People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 206 The Ministry of Magic's Strange Reaction

Then go back to Hogwarts as if nothing happened

Participated in the decoration of the auditorium. In fact, with the magical abilities of these professors, the decoration should have been completed long ago.

But it is a rare Christmas after all.

They take it seriously and have fun doing it.

So I wanted to make it as detailed as possible. After all, they don't work this holiday either.

Therefore, Luo Chen's arrival can still help, and in this short period of time, Harry Potter has just returned to the tower in Gryffindor.

The pinch is just right.

This time, Luochen's influence value alone... got 600 points of castle demolition funds!

And a "head tax" of 10 points of influence per person.


As Luo Chen expected, when the evening approached.

The Daily Prophet temporarily printed a newspaper, announcing a very urgent news to the entire wizarding world, the residence of the Lestrange family was destroyed!

In the eyes of British aristocratic wizards, this is basically equivalent to extermination.

Because the most precious wealth and heritage of an ancient family is the knowledge and accumulated high-level magic props, people can only rank third.

Their house elves provide no information or intelligence at all.

The Ministry of Magic has invested a lot of manpower in investigations and is actively looking for the murderer.

But judging from the current news released by the Ministry of Magic.

It was probably because some hired wizards of the Lestrange family engaged in the business of maliciously buying and selling magical biological materials without authorization, which led to uneven distribution of spoils.

Then there was infighting, and the entire castle of the Lesledge family was destroyed.

As for whether anyone survived?

There is no exact answer yet.

However, the Ministry of Magic has found the acromantula's lair from the residence of the Lancetrange family, as well as the surrounding woods and mountains.

Moreover, on the mountains around them, there were more than one places where traces of specially built acromander nests were found. There are also many giant eight-eyed spiders inside.

And the biggest one is only about half a year old.

Such larvae can still provide a certain quality of venom, and it is also easy to control.

Therefore, the judgment made by the Ministry of Magic based on this information is "reasonable and followable".

Even though there are certain logical problems, due to the notoriety of the Lestrange family. Most ordinary people in the world, on the contrary, feel that the results of such a survey are just right.

There are even a small group of people who believe that the destruction of the Lestrange family before Christmas is simply the best Christmas gift that Santa Claus can give to all ordinary wizards.

Coupled with the fact that it was a rare holiday, the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic were not so enthusiastic about the investigation.

But when they excavated Seymour from the ruins at night, with only a small half of his torso left, they used special magic to discover the real cause of his death.

It is the poison of the giant eight-eyed spider.

However, several Aurors who were more adept at chasing wind and shadow spells also found the aura of Lucius Malfoy here.

This matter was reported immediately.

But the Ministry of Magic has not acted for a long time, and the reason is unknown.

It seems that this matter has ended so hastily.

After all, the fact that Seymour left the custody of the Ministry of Magic once again and appeared in the Lestrange family cannot be leaked. Otherwise, the credibility of the Ministry of Magic will be greatly reduced.

In addition to the current Lestrange family, there are only three clansmen left, locked in Azkaban, and there is no chance to come out, so it is not impossible to end this matter like this!

Even this is the result that most people in the Ministry of Magic would like to see.


It seems that every year on Christmas Day, there will be a lot of snow.

Luo Chen slept very soundly this time. Even though many people were killed yesterday, none of them were good people anyway.

Just doing justice for the sky.

Waking up to a special Christmas breakfast prepared by Coco the house elf. He handed her a large box of presents.

This is what he prepared for the house-elves at Hogwarts.

Because I don't know their names, even if I know that they live in the basement of the castle. But he couldn't send them out one by one, so he might as well let the house elf Coco, who has been taking care of him, go back and deliver them.

"Gift? Coco actually has a gift?!"

Ke Ke's big black eyes were filled with water mist, which seemed to flow out in the next moment, and he tightly held the large gift box that Luo Chen handed over with his hands.

Still full of incredible.

At Hogwarts, not even Dumbledore would give gifts to house elves lightly.

"Of course, thanks to your care during this period, hey, don't get excited..." Just when I said this at that time, I saw Ke Ke's face changed drastically, as if he was going to do those inexplicable self-harm again.

Luo Chen also had no choice but to change the topic quickly, "Here are some things I don't need, I hope they are useful to you, that's it, you go back and help me distribute it!"

To put it bluntly, it was Keke's mood that eased Xiali.

With a clear sound, she disappeared with the huge gift box in her arms, leaving only Luo Chen shaking his head gently.

But he didn't think about it any more. He felt that since this elf had survived in this way, it must be reasonable.

It is estimated that with his interference in the plot, Hermione will most likely not be able to establish any little house elf rights promotion association.

Then Luo Chen also started to open his own gift box.

Luo Chen threw aside the gift boxes sent by fans and parents. Focus on what the four principals and Dumbledore and others sent.

What Flitwick gave Luo Chen was a thick notebook, which contained some relatively rare spells, but more of it was a record of his travels around the world in the early years.

Although it looks like it will take at least 30 years, I don't know if these records are still useful. But it is also a very precious gift.

I am worthy of Luo Chen's gift of the Prison Curse and the Nankeyimeng Curse.

Although Luochen only gave the Nankeyi Meng Curse to McGonagall, Hermione, Harry Potter and Luna.

But after McGonagall has mastered this spell and applied it to her teaching work, she will definitely pass it on to Flitwick and others. Of course, it is estimated that McGonagall will ask what he means.

Therefore, Luo Chen said that he gave Flitwick two magic spells, which made sense.

This gift is of equal value.

Because what Flitwick sent was also a copy.

Sprout sent again a packet of seeds. Comes with a note on herbal preparations.

It's also very precious, but Luo Chen thinks that Sprout means that he wants to help Hogwarts with greening.

Although the invasion among the giant acromantids group highlighted the drawbacks of those catalyzed trees that were too close to Hogwarts.

But if you plant some low shrubs or herbs and flowers on the lawn and grass near Hogwarts, it will not affect it.

What Mag sent was a note about the Animagus Transformation Curse, which recorded a lot of her personal understanding.

It seems that she thought that Luo Chen had summoned the patron saint, and nine out of ten, she was going to study the Animagus Transformation Curse next.

After all, there is a certain connection between the guardian beast and the Animagus transformation spell, which is not a secret in the magic world.

So McGonagall can be regarded as meeting its needs.

But it's a pity that Luo Chen has no such plan for the time being.

Hagrid sent strawberry wine, which he said had been cellared for a year.

Then it was Snape's. The gift he sent was packed in a small box, and he opened it.

One of them is a small glass bottle like a single-section gourd. And next to it was a regular potion bottle that was at least 5 times larger than the glass bottle.

Only seeing the color of the potion inside, Luo Chen didn't know what it was.

Mandrake Restoration Potion.

"Damn it, this is too much!"

Although it was a gift, Luo Chen felt strong malice, but Luo Chen picked up the remaining small glass bottle and observed it for a while.

He thought of a possibility.


Legend has it that the magic potion can bring luck. Luo Chen has always been curious, and it is also on his future training plan.

But I didn't expect to get it so easily.

"It is said in the original book that this thing is quite difficult to refine, but this Snape can get it out. I didn't expect it to be so powerful."

In fact, Luo Chen understood that the other party was probably worried about the fact that Luo Chen gave him a gift last year, but Snape didn't return any gift. So I took this opportunity to make up for it.

Then he looked at the gift Luo Chen was looking forward to most from Dumbledore, which was a long box.

Open it and have a look.

Luo Chen buckled it again.

Then slowly pull it away to check, to make sure that I read it correctly.

It was indeed the wand that Lockhart had destroyed.

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