Looking at his pitiful, and bone-crushing face, Falcone waved his hand, and a bald killer standing beside him immediately walked over and pointed a silenced pistol at the penguin’s head.

This man’s name is Victor, who resembles the protagonist of the game “Killer” series, is Falcone’s most loyal executioner, and his hand-to-hand combat skills and achievements in cold weapons are the key to his dominance of Gotham killer world compared to shooting.

A tight suit and black leather gloves are his only attire that remains unchanged throughout the seasons.

The intention is to cover the knife wounds on his body, and it is rumored that every time this guy kills someone, he will use a knife to carve a knife into his body, and his killing journey will not come to an end until there is no better place to cut the knife.

“Victor, wait.” Fishmooney didn’t seem to want to see the penguin fall in a pool of blood.

Vidoc opened the insurance and posed for execution: “I’m sorry, you are not qualified to order me.” ”

His voice was gloomy and strange, as if it came from the netherworld, and he could not hear the slightest sense of what a human should have.

“Fish, preventing others from going to God is not what Catholics should be.” Falcone gently stroked a chubby orange cat and said in a hoarse voice.

“But he did that to save me.” Fishmooney argued, “I don’t want him to be missing half of his head when he sees God.” ”

“Oh, come on, boss, we have too many brothers who have gone to God, and there are few who can keep their bodies intact, do you want him to be an outlier in the eyes of the big guys over there?” Butch fanned the flames on the sidelines, hoping that Vidok would pull the trigger as soon as possible so that the entire Fish Gang would be taken over by him.

“Butch, you shut up for me!” Fishmuni glared at him fiercely, and turned his gaze to Falcone: “Your Excellency, I would like to ask you two things in the end. ”

“Of course.” Falcone straightened up and put his hands together on the table: “You have made great contributions to the society, no matter what kind of request you make, it is not excessive.” ”

Fishmooney was silent for a moment and spoke: “First, I need a ticket to Europe, any country, and I will leave tonight.” ”

“No problem.” Falcone: “Fish, I am saddened to lose you, it is like one of my arms was cut off.” ”

“Second thing.” This time, Fishmuni was silent for a longer time, but finally couldn’t help but say: “I ask you, after I leave, let Penguin take my place, because only he can lead the Iceberg Club to extraordinary and immortal.” ”

“Ahem… What a rhetoric. Falcone shifted his gaze to the slightly trembling penguin: “As you wish, but I only give him three months, if the business does not improve, I can only give him another job, this is still for your face.” ”

“Thank you for your generosity, Your Excellency, and may the Lord be with you.” After receiving the grace of Falcone, Fishmooney gave Butch and then Penguin a final hug and goodbye.

As the enemy of Gotham City, she must run away, and if she stays here for one more day, the number of madmen who want to capture her will double.

As the car drove to the Iceberg Club, she noticed several young children standing far away and throwing stones inside.

The originally lively bar was not cared for at the moment, but was splashed with a lot of paint by the mob, and pedestrians took out their mobile phones to take pictures, uploading this retaliatory sabotage to social networks, causing heated discussions and likes from netizens.

As for the detectives of GCPD, they also turned a blind eye and watched from afar, as long as no one set fire to the street, then let them make trouble.

“Victor, let’s go, there’s nothing to see here.” Fishmooney sighed, she didn’t expect that her wonderful life would come to an end in such an absurd way.

Looking at herself in the reflection of the car window, the cool girl who fought on Naiho Island when she was young is gone, replaced by crow’s feet that slowly increase at the corners of her eyes, and a few damn white hairs that occasionally pop out.

On the way to the airport, she edited a text message on her phone, addressed to Penguin, which read the following – either ascend the throne or destroy Gotham!

But she has been hesitating whether to send the text message.

It wasn’t until the car drove into the airport parking lot, Victor excused himself to go down to help her carry her luggage, Fishmoony finally relieved, after sending the text message, she deleted the sending record, casually took out a lipstick from her pocket, and smeared it into the reversing mirror.

When Victor appeared behind her, Fishmooney simply whispered, “Wait until I’m done with the last few strokes.” ”

After completing the delicate makeup that belonged only to her, the gang sister who had called for wind and rain in Gotham City closed her eyes with relief.

It’s all over, everything, it’s time to end.

“Do it, Victor.” She said lightly: “Tell Falcone that my next life will be a shark, a big shark that can command the ocean, so please be sure to let the penguins and Butch throw my body into the sea with their own hands, this is my dedication to the ocean – the last tenderness.” ”

An extremely thin steel wire quietly poked out from the darkness, slowly approaching her slender neck…

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