Under Selena’s terrified gaze, the training ground gradually tilted, and the ice surface was constantly raised under the control of hidden mechanisms, which were used to climb and jump ice blocks of different sizes, and the ice only stayed for a few seconds, and then retracted back into the ice, dazzling as it entered and exited.

“Selena, you can hold on for 60 seconds without falling, even if you pass the first stage of the test.”

Shen Long’s prompt made Selena breathe a sigh of relief, and after she figured out the rules of the game, her spirit relaxed a lot.

This girl deftly jumped around on the sloping ice, and from time to time turned back to make a face at Shen Long, sending out mockery such as “I can do this when I was in kindergarten” and “dare to come to something difficult”.

Shen Long stood in the viewing area of the training ground, standing with his hands in his hands, smiling without speaking.

The reason why he designed the ice pavilion is to strengthen his physical reaction with Selena, after all, the attributes included in his super soldier physique do not include super reactions, and only through devil special training can make up for this shortcoming.

The first ten seconds of the first test stage, just to allow the trainee to adapt to the rhythm, will gradually increase the difficulty, until the last ten seconds, not only will the ice surface be completely upright, but the residence time of the ice cube will be crazy shortened, the shortest time is even only 0.5 seconds.

This is no longer a simple test of the body’s reflexes, but a test of the brain’s ability to anticipate the surrounding situation.

Only people with a cool head can survive to the end in this cruel training.

Thirty seconds passed…

Selena, who could still continue to play poor with Shen Long, finally underwent a subtle change in her mentality.

Now not only is the ice tilting so badly, but the ice is getting harder and harder to step on, and she began to use her hands and feet together to find a way to climb higher.

Because this can increase a part of the error tolerance, even if you accidentally step on the short, there is a chance to remedy it in the process of falling.

“It seems that I really underestimated this girl, she can even think of this step temporarily.”

Shen Long stood outside the field and muttered, in his original vision, Selena would definitely make a big heel.

What Shen Long didn’t know was that although Selena usually grinned, when she was in danger, she would enter a state called “empty self”, which was the last stunt that the armless master taught her before leaving.

Selena, who enters the state of emptiness, temporarily closes her perception, and she feels nothing except her body and objects.

Shen Long raised his wrist, pointed the minute hand for fifty seconds, and the test entered the final stage.

The ice surface is perpendicular to the pool below and stands completely on the calm water.

The high-speed and irregular movement of ice cubes on the ice wall is like playing the keys of a wild bee flying, and a series of afterimages can only be captured with the naked eye.

The same is true of Selena’s swift steps, like performing microsteps in space without gravity.

“Oh my God, it’s incredible.”

Shen Long sighed from the bottom of his heart, even he himself only achieved the goal of holding on to 60 seconds after falling into the water seven times tragically.

Fifty-five seconds, enter the final testing phase.

“Countdown, 5, 4, 3, 2… ???”

Just when Shen Long was about to finish counting the seconds, Selena suddenly made a mistake in precipitation, and her body quickly fell into the pool below.


After splashing water, Selena surfaced and climbed ashore in embarrassment.

“Fak! I actually slipped my hand! ”

Selena sat on the shore in a huff, ruffling her wet curls with her hands, and her white little face was full of chagrin and unwillingness.

She is a competitive girl, growing up like this, and her tolerance for mistakes is almost zero.

“Selena, you are only one second away from passing the final test.”

Shen Long walked to her, took off his coat, and draped it over her body soaked in cold water.

“I’m a little wronged.” The kitten tightened his coat and looked at Shen Long with resentment in his eyes.

Shen Long smiled calmly: “Everyone who hangs on the battlefield says that they are wronged.” ”

“Nasty.” The girl tilted her head on Shen Long’s shoulder: “Can’t you comfort people?” ”

“Comfort?” Shen Long stretched out his hand to hold her shoulder and muttered: “Silly girl, you are already great, I only lasted until 45 seconds in the first challenge, and fell into the water seven times before I passed the test.” ”

“Haha, really? You’re a big idiot. ”

Selena, who was inexplicably poked in the laughter, immediately turned cloudy on her small face.

Just listening to Shen Long’s verbal description, she was already very happy, and to let her see the actual picture, this girl was estimated to be able to laugh.

“Okay, I’m stupid, just you’re smart.”

Shen Long has always scoffed at Selena’s childish ghost behavior of gloating, but this child is so natural that Shen Long is too lazy to calculate with her.

“Brother, you close your eyes.”

“What for?” Shen Long had a sense of foreboding, this girl, shouldn’t she be thinking… With me, right?

This Nima is in broad daylight, and the impact is not very good when it is passed out, right? Lao Tzu also wants to evaluate the top ten outstanding young people in Gotham City.

“Oh, just shut it up, don’t ask so much.”

Selena’s shy and cute expression made Shen Long a little overwhelmed.

Go special, no matter how much it is, isn’t it just kissing? Anyway, fertile water does not flow into the fields of outsiders.

But after Shen Long closed his eyes, he immediately realized that something was wrong, and as for what was wrong, he couldn’t say it, anyway, it was wrong.


Just as Shen Long was thinking about it, a basin of cold water fell from the sky, pulling him from the dream back to the cold reality.

“Dead girl, you just wait for your ass to be opened!”

Shen Long sat in place like a chicken that had fallen into soup, wanting to cry and tearless, squeezing out such a sentence from between his teeth.

Is this the legendary qi shaking cold?

Selena, who succeeded in the prank, had long since slipped away without a shadow, and her magical laughter echoed throughout the ice hall.

“This is the first time I’ve been scammed?”


The people who were soaked in cold water were not only Shen Long and Selena, but also another guy who didn’t look like a person.

The killer crocodile has been lurking near West Port on Naiho Island for two days and one night, and has never landed during this time.

When hungry, dive to the shallow sea, catch some small fish and shrimp to maintain physical strength, and the rest of the time is spent to find out Ethan Taylor’s movements.

The king of arms stationed on Naihe Island, relying on the natural port advantage, energy is constantly smuggled from the sea, and through the sale to the underworld forces on Naihe Island, he has become a legendary boss in Gotham City.

It is said that even Falcone’s family forces have business dealings with Ethan Taylor and often buy the arms provided by this guy.

And at this moment, the king of arms, because of the tragic death of Tang Hangu and the capture of John Channing, is like a frightened bird, wanting to escape Gotham City overnight and go to the Hawaiian Islands on the other side of the ocean to avoid the limelight…

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