People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 90 Survival Day 090: All Routine

There are necessary equipment such as food, medicine, fire source, water filter, paper map, compass, solid gasoline, etc.

There is also a dagger.

A foldable multi-functional shovel, about 1.5 meters.

The firepower is really not good.

However, Xu Zhijian does not rely on these things. The weapons and skills he has are the key!

He is ahead of two unlocked privileges at the beginning, which is enough to deal with the current situation.

After a short rest, everyone got up and carried large and small bags on their backs and continued to move forward.

Xu Zhijian deliberately walked at the end of the team and carefully observed the surrounding terrain and situation.

The quiet forest echoed with voices, and some birds and insects were startled from time to time.

It was very comfortable.

But there was also an inexplicable sense of depression.

After walking for about half an hour, Draven suddenly stopped and held the compass back and forth to find the direction.

"Damn, there is a problem! Can yours still be used?"

Everyone heard it and took it out one by one to check, and found that they all had problems, and the pointer was moving randomly.

"Hmm? Mine is broken too."

"What's going on? All of them broke down at the same time?"

"Strange, is there a strong magnetic field here?"

Everyone was talking about it.

But Xu Zhijian was unmoved, and even expected it.

Classic routine, late but late.

After discussing for a while, everyone calmed down, because they had encountered this situation before.

It's normal, there's no need to be too nervous.

And a backup plan has been made.

Jenny took out a paper map: "Hmm... where are we now?"

Everyone gathered together to study.

"It seems so."

"It's a bit different from the compass coordinates, it shouldn't be here."

"Idiot, you're wrong, it's here."

After discussing for a while, they still couldn't make up their minds. It was already 5:30 in the afternoon.

But it was already dark in the forest like 7 o'clock.

For safety reasons, they could only find a stable place around to set up tents for the night.

Four tents.

One for Xu Zhijian.

One for Jenny.

One for each of the two pairs.

After lighting a bonfire and taking out food, everyone sat around and ate and chatted.

Xu Zhijian took the opportunity to check the season information.

He found that although the ranking list had officially started to be updated, there was no first place and subsequent rankings.

Because no one has yet obtained season points.

He didn't know what the so-called achievements and levels were, and how many could be obtained in this forest in total?

After turning off the information, Xu Zhijian suddenly said: "Guys, have you heard of a legend here?"

Everyone stopped chatting after hearing this.

Jenny asked curiously: "What legend?"

He thought for a while and said: "I saw it on the Internet, saying that there is a monster in this forest."

"No one knows what they look like, because everyone who has seen them has been eaten."

"A few years ago, someone claimed to have the only photo of the monster and posted it on the Internet."

"But the pixels are too poor, and it was taken from a long distance, so it is hard to tell what it is."

"So I hope everyone will be vigilant and act carefully."

"If you encounter danger, don't fight among yourself or act alone. It's best to follow my arrangements. OK?"

Everyone looked at each other after hearing this, feeling both puzzled and amused.

What the hell is going on here.

Let’s not talk about the Bear Mountain Forest area, which has been proven to be dangerous and free of wild animals, and is an open natural park.

Let’s talk about those so-called urban legends, which are also found in large quantities on the Internet.

But they are basically nonsense and cannot be trusted.

Draven couldn’t help but tease: “Have you really lost your mind? You actually believe these things.”

Ike agreed: “Yes, you must have smoked secretly in private, I thought you wouldn’t do such a thing.”

They are talking about smoking leaves.

This thing is almost the same as tobacco in the United States, and it is legal and rampant in many states.

Xu Zhijian deliberately shrugged: “Ha, I just said it casually to find a topic, don’t take it seriously.”

The reason why I said this is to remind them.

Not for them.

But for myself.

Because once in danger, he will first ensure the safety of himself and those who are willing to listen.

If anyone wants to resist and be independent, then it’s up to you.

I will never care.

Just don’t hold yourself back.

Draven and the others didn't care about what was said, and immediately continued to talk and laugh.

Only Jenny looked at him twice, a little thoughtful.

After eating and drinking, he looked at the time. It was just eight o'clock in the evening.

Xu Zhijian said directly: "I'm very dizzy. I'm going to sleep first. I'll be the first to stand guard later."

"OK, go."

Everyone agreed and continued to drink beer, listen to music and chat.

He walked into the tent and put the shovel next to him, and then fell asleep soon.

Although I don't know what monsters are hidden in the forest.

But according to the general horror movie routine, it is still a safe period.

So I must take the opportunity to get well and be convenient for standing guard in the middle of the night.

He dare not leave his own safety to others.


I don't know how long I slept, and I felt someone patting my shoulder gently in a daze.

Xu Zhijian woke up immediately and instinctively grabbed the shovel.

Jenny whispered: "Xu, everyone should rest, I came to call you specially."

"Oh, okay, thank you."

He sat up and stretched, then took his equipment and walked out with her.

Jenny said good night and went into her tent to rest.

He sat by the campfire and looked at the time. It was already past midnight.

Time passed quickly.

The temperature difference between day and night in the forest is very large.

It felt hot and humid during the day, but it felt like a late autumn night at this time. It was cold and he quickly put on his coat.

Then he deliberately sat down against a tree to avoid being attacked from behind and observed the surroundings vigilantly.


In the forest at midnight, the sound of the campfire was particularly loud.

You can also see white mist spreading and floating slowly.

The dew on the leaves dripped rhythmically.

In the dark distance, there were occasional calls of unknown animals.

Everything was so weird.

Another excellent location for horror movies.

In order to see more clearly, Xu Zhijian turned on the flashlight and put it aside as a searchlight.

Speaking of which, it would be nice to have a drone at this time.

Go up to the sky to have a bird's eye view and monitor the situation within a few hundred meters around at any time.

After a while, he got up and went behind the tree to urinate.

Even when it was convenient, he didn't care, and continued to lean against the tree, and then faced the open area in front to shoot.

Because according to the conventional routine of horror movies, the more times like this, the easier it is to be attacked.

After the solution, he turned back and added some firewood to make the bonfire more vigorous.

At the same time.

Xu Zhijian didn't notice that two green spots suddenly lit up behind the dark grass and trees in the distance.

Then it disappeared in a flash.

And through the analysis of size and shape structure, it seems to be a pair of eyes? !

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