You must know that Gotham’s society hates traitors the most, and among traitors, whistleblowers are the most despised.

It was precisely because Penguin grasped this that he would make such a dangerous move, and he wanted to find Falcone in person after Shen Long exposed him and told him that Shen Long must be executed.

In fact, his real purpose is to let Falcone leave his life, and after Shen Long “executed” him, he will lurk back to Gotham, find Falcone’s nemesis, Maroni, and be determined to take revenge on his former employer.

Manilo is naturally convinced of this and will inevitably use him, so that as an avenger, he has transformed from a humble umbrella boy to Falcone’s henchman.

When the third domino is knocked down, it is the key to turning the penguin around.

But about this, Penguin’s plan did not mention it, and Shen Long could not reason it.

But he can smell the penguin’s seemingly seamless plan, but in fact it is a murderous plot.

This key point is that the choice of the executioner, according to the rules of the fish gang, the inner ghost is generally executed by the person who catches the inner ghost, and Shen Long let him send the penguin on the road because he exposed the crime of the penguin, which makes sense.

But what Shen Long considered was that whether the penguin was dead or alive, the handle of his “execution” of the penguin would be firmly caught by others, which was the last thing he wanted to see.

And whether Penguin takes this into account or not, he will not give Penguin another chance, because in the chess game of several forces, he does not want to be any pawn, but wants to become a chess player who controls the overall situation.

Only by doing this can he survive in the dangerous Gotham!

“Even if you lurk at Manilo’s side and become Falcone’s henchman, as you planned, what method do you use to take down the fish mother?”

“This… I haven’t figured it out yet. Penguin replied a little nervously, “But don’t worry, give me a certain amount of time, and I can find it.” ”

“But you don’t have time.” Shen Long grabbed his hair, dragged him all the way to the balcony outside the living room, and after pressing his upper body down, said: “This is the second tallest building in Gotham City, second only to Wayne Building, if you accidentally fall from here, the chance of survival is the same as the chance of you being pursued by a beautiful chick, want to try?” ”

“Dragon, I beg you not to torture me, how did you become so violent today, this is not like you at all.” Penguin was so anxious to make friends with Shen Long: “And as you said, we are real friends.” ”

“Friends?” Shen Long looked at the crowd on the ground who were busy like ants moving, “Coming out of your mouth is an insult to these two words.” ”

As Shen Long spoke, Leng Buding pushed him down, and when he was about to fall down, he grabbed his tie again.

“Click… Dragon, don’t kill me… Don’t…”

The short body of the penguin hangs in mid-air, and at his feet, it is the abyss of death!

And in front of his eyes, it was Shen Long’s death gaze, and under Shen Long’s gaze, he felt a violent murderous intent.

“I have to admit, you are quite lucky, the quality of your tie, absolutely worth its price.”

“Click, click… The penguin stuck out his tongue in pain, and the strong sense of suffocation made him once again experience the feeling of being embraced by the goddess of death, his eyes had rolled white, and the whole person was like a hanged ghost, and the degree of struggle was getting smaller and smaller.

“Dragon.” Only then did 2B speak up and remind: “I detected that his vital signs were rapidly draining, and after a maximum of five seconds, his heartbeat would stop, and the behavior was irreversible.” ”

“It should be almost.” Shen Long silently recited in his heart, and dragged his body up before the penguin was about to fall into hell.

After landing on the balcony, this guy covered his neck and gasped violently, his face was like a steak with medium-cooked sauce.

“Catch your breath, just get me in!” Shen Long seemed to be treating a falling dog, and he didn’t glance at the penguin and walked over his legs.

“Can you turn it over for me now, your last hole card?”

Shen Long didn’t believe that after experiencing such torture and fright, this guy could still hold his breath.

And the response Penguin gave him was still the same rhetoric just now, this crazy gambler, until now, is not willing to give up resistance.

Shen Long admired his forbearance, but it was also time to sacrifice a killer weapon.

After the video signal of the notebook is connected, the picture displayed on the kitten’s side is already in the cabin that is about to take off.

“Hi, hello Mr. Penguin.” She playfully waved at the penguin, turned the camera again, pointed at Mrs. Ron next to her, and grinned: “Look who this is, is it familiar?” ”

“Oh, no!!!” The penguin, who had just pretended to be calm, suddenly knelt on the camera and let out a heart-rending roar.

His rapid collapse was something Shen Long had never expected…

ps: Keep asking for flowers la

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