People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 202 The Peace and Peace Curse and the Landslide Curse

"Hey, what's the situation, I'm talking about smoking only once!"

Luo Chen used his thoughts to pursue the responsibility in his heart, but the system ignored him at all, and poured the information of the newly extracted magic spell into Luo Chen's mind.

After reading carefully, after understanding, it is already 5 minutes later.

In Harry Potter's eyes, Luo Chen just closed his eyes by the window to rest. So nothing was suspected.

After Luo Chen analyzed all the messages, he became happy again: "System, forget it this time, I don't care about it!"

Maybe it's a coincidence.

Maybe it's God's will in the dark. After all, what Luochen was teaching was Harry Potter.

He obtained these two spells, one is very useful for Harry Potter's current practice of the Patronus Charm, and the other is of great use for Luo Chen's next actions.

Peaceful curse!

Through the spell to make the caster's heart stable, automatically search and expand happy memories, and obtain a happy state in turn.

In a way, this is the enchanted version of the euphoria potion.

But the difference is that this kind of spell is cast on the body of the recipient to induce changes at the ideological level, while the joy potion focuses on inducing changes at the physical level of the user.

So the former, understand why they are happy!

The latter is a kind of inexplicable happiness.

So Luo Chen didn't have any rain, so he raised this curse to LV2, and the rest of the disintegration and collapse curse didn't fall, but he raised it to LV3 in one go.

Because of the disintegration of the Avalanche Curse.

It can be said to be an ultra-advanced version of the Jedi curse.

It is aimed at all non-living solids, and also has a range attack effect.

As if the Philosopher's Stone still exists, the level of Luo Chen's spell is high enough. He can also completely disintegrate and destroy the Philosopher's Stone with one spell.


Before absorbing the new knowledge of spells, Luo Chen gave Harry Potter another order.

The latter hurriedly started training.

And Ban Ban, who has always been a target, has gradually compromised these days... Well, the main reason is that there are too many Oblivion Curses being used.

Even though Luo Chen's Forgetting Curse was exquisite, it still left a lot of sequelae after all.

At least this Banban already has the crux of Alzheimer's disease, and sometimes he can forget what happened just a few days ago.

However, some of the memories engraved in his bones have been retained, but they are only slow in responding.

After all, Peter pretended to be a mouse and lived in the Weasley family for more than ten years, which brought too deep memories.

So now he felt that Harry Potter, Voldemort's destined enemy, was really good!

After about 30 minutes.

Luo Cheng opened his eyes again, and let out a long breath.

Looking at Harry Potter, whose face was slightly pale, he temporarily stopped him.

"Now I'll help you, can you seize this opportunity? It's up to you." Luo Chen said, "I didn't use it before, because I was worried that it would have a bad effect on your mastery of this spell."

Harry Potter failed again and again, and he was really frustrated.

But when he heard Luo Chen's words, he became a little more angry. He also understood that for a person like Luo Chen, his words must be on target.

He also knew that this might be his last chance to master the Patronus Charm.

After adjusting his mentality, let Luo Chen start.

"It's all right!"

Before using the spell, I had simulated it several times in my heart. Drops of pink light spots like rain dew shot out from Luo Chen's magic wand.

It fell on Harry Potter, who instinctively resisted, but finally closed his eyes tightly, feeling the spell.

This change caused Luo Chen to twitch his eyebrows, and he did not expect that there would be such a special effect.

But fortunately, the effect of the spell is remarkable!

After the spell was cast, Harry Potter suddenly felt his body relax, and a large number of memories were recalled, all the things that made him the happiest and moved him all these years.

This fragment is long and short, complete and incomplete.

After he was immersed for 5 minutes, the power of the spell dissipated.

Harry Potter became more impressed with the happy memories in his mind, and at the same time, he also had certain problems.

Example: Dudley Dursley didn't seem all that annoying to him.

The other party is just stupid... like the stupid son of the landlord's family.

And he, Harry Potter, is a wizard with noble blood. Complaining with that silly boy is also quite shameful and demeaning.

So Harry Potter decided that when he saw Dudley Dursley next time, he must give him a smile full of care and pity.

You can practice in advance!

"Feel it?"

"Yes, Professor, I feel that I can definitely succeed now!" Harry Potter was in high spirits.

Luo Chen nodded secretly, he didn't expect this spell to be so good. Sure enough, it's the perfect magic spell drawn out, isn't it? !

From this point of view, the spells in his hands have many advantages that can be exploited by him.

"Then let's start now!"

"Yes, God-calling guard!" Without any hesitation or hesitation, Harry Potter directly cast the spell, and silver mist sprayed out from Harry Potter's wand, more and more.

That size is enough to compare with a regular Patronus summoned by Luo Chen.

But that's about it.

The silver mist obviously has a certain magical defense effect, so even the dementor transformed by Luo Chen was knocked out a few steps.

"Papa papa!"

Luo Chen applauded.

It's not easy!

"Professor, I, this is..."

"That's right, congratulations, Mr. Potter, you have successfully mastered this advanced spell." Luo Chen said, "The next step is to strike while the iron is hot, and I will put you in a dreamland full of dementors. It will let you face the dementors for a while, so if you can't stand it, don't quit, the effect is the best for the first time."

Luochen taught earnestly, and Harry Potter seriously responded.

He also didn't care about his mana consumption and his state was not at his best. Instead, he felt that he had just mastered this advanced magic spell, and it was time to step up his efforts.

"By the way, dementors, they won't come to you by themselves. It's also a test for you! Done well, I can give your college extra points!"

"Yes, Professor, I understand!"

"Nanke Yimeng!"

Luo Chen then pulled Harry Potter into a dream.

He didn't go in by himself, but used the extremely heaven and earth curse, and disappeared into this room.

He's off to his own business.

Because Harry Potter advanced spells were taught, no one was watching from the beginning to the end. Luo Chen can leave at will.

When he appeared again, he had already arrived in the north-central area of ​​Reading County, which was farther away than he went to London. After all, this place is south of London.

Just as Luo Chen landed, there was a rustling sound from behind. Xiao Zhu ran out from the forest behind him, and there were still many small acromant spiders hanging on his body.

Luo Chen directly activated the Legilimency Recitation Mantra, and read the memory from Xiaozhu's mind.

"Have they all come? What a coincidence!"

Luo Chen talked to himself, then walked out of the forest without any concealment, and went to an ancient castle built on a black earth and stone mountain in front of him.

The scale of the ancient castle is not small, and the usable area is at least tens of thousands of square meters.

And at the top of the castle, there was a blue banner with a black crow drawn on it.

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