People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 122 Draw three times in a row with the magic spell, and have you withdrawn gold?

It's a long story, but in Dumbledore's eyes, Luo Chen just thought for three or four seconds.

"Then... If that's the case, I'm grateful for Hogwarts' love, and I'll stay for a while longer!" Luo Chen made a decision.

This Hogwarts Academy's special contribution award rarely appears in the original book, but it has an extraordinary status. Luo Chen thinks that he can use this award to judge the approximate range of the settlement of such influence values.

In this way, I also have a score in my heart.

At the same time, I also see if I can go further in the remaining time.

"By the way, there is one more thing I need to tell you, Principal Dumbledore. My contribution to the revision of this school regulation is only a little bit, and Hermione is responsible for most of it. I hope that when the time comes ..."

Before Luo Chen finished speaking, Dumbledore, who was originally relieved, became serious again.

"Mr. Bichar, you must know that Hogwarts' Special Contribution Award has a very special meaning in the entire British wizarding world. You can indeed win this award because of your previous contributions, but Miss Hermione is still young, so she..."

Luo Chen never thought that he could win a special contribution award for Hermione.

If this is the case, then this award is too worthless and does not meet his expectations.

"No, Mr. Principal, you have misunderstood. I want to say that Hermione can be given some points appropriately, but it is better to find another reason. After all, the revision of the school rules..." Speaking of this, Luo Chen There was a wry smile on his face, "I, who is outside the student group, have already been troubled. I don't want him, a little girl, to become like me."

Dumbledore smiled.

"That's natural!" I didn't say much, but I already made a promise.

Because his plan to cultivate the savior really required Hermione's participation, but Hermione drifted away from Harry Potter and Ron during that time, which did not conform to his original design.

Add to this the unexpected appearance of Voldemort, and the unexpected repulsion.

It made Dumbledore feel that perhaps this level exercise does not require Hermione to participate, and it is okay. Moreover, since Harry Potter entered school, he has indeed shown enough talent, maybe he can break through by himself.

If it is not considered, even a hero needs a partner.

Just like the deep meaning of Quidditch.

He had already asked Snape to guide Harry Potter through the level.

In any case, after some exchanges, everyone has gained something, and Luo Chen also left the principal's office satisfied.

After estimating the time, it was almost May, and by then Luo Chen would be able to accumulate his first triple draw.

At that time, he can also have a one-time smoke.

Although he had planned to come over for 5 companies, or even 10 companies, Luo Chen realized after saving up month after month that this was really too much.


Everything is back on track at Hogwarts.

Since Hermione no longer needed to go to Tower Three to participate in the revision of school regulations, she was free at once. I have gotten used to the previous work rhythm, but now I suddenly become a little idle.

It felt very awkward, but Hermione couldn't find enough and suitable reasons to go to Tower 3 to stay with Luo Chen.

She could only find something else to divert her attention, and then Harry Potter and Ron, who had average grades, fell into her eyes again.

They started to attend class together and study problems after class, but when it came to the problem of adventure, Hermione would immediately avoid it. The psychological shadow from last time is still not healed now!

Obviously, if this iron triangle does not have some sufficient opportunities, it may be difficult to form.

Time is running fast, and finally came May 1st.

When the time had just crossed the mark of 12 o'clock in the morning, Luo Chen couldn't wait to give the system an order.

"System, I want to extract the magic spell, three times in a row!"

[Ding: Accepted the host's request, ready to extract the magic spell... the magic spell is being drawn... the magic spell extraction is over! 】

[Ding: Congratulations to the host for obtaining the auxiliary spell: Lushan True Face]

[Ding: Congratulations to the host for obtaining the meteorological spell: the garden is full of spring]

[Ding: Congratulations to the host for obtaining the phantom spell: Nanke Yimeng]

"It's shipped, it's shipped, rely on me, the name of this meteorological spell is amazing, it must be a golden legend!"

Because three streams of information appeared in Luochen's mind at the same time, Luochen couldn't distinguish and understand them in time, so he could only accept the information with his eyes closed.

Make a rough judgment based on their names only

In fact, what he likes the most is the so-called meteorological spell, the garden is full of spring!

This is related to the weather and climate, and it sounds very tall and powerful when you hear it.

If these three spells are only at LV1 level, they don't bring much information, but because they are entangled, it will take more time and energy for Luo Chen to analyze them one by one, understand and absorb them.

Therefore, it took nearly 20 minutes for Luo Chen to wake up from his chaotic state.

But his face was very ugly.

It wasn't because of this little mental pressure that he couldn't bear it anymore. After several emotional riots and suppressions, his mental strength and tenacity have become quite outstanding.

It's just because these three spells, which placed Luo Chen with a lot of high hopes, are so effective.

The auxiliary magic spell, Lushan True Face, is indeed as explained in its original meaning, with the effect of breaking illusion, invisibility, and phantom, and its general effect is not much different from that of the revealing spell.

So Luo Chen felt a bit at a loss. After all, his Revealing Curse had already mentioned LV2, and it cost 50 influence points to get started and upgrade.

But the real face of Lushan Mountain, LV1 liter LV2 needs 40 influence values, tiankeng!

The meteorological spells are full of spring, and this one is even more pitiful.

It is through the operation of the magic spell, using magic to create a scene of spring in a designated area, and what can be controlled at present is only the temperature.

According to the literal meaning, if you want to involve other core elements such as humidity, you need to upgrade. There are not many upgrade procedures, only 35 points.

But this has to be compared with other spells, this spell has too few uses, and it is another god pit!

Luo Chen felt that unless he was stupid, he would use the influence value to upgrade this spell.

The last Nanke Yimeng Curse.

how to say?

The name is indeed very consistent with the function. Nankeyimeng is to guide others to dream through magic.

It's just that when dreaming, the person cast the spell can be awake, and can also feel changes in the outside world. So in this way, this kind of spell obviously cannot be used for defense or attack, and the effect is very bad.

Anyway, in Luo Chen's eyes now, it is indeed so

"Oh, I should have waited a while longer!" Luo Chen stared at the pale white ceiling a little dejectedly.

Because according to the time calculation, in another nine days, Mother's Day will come.

Luo Chen reckoned that by that time, the probability of him drawing a good spell should be even greater.

After all, this is the "truth" he researched last New Year's Eve.

But things have been done, it's useless to think too much.

Let's go to bed honestly, but I can't fall asleep after tossing and turning, I feel a little angry.

Then he set his sights on the last Nankeyimeng curse.

"Since it's to guide others to dream, it's okay to that, but you need 60 influence points to upgrade to LV2, so it's very tricky no matter how you look at it!"

Luo Chen couldn't cast the LV1 spell on himself. Even though he had made too much progress right now, the influence of the cleansing spell on him still remained.

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