People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 77 Survival Day 077: Ravensfield

Chapter 77 Survival Day 077: Ravens Phil

Xu Zhijian replied: "It is actually very easy to solve it. It only requires two steps."

"But this requires a major premise, that is, you must obey all my orders!"

"We are facing legendary evil spirits, not simple criminals."

"You are just an ordinary person, and I am a professional and know how to deal with them better than you."

"So don't think about being unique or thinking about what (I think) is."

"You must strictly obey and execute my orders, can you do it?"

Jamie didn't say anything, thinking this would be too exaggerated?

Xu Zhijian added: "What I asked you to do were normal actions. Don't worry that I will take the opportunity to frame you."

He shook his head: "That's not what I meant. I think the matter is serious. Am I qualified?"

He is also considered brave and resourceful in the movie.

Investigate the causes and consequences alone.

Knowing that Mary Xiao kills people through the target's scream, she has been trying to be on guard.

No matter how many scary scenes you encounter, keep calm and don’t break your defense.

have no choice.

In the end, he was frightened by the shocking turn and was defeated and killed.

Xu Zhijian: "Don't worry about this. What I ask you to do is very simple. Anyway, just follow the orders."

Jamie nodded decisively: "OK, I understand, I will do as you say."

"Very good. Stop by a gas station and buy two barrels of oil for later use."


Five minutes later, a gas station appeared ahead, and Jamie bought two barrels and put them in the back seat.

start again.

He couldn't help but continue to ask: "You said that you only need two steps to solve the problem, so what should you do in the first step?"

Xu Zhijian replied: "Simple, the first step is to fuck you first!"

Jamie:…? ?

Xu Zhijian realized that there was an ambiguity and quickly added: "What I mean is, first push your stepmother down and control her."

"Then plug the ball in your mouth to prevent any noise..."

Jamie:…………? ? ? ?

Xu Zhijian:…………

Why can't I explain this clearly?

He continued to organize his words: "What I want to say is that the woman your father is looking for is the stepmother you have never met."

"She is actually the most perfect puppet made by Mary Xiao!"

"It is also the 102nd one to be hidden."

"This package was sent to you secretly by her, just to lure you back to the town and kill you!"

"So we need to control and kill her as soon as possible to solve the biggest hidden danger."

"Then the second step will be much easier. Do you understand now?"

Jamie nodded repeatedly to show that he finally understood.

At the same time deeply shocked.

It turns out that the package was delivered by her, but a big living person... turned out to be a puppet? ?

This is beyond imagination!

Xu Zhijian added: "Oh, by the way, your father has been killed by her now, I'm sorry."

"What?!" Jamie was even more shocked: "Impossible! He called me several times a few days ago."

He said with great confidence: "Haha, those were all beaten by that woman, just to get you to go back."

"When I get to your house later, I will naturally believe it."

Jamie fell silent, feeling mixed emotions in his heart.

Because the relationship between him and his father was not good, and it was almost severed.

The reason is also very simple.

His father was once a manic, violent, and domestically violent scumbag.

Whenever I feel unhappy or drink too much, I take it out on my wife.

One day the wife couldn't bear it anymore and committed suicide.

Because of this, Jamie kept away from him forever and pretended that he had no father.

No living together, no meeting, no answering the phone.

So he had never met the so-called stepmother at all, but he only heard that he had found another woman.

Now that I know that my father was killed, I only have two thoughts.

1: Old Bden is finally dead.

2: It’s a pity that I didn’t do it myself.

After a moment of silence, Xu Zhijian asked: "How long will it take to reach the destination?"

Jamie came back to his senses and looked at the navigation: "It's almost there, about fifteen minutes."

He hummed: "Knock on the door later. As soon as the woman opens, we will control her."

"Remember, don't be soft-hearted or doubt me, and don't scream."

"You have to remember this at all times. No matter how horrifying the scene is, you must not scream."

Jamie nodded and was about to ask something, when he immediately thought of the strange story.

Don't scream when you see Mary Shaw, otherwise your tongue will be pulled out and you will die.

But it is a biological instinct to scream when encountering danger, right?

What if you can’t control it by then!

Xu Zhijian knew what he was worried about, so he bought the equipment to deal with it.

He took out a roll of thick, waterproof white tape from his bag.

He shook it and said, "Just wrap this around your mouth for a while, and then put on the mask again."

Jamie didn't question it and nodded in agreement.

ten minutes later.

A bridge across the river appeared ahead, and a large sign was erected on the right side of the road.

It reads:

"Welcome to Ravensfield, a peaceful home."

Xu Zhijian couldn't help but feel happy.

This title is hell.

At first, it was because the place was remote and there were few residents, so it seemed quiet and peaceful.

It's definitely more peaceful now (physics).

Because Mary Shaw had almost killed all the people, some died and some escaped.

The car drove over the bridge and officially entered the town.

At this time, Xu Zhijian saw a car following him from the rearview mirror.

He had noticed it half an hour ago.

But he was not surprised or strange, because he knew who the stalker was.

It was the third character in the movie: Detective Jim.

This person is currently in charge of Lisa's case and does not believe Jamie's nonsense at all.

According to his many years of experience as a police officer, he was sure that he killed his wife.

But the police did not have enough evidence for a while, so they had to let him go first.

At the same time, it was also a long-term plan to catch a big fish.

So Jim was not idle, but had been secretly tracking and investigating.

Finally, he finally knew the truth.

But he fell down the stairs when he was chased by Mary Shaw and screamed directly.

As a result, his tongue was pulled out.

Overall, he is a dedicated police officer, but he is also a burden and will cause a lot of trouble.

So he can't let him ruin things, and we must find a way to control him.

Xu Zhijian already had an idea.

As the car went deeper into the town, it could be seen that the place was basically completely abandoned.

The shops on both sides of the street either had no doors or windows or were damaged.

There was garbage everywhere on the ground, and no one had cleaned it for a long time.

All the way to the end, there were only three residents, and they were all elderly people.



After driving for a while, the only motel in the town that was still open finally appeared in front of us.

If it weren't for the fact that this road was an intersection, there would be foreign vehicles passing by from time to time to bring business.

It would have closed down ten years ago.

Xu Zhijian said: "Open a room here, and try to get things done within two days."


I just remembered that it's a holiday today after hearing what the person sitting next to me said. I wish everyone a happy holiday.

Except me.

Thanks to Jiuyiqianchen for supporting the 11th apprentice.

Thanks to all the book friends who voted.

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