smile curse and tried to commit suicide alone to solve it.

Overall, she is a good person.


Once you say but, you have to pay attention.

As the heroine of a horror movie, it is inevitable that there will be various behaviors that reduce intelligence.

Especially the setting of relatives and friends, no one trusts her words, such as her sister, fiancé, etc.

Conventional routine.

Only the ex-boyfriend chose to believe and kept helping.

In the end, Rose not only failed to save herself, but also successfully tricked others into becoming the next carrier.

Those who were willing to help had the worst fate.

The relatives and friends who didn't believe and didn't help were alive and well.

This is so fucking, it's hard to watch.

It also shows that in the world of horror movies, you must learn to distinguish whether your teammates are worth saving.

For example, brave and resourceful people like Quinn and Kate can fight side by side.

If you encounter a pitfall, you should stay away from them.

So considering all factors, Xu Zhijian will definitely choose to solve the matter himself.

If you can avoid getting involved with the heroine, don't get involved, and try to keep your distance.

Anyway, this mission didn't require saving others.

And this is also for her good, preventing the possibility of being infected with the smile curse from the root.

Isn't it nice to live happily and peacefully?

After waiting for about ten minutes, the unconscious Laura finally woke up in a daze.

She looked at the ceiling with confused eyes, and still had that weird smile on her mouth.


Xu Zhijian couldn't help laughing when he saw this.

As a professional and capable chief of Horror Town, he usually wouldn't laugh.

Unless he couldn't help it.

A person's eyes were confused and dull, but there was an evil smile on his mouth.

This look is really unbearable!

Hearing the laughter, Laura's eyes quickly turned back to that gloomy feeling, and immediately turned his head to look at him.

Xu Zhijian couldn't help but say: "Turn your face back, don't you know it's really funny?"

Laura smiled and said: "I will die... You will die... Everyone will die!"

As she spoke, her voice suddenly turned into a low and hoarse male voice.

"You are the next one! Your time is up!"

He crossed his legs: "Well, keep talking, I'm listening."

"I'm afraid you don't know, remind you, don't use death to scare me, it's meaningless."

"Do you know that my brother actually died a long time ago?"

Laura was stunned when she heard it, ? ? ? ? , I feel that the CPU is a bit down.

But it doesn't matter, these are not the main points.

She still smiled strangely and said in a male voice: "Hehehe... You will be the next one, you can't stop me."

Xu Zhijian said nothing and suddenly attacked with a cross.

Pressed directly on her forehead.

However, the expected scene of the evil ghost being injured did not appear, and Laura's voice returned to a female voice.


She ran quite fast.

My sneak attack was only one second, and I couldn't catch it.

By the way, it is also possible that the evil ghost didn't possess me at all.


At this time, someone knocked on the door and pushed it open. It was a nurse.

There were two dinners in her hand.

She smiled and reminded: "Dinner time is almost here, I'll get it for you."

"Oh, okay, thank you."

Xu Zhijian subconsciously glanced at the time, and it was already seven o'clock in the evening.

It passed really fast.

He stood up and said: "Please help take care of it, I need to go to the bathroom."

The nurse nodded: "OK, go ahead."

Two minutes later.

Xu Zhijian returned quickly and took a look at Laura first. There was nothing unusual.

The nurse had something else to do and left without staying.

He took out a hamburger and shook it: "Just tell me if you want to eat, otherwise I'll eat it all."

He ate it while talking.

Laura didn't say anything, closed her eyes with that weird smile, and didn't move.

After eating and drinking, Xu Zhijian threw the garbage into the bucket, drank a sip of coffee and started to browse his phone.

Mainly searching for news about this matter.

The latest report is a doctor who committed suicide, that is, Laura's mentor.

This person attended a seminar a few days before committing suicide.

It's a coincidence... It should be said that it's very unlucky to witness a woman committing suicide.

The other party had a weird smile on her face before she died.

From that day on, the doctor became very strange.

He would often talk to the air, and it seemed that he could see people and things that others couldn't see.

At the same time, he also painted a lot of cult-style paintings.

They were all portraits.

According to the doctor, these were the people he saw, even including relatives who died early.

Then, he suddenly committed suicide.

It was basically the same as in the movie, but with a new plot:

Laura was called over specially.

When she came to the office, she found that the doctor's wife was also there.

But when the doctor saw her coming, he immediately drove his wife away.

Then, he suddenly committed suicide with a smile on his face.

Tsk tsk.

It was obvious that he wanted to drag his wife to be a bad guy at the beginning, and then suddenly "conscience" came to his senses.

That's why he chose Laura as a replacement.

The girl is miserable enough.

Thinking about it, Xu Zhijian subconsciously glanced at Laura who seemed to be asleep.

Then he continued to browse his phone.

But after just a few seconds of watching, he suddenly felt that something seemed to be wrong.

So he immediately raised his head and looked at her, and at the same time quickly stretched out his right hand to touch the other person's neck.

His face suddenly became gloomy!

Because there was no pulse? ! !

Xu Zhijian's heart suddenly jumped, and he hurriedly tried to smell his breath and touch the heart.

It's gone.

Laura really didn't breathe or have a heartbeat!


He couldn't help but curse out loud, he never thought that the other party would commit suicide in this way.

This is really unpredictable and impossible to do.

Under normal circumstances, such as cutting the throat with a knife, it is understandable, because it is just a matter of shivering.

It is too late to stop the survival instinct, and it is useless to regret.

But self-suffocation is too outrageous.

Although there are 8 billion people in the world, this kind of thing has happened.

But it is a minority after all.

The survival consciousness and instinct of living things cannot be resisted.

When holding your breath to a certain limit, the brain and cells will save themselves and force you to breathe again.

It is almost impossible to suffocate to death without any abnormality.

It can only mean that it was done by that evil ghost!

Perhaps it made Laura lose the perception of pain and blocked the death signal.

Oh right!

That female nurse!

She was here just now and witnessed Laura's death without knowing it.

In other words...Is she already under the smile curse? !

Thanks to the Illuminati and Leierjie Chen for their 100 book coins!

Thanks to Mumu's Tears, o近o, Triangle Head, Perfect Mode, and Book Friend 1827 for their monthly tickets.

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