After waking up, Luo Chen finally understood what the so-called seven return pills meant?

I also understand what is so special about it.

This curse is indeed related to the elixir, but it is not conjured out of thin air. Luo Chen needs to collect some herbs, such as ginseng, snow lotus, Polygonum multiflorum, hibiscus, etc., which are used to restore the body's vitality.

After that, under the effect of this spell, the essence of these herbs can be mixed as the main magic energy, extracted and condensed together, and turned into a pill.

Well, except that it does not use fire, it is indeed no different from alchemy.

"System, this is the wizarding world of Harry Potter. You have created all the techniques of alchemy. Believe it or not, someone just flipped the table!"

"Especially the original meaning of the seven return pills is the method of qigong cultivation. How can it be related to pills? This is unscientific!"

However the system does not respond.

Normally, at this time, the system is at its worst, and it will come out to cheat his influence value.

"System, system?!"

Luo Chen called the system repeatedly, but there was still no response.

Then he opened the character template and the diary section, including checking the standard formula and the conversion formula of the influence value at that time, and found that all the information was not lost.

But the system is silent.

"What's going on? Is the system going to be upgraded?!"

Luo Chen scratched his head, a little confused about the situation, and it was his first time using it!

But he could feel that the system still existed in him, otherwise the character template would have disappeared.

But the system didn't respond.

But at this moment, Luo Chen's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly looked behind him.

It was empty there, and the position where Luo Chen was standing at the moment was also the top of the only hill on the entire island. There is nowhere to hide in all directions.

It's just that just now Luochen really felt a vague sense of peeping, very faint, even more subtle than what he felt at Hogwarts at that time.

But he didn't feel any sense of crisis, as if the owner of the peeping path was just looking at him.

But Luo Chen didn't dare to relax, took out his wand, stared closely at the direction where the sense of peeping came from, and recited a spell: "Reveal quickly!"

Under the support of Luochen's huge mana, the invisible fluctuations quickly spread to the surroundings, spreading out for more than ten meters, and there was nothing

"Could it be an illusion?" As soon as this thought surfaced, Luo Chen resolutely denied it. So now it seems that there is only one situation left, and that is that the person who spies on him is far superior to him.

It shouldn't be.

Isn't Dumbledore known as the greatest white wizard of the 21st century?

There can be a more powerful existence than him, can we not mention it in these books!

Only by comparing and comparing can we be more awesome, isn't it!

No, to be precise, there is no description of wizards in the mysterious land of Huaxia in the original book.

Of course, Zhang Qiu doesn't count.

But it is undeniable that this feeling made Luo Chen feel a little uneasy. The only thing to be thankful for is that he has always used his consciousness to talk to the system.

Although the sense of voyeurism after that didn't exist anymore, it also made his plan to leave directly and go back to his hometown to have a look at it completely shelved.

It is impossible for him to expose his purpose inexplicably, even if the other party does not necessarily understand Luo Chen's true intention.

"Could it be that the sudden disappearance of the system is also related to that ghost hidden in the dark?" Luo Chen suddenly had a guess in his mind. Then began to think about what else he could have done.

In the end, he set his sights on the Lushan True Face Curse that he had drawn before, which felt useless.

The effect of this spell is to break illusions, apparitions, and invisible objects.

In terms of function, it was very similar to the manifesting spell, but according to what the system said at the time, the spells he drew from the "Dictionary of Idioms" were all perfect spells.

There must be effects that these ordinary monsters are far inferior to.

But isn't the LV1 level a bit low? !

"Forget it, try first."

In the current situation, at that time there was still some resistance to upgrading this spell, which seemed to be of little use.

According to the requirements of casting the spell, Luo Chen held his breath and concentrated, and cast the spell in the direction from the peeping sense before, without any fluctuations or movements

But Luo Chen noticed that there was a very slight wave in the air in front of him on the left, like a small fish kissing the surface of the water lightly, and then quickly dived back under the water. If it wasn't for Luo Chen staring at him, he would almost have missed it.

"Sure enough, I didn't expect it to be so close!"

Luo Chen didn't dare to hesitate, following the direction he discovered, Changhong Guanri released it directly. After the two bright white lights flashed, Luo Chen didn't hear any screams, and there weren't any ghosts or ghosts falling out of the air.

It seems that Luo Chen just hit a cloud of air!

But Luo Chen didn't dare to be careless, his figure flashed, and he dodged away from the spot, appearing 700 meters in the air.

Regardless of whether the system could hear it or not, it directly issued the command to upgrade the Lushan True Face Mantra.

Fortunately, although the system is silent and does not speak, the function is still there.

The information flow appeared in Luochen's mind. The Lushan True Face Curse might have very little effect, so even if Luochen was upgraded to LV3 in one go, it still cost 120 points of influence.

But the flow of information in my brain is pitiful.

Luo Chen could feel that his understanding and manipulation of the Lushan True Face Curse was improving at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The body fell slowly, Luo Chen didn't dare to be careless, and released a boundary-sealing painting spell, and he deliberately lowered the mental strength of the barrier to the lowest level he could control so far.

Covering the range of 30 meters around him.

Gritting his teeth tightly, he only needs to wait for him to completely absorb the content of Lushan's frontal photo, and then he can break the opponent's true face.

But never expected!

The information in Luo Chen's mind hadn't been completely absorbed, and the magic energy in his body was suddenly consumed. Then a vaguely sharp scream reached Luo Chen's ears.

Looking at the direction from which the sound came, the air over there is constantly wrinkling.

Eventually a ghost appeared.

However, this ghost is white all over, and in terms of staring, it far surpasses those ghosts in Hogwarts Castle.

And he was wearing something similar to samurai armor.

Thus, a word "ghost" naturally appeared in Luo Chen's mind!

For a while, Luochen was particularly interested in creatures like ghosts, so he studied ghosts in the Hogwarts library.

But in the end there was no result.

Even the ghost itself is just a term for spiritual creatures in the West, and it should really be called a ghost in the East.

Speaking of the ghost that was affected by Luo Chen.

Struggling with its head in its arms, the armor on its body was slowly turning into smoke, and even its whiter body was becoming transparent.

"Damn it, it turns out that the combination of this mental barrier and Abi Hell can really hurt this kind of spirit creature!"

He had imagined this before, but there was no ghost for him to experiment with.

At the same time, whether it was the ghosts of the four Hogwarts houses or the mischievous Peeves, the number of times they appeared in front of Luochen was pitifully small.

It seemed that they were also relying on instinct to avoid Luo Chen.

That is to say, for Luo Chen, the theorem of being unable to attack and harm ghosts does not exist.

Of course, he thought again, it seemed useless.

The ghosts of Hogwarts Castle are not treacherous and evil people, nor did they really hurt or kill anyone.

However, the ghost in front of me is a bit interesting.

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