No one expected that the kitten with a double dagger as a weapon would suddenly project the dagger as a shuriken after avoiding Hannah’s domineering sweep.

This was a fatal blow to Hannah, but with her excellent reflexes, she dodged in a thrilling way, and the sharp dagger even cut a wisp of her sideburns.

But Selena’s next move was even more unexpected, because not only did she not follow up, but she even threw another dagger at Hannah, trying to block her next move.

Sure enough, Hannah, who was cornered, did not have time to launch a counterattack, but dodged the second dagger in an extremely dangerous position.

And this is exactly what Selena wants to see, she wins a chance to defeat the enemy in one move at the cost of losing her combat weapons.

In the eyes of everyone in the scene, this is not a trick, it is pure gambling luck, and there is only a 50% success rate.

But thankfully, Selena made the right bet, and after changing her mind, she fully understood what the Armless Master taught her.

At this moment, Selena is no longer a kitten, but a small leopard with sharp teeth and claws.

In Hannah’s terrified eyes, Selena had already pounced on her, her head slamming into her chest without Hannah making any counteraction.

Selena’s strength is not great, but with the whole body as the power, let alone a woman, even a strong man like Harvey will be caught off guard.

Having lost her center of gravity, Hannah realizes it’s all over.

In the next second, she fell heavily to the ground, and what appeared in front of her was the claws of a kitten, and her perennial pickpocketing career had made her develop the ability to use her fingers as a sword, as long as she wanted to, Hannah would immediately lose her eyes and become a complete blind.

But Selena still stopped, after all, she had no deep hatred with this woman, only against a bastard like old White, she would show no mercy and leave an indelible scar on his face.

But Selena’s only remaining innocence killed almost everyone present.

Because after Hannah lost the duel, she resolutely decided the chemical grenade on her body.

Once this special grenade explodes, it will release the heat energy of a petrol bomb in an instant, allowing the hot flames to engulf the entire room.

“Selena, flash away!” Almost out of an instinctive reaction, Shen Long suddenly pounced on the kitten and rolled down to the corner with her.

2B hugged Hannah, who was laughing maniacally, dragged her to the window with brute force, and threw her out a second before the grenade was about to explode.

Due to the tight time, the grenade exploded in mid-air, and the scattered tongues of fire immediately burned Hannah into char.

In order to avoid accidentally injuring people in the room, 2B turned his back to the window and used his arms and his body to block the heat energy that would have rushed into the room.

“2B!!!” Shen Long, who witnessed this scene with his own eyes, quickly rushed towards her after bursting out with a roar.

2B’s expression did not change in the slightest, but her mechanical body was already difficult to support her to continue standing, and after barely supporting her body with a katana, Shen Long saw a large area of burns and burns on her back.

The superplastic gel has been burned, and the metal shell and wire are directly exposed to the air, bursting out a series of sparks that resemble a short circuit.

Shen Long completely ignored that the high temperature on 2B’s back would burn her arm, and held her tightly in his arms, feeling as uncomfortable as a sharp knife stirring his heart.

The red light above the auxiliary machine flashes frequently, and mechanized voice prompts such as “body damage, please repair it as soon as possible” are issued.

“Dragon, I’m okay.” 2B seemed to be able to understand Shen Long’s thoughts, reached out and touched his face: “Prosthetic people can’t feel pain, this is the biggest difference between me and you humans, but now, I have to cut off the power and enter the deactivation mode, if I continue to maintain the operation of the system, it will cause irreversible damage to my body, so please don’t be afraid, we will meet again in the future, goodbye, I… My dear host. ”

As soon as 2B finished saying this, his body immediately lost consciousness and collapsed in Shen Long’s arms.

“Brother, is Miss 2B dead?” Selena asked tremblingly, her little face filled with panic, because she had no idea that real terrorists could never be justified, and their beliefs were only death and destruction.

“You’re dead! Shut your crow mouth! Shen Long was so angry that he yelled at her, because only he knew that 2B was actually bound to the system, and as long as the corresponding system points were spent, her damaged body could be repaired.

It’s just that this repair cycle, ranging from 24 o’clock to a few days, depends on the degree of damage of 2B and whether the core components are destroyed.

Theoretically, in addition to the removal of the mechanical life heart, the prosthetic person can repair it no matter how much damage it is. However, in practice, a large number of severely damaged prosthetics will be unloaded into eight pieces, and the remaining broken copper and iron will be rebuilt after removing recyclable components and inserts. _

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