People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 82 Survival Day 082: This is not right

Jamie was stunned when he heard it, then he opened his eyes wide and looked carefully.

As expected, he saw no shadow in the light!

There is also a similar saying abroad that "ghosts have no shadows", which is basically the same concept.

So he broke out in cold sweat on his back and felt a wave of fear.

At the same time, he was glad that he was stopped in time, otherwise he would have just gone there stupidly.

At that time, he would directly confront the evil ghost head-on... The consequences would be disastrous!

Xu Zhijian behind him whispered: "Leave here quietly now, follow me closely, and don't make any noise."

Jamie followed behind him obediently, tiptoeing, and trembling with nervousness.

More cautious than a thief.

And because it was too dark, he had to touch the wall with his hands and pull the corner of Xu Zhijian's clothes from time to time.

To avoid getting lost accidentally.

After walking for a while, Jamie suddenly felt that something was wrong with his hearing.

He could only clearly hear his own breathing and heartbeat, but could not hear any other sounds.

Although there was no movement now, it was not this dead silence.

What's going on? ?

At this time, Xu Zhijian suddenly said: "We are safe now, you can tear off the tape."

Jamie took off his mask without hesitation because of his absolute trust in him.

However, just as he was about to tear off the tape, a soft yellow light suddenly lit up from the opposite side.

At the same time, he seemed to hear a faint whistle? ?

He subconsciously blocked his eyes with his hands, wondering what was going on?

When he got used to the light, he saw Xu Zhijian running in front of him with a flashlight in one hand and a cross in the other.

His face was gloomy, but he was relieved.

Jamie was stunned when he saw this. No, isn't he just in front of him? ?

How could he run from a distance? ?

Thinking about tearing off the tape to ask clearly, he was stopped immediately.

Then Xu Zhijian took the lead in tearing it off, "Don't tear it off first! What you just saw were all illusions."

Jamie stopped his hand immediately, with a question mark in his head.

I thought, didn't you ask me to tear it open just now? Why don't you let me? What kind of hallucination is this? ?

Xu Zhijian explained: "The person or thing you met just now was not the real me."

"That was Mary Shaw's trick! Just to make you tear off the tape and scream in shock."

"Fortunately, I was one step ahead and heard the noise you made keenly, and saved you in time. Do you understand?"

After listening to the explanation, Jamie understood the cause and effect, mao gu song ran

But I couldn't believe that it was Mary Shaw just now? !

I clearly saw that he had no shadow. If it was an illusion... it was too damn real!

Bang bang bang!

Xu Zhijian was too lazy to explain anymore, and turned around and dodged the wall and fired several shots.

Holes were punched into the wood, and the sunlight came in directly, forming beams of light.


Then he kicked hard a few times and successfully kicked out a big hole.

I walked to the cave entrance and looked out. Great. The secret passage I was in was probably in the middle of the theater.

It was about five or six meters high.

It was impossible to jump out. I would definitely break my bones.

Fortunately, there was a slope of 30 to 40 degrees below, which could be used as a slide.

"Follow me! Otherwise, we will be burned to death."

Xu Zhijian got out first, and then slid down carefully while lying down.


Weeds and stones followed, making people sweat.

After a while, he successfully came to the ground, stood firm, and patted the dirt on his clothes.

And Jamie didn't waste time in a daze, and followed closely.


However, he was a little unlucky and didn't find a protruding stone hidden in the grass in front of him.

As he slid, he hit his crotch hard.

Oh, howl~ fatal hit.

He gasped in pain, his face turned red, and he quickly covered his mouth with a grin and turned the angle.

Finally, it landed successfully without any danger.

"Hahahaha~~ Sorry, I couldn't help it."

Xu Zhijian laughed out loud.

Jamie didn't complain and wasn't in the mood to complain. He bent over and covered his face with a frown, hoping that there would be no major problems.

At the same time, he tore off the tape.

It was almost relieved. He raised his head and watched the flames and black smoke with Xu Zhijian silently.

Watched for five minutes.

He couldn't help asking: "Xu, this time it can be regarded as completely eliminating Mary Shaw, right?"

Xu Zhijian shook his head: "Not yet, I can only say that it has been completed 99%, and there is only one last point, but it is very easy."

He took out the puppet Billy and shook it.

Jamie immediately realized that Mary Shaw needed to possess the puppet to exist in the world, and 101 had been burned.

Only this one is left.

But why didn't they burn together just now?

Xu Zhijian naturally wouldn't tell him the truth, and hung the cross on Billy's neck.

After waiting for a while, nothing happened.


He was stunned, wondering what was going on. It was different from what he expected.

Is Mary Shaw stronger than expected?

Can she ignore the damage of the cross?

No, that's not right!

If it was really beyond expectations, it wouldn't have been so easy to complete the plan just now.

But now that all other carriers have been destroyed, it can only possess this only puppet.

Why is there no response?

What went wrong?

Xu Zhijian frowned and thought deeply. Whether in reality or in the movie, Mary Shaw can only exist by possessing a puppet.

If you want to kill someone, you have to wait for the other party to scream.

This basic rule is not wrong.

Now Ella, Edward, and the other 100 puppets are all burned.

It stands to reason that it can only possess Billy.

This is exactly what he wants, and he can easily kill it with a cross.

There is no need to hurt the puppet and unlock the collection room function.

The ideal is very perfect.

But why is the reality so cruel? !

Jamie saw his serious face and immediately guessed that the situation might not be good.

So he carefully reminded: "Could it be that the puppets inside were not all burned? Missed one?"

Xu Zhijian shook his head decisively to indicate that it was impossible.

When pouring gasoline just now, I took special care of those puppets and poured gasoline on each one.

Even if I can't burn others, they will die.

But what went wrong? Why did it appear without any abnormality?

After thinking about it, there seems to be only one possibility: maybe there is a puppet hidden somewhere!

It should not be in the theater, and it cannot be hidden in the face of the fire.

Where could it be?

Xu Zhijian suddenly said: "Let's go! Look for it in your house again, there may be a dark room!"


The two did not hesitate, rowed to the other side, and then turned around and drove back.

Back to the manor.

Xu Zhijian found that the gate of the manor was not locked, and the housekeeper did not know where he went.

Maybe he was scared by the previous gunshots and went to the police.

But I can't care about these.

The two opened the door with the key, searched the hall first, and then searched around separately.

Kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, etc.

From the first floor to the second floor, and then went up to the attic.


The mentality is almost adjusted.

If you think my work is okay, I hope the big guys can generously reward me and vote for a month.

I can get feedback, which will motivate me to write more and write well!

Thanks to Maohe Laoshu, Guzhu Yinlong, Yanyujin, Cricket Qimu, Zhang He Xiaolu, Water Otter, Zhonger Huihui, China is Strong, and Qiluzhaolu for their monthly tickets.

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