People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 177 Holy Light from Heaven, Muggles Worship

One after another pictograms and seal characters emitting a faint white light emerged around Luochen.

It's like a very complicated article.

No one present knew anyone.

Even Haigri, who is already one-fifth of a China hand, is the same.

Because these words are all made up by Luo Chen, and of course there is a basic logic, according to his understanding of oracle bone inscriptions and seal script in his impression, the first few words that emerged at the same time are - Dao Ke Dao, Fei Ke Dao .

The activation of the Torrential Rain Curse naturally doesn't need to be so troublesome, it's just a grand show.

Luo Chen paid another 1560 points of influence for this. Naturally, this movement is so big, how did it come about? .

In just 10 seconds, those mysterious words surrounded Luo Chen, forming a beam of light that went straight to the sky.

Moreover, there was a faint white light that fell from the sky and submerged into Luo Chen's body.

At this moment, if Luo Chen put on a few more pairs of wings, he would be no different from an angel in western mythology.

After all, his hair is also gray and white.

Immersed in pretending... Luo Chen, who was in the prelude to the performance, also heard many wizards in the field sighing.

"Is there really a god in this world?"

"That seems to be the image of an angel in Muggle Christianity?"

"I kind of believe that there is a god in this world. Of course, Merlin is still the greatest in my heart."

"Merlin, you are a god!"


Brewing for a full 5 minutes.

The holy light surrounding Luochen made people afraid to look directly at it.

The few Aurors who were only relying on Luo Chen for vigilance also retreated far away.

Dumbledore, who had been observing silently, had a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

When he met Luo Chen again this time, he already felt that Luo Chen's strength seemed to have undergone an earth-shaking change, and he was no longer weaker than him.

He couldn't figure out why Luo Chen had improved so quickly, obviously when he met Luo Chen in the No. 3 tower that day, his state was still very normal.

Could it be that the petrification of the basilisk misled his judgment?

Or the basilisk provoked Luo Chen.

After all, the power of the basilisk is also a kind of dark magic power.

"about there."

Luo Chen squinted his eyes and glanced left and right, and the voices of the discussion before had been much quieter, but the movement here inevitably attracted the attention of Muggles.

Many people walked out of the house on their own initiative and moved towards this side. Some even fell to their knees piously on the ground, holding their hands on their chests and praying silently.

They didn't care about the wet ground and the icy night wind at all.

"Torrential rain!"

When the spell was cast, the magic energy in Luochen's body leaked out like a flood.

The effect was remarkable. With Luo Chen as the center, circle after circle of spiral dark clouds suddenly appeared in the sky, and the dark clouds that had not dissipated were reconnected and condensed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just half a minute, the entire city of York had already been enveloped, but it did not stop expanding, making the area larger and the color deeper, making it impossible to ignore even in the dark night.



White and red thunder shuttled and roared in the dark clouds!

Vials containing the venom of the Winged Demon flew from everywhere into the dark clouds.


Following Luo Chen's short Chinese syllable, the heavy rain fell. The rain curtain was as fine as a thread, and within a short while, it completely blocked everyone's sight.

Fudge and Scrimgeour took a breath.

"It's so called that it can't compare to the Thunderbird. Its size and movement, even four Thunderbirds can't compare to it!"

The Muggle, whose face was poured by the pocket, ran quickly towards the house at first, but after a while, stood still in place stupidly.

Some of those whose bad memories were successfully erased returned home obediently.

But many more stayed.

Because the scene that Luochen created before, which was like the coming of the holy light, obviously left a good impression on more people.

So it's a lot more work.

Fortunately, wizards don't know much about Muggle society, and even their impression of Christianity is quite bad.

Therefore, they just continued to work according to the areas they had previously divided.

The heavy rain that Luochen summoned was indistinguishable from friend to foe. Fortunately, the few Aurors around him did their duty and helped Luochen block the rain.

Luo Chen carefully sensed the remaining mana in his body, which was a bit unexpected. He didn't expect such a large scale to consume only a little more than half of his mana.

This also includes the magic energy consumed by the other magic spells he cast repeatedly before.

It seems that his decision this time is correct!

However, it was necessary to continue to maintain the rain that filled the sky, and it also required Luo Chen to inject part of his mana from time to time to maintain it.

But Luo Chen reckoned that with the magic energy in his body at this time, even if he didn't recover, it would be fine for the next day and night. After all, the magic energy was consumed the most when casting it, and it just needed pulling.

There is plenty of water vapor here!

Even if the rain falls, under the effect of magic, the water vapor will be continuously drawn back into the rain cloud.

Although not all, at least it can guarantee that the ancient sewers in York City will not be washed away and filled.

The torrential rain didn't stop until dawn.

The entire city of York was quiet.

Apart from wizards sitting resting by the side of the road, there were no other ordinary Muggles.

Even the police and soldiers who were originally responsible for maintaining order were uniformly wiped of their memories.

Originally, in Fudge's arrangement, this group of people would be concentrated for memory erasure after the troubles in York City were resolved.

But I didn't expect Luo Chen to be so powerful, and he simply solved it in one go!


When the sun is rising.

Luo Chen cast the curse of extreme heaven and earth, and returned to the church hall where everyone gathered before.

He looked tired.

Even if there is still a lot of mana left in sports, if you want to blend in with everyone, you have to behave more or less like a "normal person".

What he wants to reproduce is the glory of the Bichar family, and he doesn't want to arouse the fear and fear of others before the Bichar family grows up, thus causing unnecessary troubles and even disasters.

Although his strength is strong, he is not a god after all.

"Mr. Bichar, you have worked hard!"

"Thank you, Mr. Bichar!"


Along the way, whether it was ordinary wizards or noble wizards, they all greeted Luo Chen and saluted with their chests touched.

No matter what, Luo Chen's action helped them solve a big crisis.

The wizarding world was exposed, and it wasn't just the Ministry of Magic's business.

It is also a major event in the entire wizarding world.

No matter how prepared the Ministry of Magic was, they have been hiding in the shadows of Muggle society for so many years, and they have received education from generation to generation. These wizards have long understood that there is great danger in being exposed to the light.

So this is the main reason why they are willing to follow the order of the Ministry of Magic and come to help.

Luo Chen endured his "tiredness" and raised his hands one by one in greeting. Under the arrangement of Amos, a room for him to rest in the church had already been prepared.

The room is small, but very tidy, with the smell of gardenias in the air.

It rained heavily all night, and now the sun is rising, and the sun shines in through the window, warming my body when it falls.

After making sure that there were no prying eyes, Luo Chen clenched his fist and waved it a few times.

"System, check the impact value!"

[Ding: May I ask if the host has spent 9 influence points? 】


"Brother doesn't need it, I'll see for myself." Luo Chen changed his words in time, feeling a little lost.

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