What is the specific truth?

No one pays attention.

Even if there are individual concerns, but as time goes by, the Ministry of Magic will find the Daily Prophet to write more eye-catching reports, then this matter will be suppressed.

I dare not say that after this incident, the credibility of the Ministry of Magic will definitely be improved, but the operation is good.

It will definitely not be affected too much.

Of course, before that, they must make some deals with Sirius Black to ensure that he will be willing to cooperate with the Ministry of Magic.

And for those delegations from afar.

The truth they knew was almost told to them by the Ministry of Magic.

So it all looks perfect.

Luo Chen believed that if Fu Ji understood this point. He will definitely agree to add this project to the competition level.

But for Luo Chen.

He made this suggestion, of course, on a whim, in revenge for torturing Sirius Black.

That night 13 years ago, the explosive spell that blew up the street, although he didn't release it. But it was also one of the main culprits who killed his physical parents.

How could it be possible to let him continue to be at ease?

Now is just the beginning.

Although it was undeniable, Luo Chen also admired Sirius Black from the bottom of his heart, that kind of perseverance, that kind of loyalty to friendship.

But these feelings are not enough to influence Luo Chen's decision.

After discussing everything, they each left.


Luo Chen went to the second floor, intending to talk to Harry Potter.

He gave them a little bit of information about the suggestion he made to Fudge just now. Make sure these people can't think of a deeper layout for a while.

And they can use their means to spread this news as much as possible.

Let Sirius Black know.

Then they took the initiative to find their preparatory team for the Goblet of Fire.

Even if this is not the case, Luo Chen can still catch Sirius Black before this checkpoint is finalized.

after all!

He just needs to stare at Harry Potter and Ron from time to time.

No need to use the Transfiguration Charm to change into a spotted appearance, and walk around Hogwarts for a few times.

He couldn't believe that he couldn't seduce Sirius Black.

Luo Chen, who already knows the standard answer, wants to fish, there are not too many ways.

Sure enough, after hearing Luo Chen's thoughts, Harry Potter, Arthur and Mrs. Molly deeply thanked Luo Chen for his kindness.

He also felt in his heart that this Luo Chen was worthy of being a professor at Hogwarts, and he really cared about the students.

From this aspect, it can also be seen that Arthur Weasley and Molly Weasley did not know the grievances between Luo Chen and Sirius Black and Pettigrew Peter.

I don't know what's the use of Dumbledore hiding all day long?

Afterwards, Luo Chen left, intending to go to another room to have a look.

Because this room at this time is Harry Potter.

In order not to be heard by the Weasley brothers and others, they would stay in this room to discuss, and it was also to appease the restless Harry Potter.

This is the task they received from Dumbledore.

Because until now.

Even Dumbledore didn't know why Sirius Black escaped from prison.

And the specific jailbreak method.

Of course, because of Lupine's early joining this time, they already knew in private that Sirius Black was still an illegal Animagus.

So by transforming into an Animagus and escaping the monitoring of the dementors, this possibility is not impossible. It's just that there have been no previous cases, so they can't be sure.

At the same time, the Ministry of Magic has the Chasing Wind and Shadow spell provided by Luo Chen.

Even if a wizard successfully transforms into the form of Animagus, his own breath will not be completely changed, and can still be captured by the Ministry of Magic through spells.

But until now.

The Ministry of Magic found no trace of Black.

Apparently, Sirius Black also took other ways.

And the news that Sirius Black is an illegal Alimax is only in the ears of Dumbledore, Lupine and Mrs. Weasley.

Even Snape, because of Lupine's insistence, didn't tell him.

He knew very well that if Snape got the news.

Then he can guarantee that on the second day, this news will appear in some tabloids and magazines without anyone noticing.

That was definitely a fatal blow to Sirius Black.

And Sirius Black was wronged, and they didn't make a big deal about it. At this time, the Ministry of Magic must not be stimulated.

So it was only Dumbledore who came forward in person and informed the Minister of Magic and several other high-level officials.

Let them coordinate internally and finally come up with a solution that can be solved.

This is their wisdom in dealing with things.

Although the members of the Order of the Phoenix headed by Dumbledore are very powerful, they are still not as powerful as the Ministry of Magic as a whole.

Besides, using force to overwhelm others is not in line with Dumbledore's purpose and wishes.


After leaving Harry Potter's room, next door is the room of Ron Weasley, Fred, and George.

The four boys of the Weasley family made a lot of money from the Luochen family's construction site this summer.

When he knocked on the door and entered, he happened to see three people gathered around a bed, counting the gold prices and silver Sickles with great interest.

They heard footsteps. They were already very vigilant, and quickly piled up their respective money and covered them with clothes or quilts.

"The door wasn't closed, so I just walked in!"

Luo Chen explained.

"Professor Bichar, hello!"

What the Weasley brothers are most afraid of now is Luochen.

So at this moment, like a frightened quail, she subconsciously jumped up from the bed, stood at attention, with her hands clinging to the seams of her trousers, and bowed to Luo Chen in salute.

Weird posture.

As for Ron, he can't do much better. But he was timid and didn't speak.

A few days ago, he just made a big embarrassment in front of Luo Chen. I was very worried that Luochen would tell Fred and George about this.

That way, when he is at home in the future, he won't even think about raising his head again.

"What were you hiding just now?"

Luo Chen asked with a smile.

Jojo and Fred took a quick look. He shook his head like a rattle.


He answered in unison, with a firm tone.

"Really?" Luo Chen joked, and then glanced at Ron who had been shrinking behind.

What's the matter with this guy?

Anyway, I was your boss for two months, so I didn't even know how to say hello.

The two most naughty children in your family have been taught to be so polite by my father.

Ron ran out to act as a stabbing head instead, which doesn't make sense!

Could it be that the psychological trauma Ron suffered at that time has not fully recovered?

But could this silly boy go to Percy Weasley for comfort?

After all, if you count carefully, Percy spent more time with that mouse.

Looking at Luo Chen with scrutiny.

Fred and George persisted for less than 10 seconds, when their bodies suddenly collapsed, as if discouraged.

They looked at each other hastily, and then lifted the quilt on Ron's bed. With sharp eyes and quick hands, he put away his own.

A small pile of Galleons and Sickles of Silver was revealed, piled into money piles.

"Professor Bichar, we are celebrating Mr. Ronald Weasley, who has received a handsome income."

"You!" Ron became anxious on the spot, and turned around to cover up.

But it was blocked by Fred forcefully.

The corner of Luo Chen's mouth curled up.

I remembered the dusty wand.

"Oh! I almost forgot. Margery once said, Ron, you are the hardest working little wizard he has ever seen!"

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