People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 7 Survival Day 007: Resurrection and Death

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The Joker is once again lying in a pool of blood.

After several careful observations, Xu Zhijian calculated that its fastest resurrection time was fifteen seconds.

The longest is half an hour.

Of course this is intentional.

But generally speaking, the average is about one minute.

Then a bold idea came up.

As long as you can succeed, you don't have to worry about anything and you can rest peacefully until the mission is over.

But should we take the risk?

After thinking for a moment, he decided to end it directly.

Bang bang!

First, he fired a few shots and broke the clown's right arm and legs.

It becomes like a human pig.

In this way, even if it suddenly resurrects, it will not be able to regrow its limbs immediately to attack.

Then he walked out of the trench vigilantly and opened a rectangular stainless steel dining cabinet on the left.

The length, width and height are about 2-1-1.5 meters.

Then he carefully approached the body and kicked the severed limb in first.


At the same time, another shot was fired, blowing the clown's head off.

Plasma splattered onto his clothes.

The final step is to forcefully push the body into the cabinet.

Then quickly pass the wire through the handle and secure it with several loops.

Phew... Done!

Now even if the clown is resurrected, he will be trapped inside and unable to get out.

Of course this is not the end.

Xu Zhijian ignored the blood all over her body and immediately went out from the hole in the wall and got on the bulldozer.

Fortunately, I passed the driver's license test a long time ago and worked as an online ride-hailing driver for two and a half years.

So after a moment of fumbling around, I figured out how to open it.

He hit the wall hard several times, making the crack bigger.

Then he shoveled up the stainless steel cabinet with a bulldozer, then turned around and kicked off the accelerator.

At the same time, Art the clown was also resurrected.

While it was painfully growing its limbs again, it subconsciously wanted to stand up.


However, his head hit the top of the cabinet directly.

It was stunned for a moment and then groped around quickly, and immediately realized that it was locked in a small space.

It was anxious and angry, and hit hard to escape.

It's a pity that flesh and blood can't compare to steel, and there are no other superpowers.

It can only be useless work.

Listening to the banging banging sound, Xu Zhijian was in a happy mood.

So cool!

What a soul-destroying clown, huh, just an ordinary thing.JPG.

If you are better than a cow, then come out and beat me.

Soon I passed the park in Miles Town, so I turned around and drove straight in.

When he came to the wide artificial lake, he controlled the bulldozer and threw the box into the lake.

Blah blah blah...

The flat surface of the lake was broken, causing violent ripples.

The cabinet instantly sank and disappeared.


This time it's completely settled.

Although it still couldn't kill the Joker completely, it was enough to complete the task.

It can even trap it at the bottom of the lake forever.

Let it repeat the painful process of resurrection → drowning → resurrection → drowning.

Never ending.

Until someone without eyesight fished it out again.

Of course, I had already gone to the Nth world to play at that time. What I liked here had nothing to do with me.


Xu Zhijian let out a sigh of relief and could lie down completely for the next time.

After thinking about it, there was nowhere else to go.

So I sat in the car, observed, and patiently watched.

Avoid emergencies after leaving.

When I was bored, I thought of the strong man and the woman again. I wonder how they are doing now?

If everyone is in team mode, then a problem arises.

Now that he has met the clown, does that mean they don't have to meet each other anymore?

Doesn’t it mean that you just win by lying down?

If it wasn't a team mode, wouldn't there be three clowns? ?

Alas, I can't touch him and I can't contact him.

It's really curious.

at the same time.

The bottom of the lake is more than 20 meters.

The resurrected clown was submerged in the lake, unable to escape from the cabinet and unable to breathe.

He was soon drowned due to intense suffocation.

This was repeated twice, and a strange situation occurred.

I saw that it never actively resurrected and fell into a complete state of "suspended death".

He curled up and floated up and down in the water.

This was something Xu Zhijian didn't expect.

He really didn't know about this secret method. It turns out that the clown can actively control death and life.

No matter how many times you resurrect now, there is no point, it will only be a waste of energy.

So simply enter a state similar to that of an embryo.

There was no heartbeat and no vital signs, but he was still alive.

It can even last indefinitely.

He will wake up the day he is fished out.

Time passes like this little by little.

Unknowingly, the first ray of sunshine finally lit up the sky.

Halloween night is coming to an end.

At this time, there were already many people walking and doing morning exercises in the park.

Some passers-by were curious about why there was a bulldozer by the lake and couldn't help but look askance.

But Xu Zhijian ignored their eyes and stared at the time.

5:39 minutes.

5:40 minutes.

5:41 minutes.

5:42 minutes.

As the seconds came to the allotted time, the anticipated reminder finally sounded! !

A thrilling night passed.

"The positioning competition "The Soul-Destroying Clown" challenge was successful"

"Choose to return to the spring point immediately"


Xu Zhijian let out a long breath of excitement. He didn't want to stay for a second longer and chose to leave directly.

And just as he left.

Two police cars roared to the Lushan Pizza Shop, and four policemen got out of the car and walked into the shop with guns raised.

Plop... plop.

But no one expected that the ground was smeared with oil, and they slipped one after another.

"FUCK! What are these?"

"It's salad dressing, damn it, I'll go get the anti-slip equipment."

They crawled out while cursing, took out professional equipment from the car and buckled it on the soles of their shoes.

Then they entered the store again and walked smoothly to the cashier.

When they saw the horrible and bloody remains, they were stunned for a moment, and then ran out in fear.


The youngest police officer could no longer control himself and kept vomiting while holding a tree.

Although the other three did not vomit, their throats were itchy and their faces were pale.

Fifteen minutes ago.

The police received a call for the police. Someone said that they had heard loud noises and screams in the pizza shop before, and suspected a homicide.

So the four of them came to investigate.

Originally thought it was a common case, but it turned out to be so cruel and bloody!

Oh my God!

Who did this? !

The team leader called with a walkie-talkie: "A body was found in Lushan Pizza, requesting support, repeat..."

Just after the report was completed, the walkie-talkie brought new news from the command center.

"Several corpses were found in the building on Block 15, please ask the patrol officers nearby to go to protect the scene."

The four looked at each other and became more confused and shocked.

Another similar body? !

And that place is about two kilometers away from the pizza shop.

They looked at each other, wondering what happened last night, and there were murders one after another.

I just felt a little cold on my back.

The police are also human beings, and naturally they have emotions such as joy, anger, sorrow, happiness, fear, etc.

What's more, in horror movies, the police are just decorations, and they are always the last to clean up.

After a moment, he came to his senses, leaving the young police officer to guard, and the other three hurriedly got in the car and went to the scene.

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