Coming to this amazing conclusion, Shen Long rang his exclusive bell.

“Hello sir, is there anything I can do for you?” The maid, dressed in a sweet maid costume, pushed open the door of the master bedroom.

“You came just in time, go and help me get 50 kilograms of scrap iron.” Shen Long’s head did not lift his head and ordered.

“Sir, what did you just say?” Although the maid had heard Shen Long’s request clearly, she still refused to believe her ears.

“Are all the maids at the Queen’s Hotel deaf?” Shen Long was a little unhappy, he felt that his English was authentic enough.

At this moment, a butler in an elegant tuxedo walked in, and he looked like a standard old English gentleman.

“Lina, what are you doing, I can hear the guests complaining about you in the living room, I think I should really give you two days off and let you see your damn ears, as this guest accused, the Queen Hotel is not deaf.”

“But, Lord Butler.”

“No, but you’re fired.”

“50 kg of scrap iron, sir? Shop for you now. ”

“3Q, here’s your tip.” Shen Long casually pulled out a few thousand dollars, glanced at the maid who was almost crying, and said calmly: “There is no need to dismiss, and my attitude just now is not very friendly.” “

“Oh my God, you are such a magnanimous gentleman.” The butler was polite enough to bend down and bow.

“May the Lord bless you.” The maid lifted the hem of her skirt and squatted slightly.

“Okay, okay, you all go, half an hour at most, I want to see what I want.”

If there is anything most powerful in the world, it must be money.

After all, if you have money, you can really do whatever you want.

After waiting for the scrap iron to be in place, Shen Long locked the door and began his experiment.

50 kg of raw materials detected, current convertible quantity: 1, is it exchanged? ”


[Redemption successful, please pay attention to check.] 】

Shen Long only felt that the scrap iron disappeared in front of him, and what remained on the ground was a brand new AK47 assault rifle.

“2B。” Shen Long is so big and has never played with a real guy, so he can only ask 2B for the matter of testing guns.

2B picked up the AK47, skillfully loaded the ammunition, went to the insurance, walked to the balcony, and slammed into the sky a few times.

“How’s the quality?” Shen Long couldn’t wait to ask.

“Dragon, only the most regular military factories can produce such military-sized weapons.”

“Great.” Getting this good news, Shen Long was so excited that he didn’t sleep well all night.

He woke up early the next day and asked the hotel driver to drop him off and 2B downtown.

Since the quality is no problem, then mass production can be considered.

He decided to start with the AK47, after all, it is the king of sales, and he does not worry about sales.

If you want to get a lot of scrap steel, it is unrealistic to buy it piecemeal, and the best way is to buy a factory that does scrap purchase.

In this way, you can open a production line, constantly have to print money abroad, and while printing money, you can also earn points, isn’t it beautiful?

In life, you should set a small goal, such as earning it 100 million first.

When the time comes, give 100 million points stud to the system, why can’t you mix a set of old Tony’s steel suit to wear?

As early as last night, Shen Long selected a comprehensive waste collection station through the Internet.

This acquisition station is mainly based on recycling scrapped and second-hand cars, with some waste steel, copper, iron and aluminum and so on.

Due to the remote geographical location and poor management, it has been in a loss state.

Shen Long gave the other party a satisfactory price through preliminary negotiation on the phone.

I came to interview today in order to reach an agreement and acquire this site as a whole.

But when Shen Long met the seller with a box of US dollars, the other party’s attitude took a sharp turn of 180 degrees.

This American businessman named Paul first complained about the Chinese people in Gotham’s Chinatown, believing that this group of overly “hardworking” foreigners had robbed them of too many businesses and jobs for the aborigines.

Even though the price given by Shen Long has overflowed more than twice the normal purchase price, he still has prejudice in his heart and expresses dissatisfaction with Shen Long’s new immigration status, saying that even if the factory is closed, he is not willing to sell it to him.

In this regard, Shen Long has nothing to say, and buying and selling is not benevolent and righteous.

However, there is also an old saying among flower growers, which is called relying on parents at home and relying on friends when going out.

When Shen Long was so righteous that he asked Sheriff Gordon for help, this man who was crawling on the white road immediately used the connections he had accumulated.

The next day, two employees claiming to be tax collectors approached Paul with a thick stack of tax bills, claiming that he had missed enough taxes to get him through jail.

Afterwards, Shen Long promised Gordon that after the transfer procedures were completed, he would donate guns and ammunition to GCPD every month in his personal name.

Gordon reminded Shen Long not to go too far, after all, it was illegal for him to do so before he got a “federal weapons license”.

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