People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 394: Sword One: Killing Demons


It was old Malfoy's right.

Several people at the negotiating table had some exchanges, and when they saw the elder of the Magic Institute smiling and indifferent the whole time, they understood that this should be the result of their internal discussions.

After all, Dumbledore and Fudge knew that most of them had died in the Leaky Cauldron. In particular, the deputy team leader was also there, and the loss was heavy.

Choose to be low-key at this time.

It is also imperative.

But this person can still laugh at this time. Could it be that they already have a backup and plan to use their strength in the last two levels?

After such a long time, they have already made up the task of the second level.

The secret is hidden in the golden egg, which is very different from the original book.

Before this game, everyone has more or less found out the details of their respective matchups. Now that they have seen it thoroughly in the last game, it is natural to use events that do not have much advantage.

That's only fair enough.

This is also a golden egg prop made by Dumbledore himself, and Fudge doesn't know the inside story.

When several people in the referee's seat gave the instruction, Bagman loudly announced that the request of "Quan Ride" was valid, and he naturally got a lot of boos.

After all, the number of elite elements is still not as good as that of the broad masses of the people.

It is to confuse people's hearts and guide turmoil, and this aspect is more troublesome.

Closer to home.

If the Ukrainian iron belly is the largest of all the dragon species found so far.

The Hungarian Horntail is the most vicious of all the dragon species.

The Australian White Dragon is the whitest and most delicate of all the dragons.

Then this Chinese fireball dragon from China is the most elegant.

She is slender, except for her wings. In terms of body details, it is comparable to the Shenlong in traditional Chinese culture. I don't know what is the connection between this thing and the dragon in traditional culture?

Like a string.

But when it was flying, there were faint red clouds around it.

It looks very beautiful.

It hovered and fell from the sky, and waited for a while. Jian Shiqi walked in with a relaxed expression, seemingly slowly but really quickly.


The Chinese Fireball Dragon leaned down, and he felt a faint threat from the guy in front of him.

It was far inferior to Luo Chen, but it was unbelievable for this to appear on a wizard.

When there is still a distance of about 30 meters between each other.

Jian Shiqi stopped.

He took off the iron sword on his back, and bit by bit removed the silk wrapped around it.

The unremarkable, slightly cold iron sword inside was exposed.

Then he put the iron sword in front of his body, raised the sword with his left hand, and lightly stroked the spine of the sword with his finger, and said lightly: "Tianzidu Sword Seventeen, come to ask the sword!"

He used Chinese.

There were quite a few people who understood and were very active.

After all, they are rare Chinese wizards, and too many people want to see the magical methods in their hands.

Even Luo Chen couldn't help sitting up straight.

But the Chinese fireball dragon can't understand it. He was born and raised on a dragon farm in Romania.

I have traveled a few times, but only wandered around in Europe.

But at this time, it still roared instinctively.

It seems to be allowed.

Jian Shiqi stomped his left foot fiercely, and his body shot out like an arrow.

With a sword in his right hand and a tactic in his left, he muttered words.

"Heaven and Earth Xuanzong, the root of ten thousand qi. Extensive cultivation for billions of kalpas, to prove my supernatural powers. Inside and outside the three realms, only the Tao is the only one. There is a golden light in my body, covering my body."

A faint golden light emerged from his body. Wrap it for protection, and it instantly becomes a statuette.

Even the long sword in his hand is the same.

Jian Qiqi stepped into 10 meters, and had already entered the range of the Chinese fireball dragon's alert counterattack.

A blazing blood-like flame burst out from its mouth, stuck to the ground, and flew straight towards Jian Qiqi.

Any sand and rocks that come close will be quickly glazed, and even decomposed into fly ash.


Sword Seventeen does not dodge or evade.

Facing the oncoming fireball, hit and chop.


The sound was not loud, but it turned the fireball into two halves.

At that moment, only a few people saw that the golden light on his long sword suddenly extended several meters.

Jian Shiqi's whole body also took advantage of the situation to walk through the gap.

The Chinese Fireball Dragon froze for a moment, it had never seen such a scene before.

In the nick of time, another fireball spewed out, and then quickly raised his body, even the golden egg didn't care about guarding it.

"Cut again!"

The cross-shaped golden light streaked across, and the blood-red fireball was directly divided into four parts.

A little closer, the momentum of Jian Shiqi's body is almost condensed.

However, the Chinese fireball dragon has already flown more than ten meters.

It was no longer something the long sword and the golden light spell in his hand could take care of.

But he didn't slow down either, and put his hands on the hilt of his sword.

"Sword One: Killing Demons!"

Running vigorously, the entire iron sword quickly spun. At a certain moment, he was holding the hilt of the sword with his whole body, and when he stepped on it, the golden light on his body spread and linked together, like a spiral top, soaring into the sky.

Fly straight to the Chinese fireball dragon.

The latter glared.

The flame spewed out, but was pierced by the golden sword light.

As a last resort, he hastily dodged.

For unknown things, even fire dragons maintain a certain degree of vigilance.

"Sword Two: It's raining all over the sky!"

As a result, after the golden light passed by and flew high into the sky, Sword Seventeen's sword moves changed again.

From top to bottom, stabbed over.

Although the people were not spinning, Jian Shiqi, who was holding a golden long sword, deeply separated a dozen figures.

It's not entirely a clone technique, but it's done because of the speed too fast, each one can physically attack.

The Chinese fireball dragon has limited moves, except for spraying flames, it can no longer block it, and he doesn't even dare to attack with its tail.

Worried that this guy would cut off his tail.

That would be miserable.

But its hesitation was directly hit by the golden light and shadow.

Except for the relatively hard horns and claws, the scales on his body couldn't withstand this tyrannical blow, and were crushed quite a bit.

Fiery blood.

Indiscriminate spraying, but the basic situation is fine.

It landed steadily on the Chinese fireball dragon, and immediately spit out several balls of flames, attacking the aging Sword Seventeen.

This was already squeezing the potential in his body. In just a short moment, six groups of healing fireballs were condensed, making it impossible for Jian Shiqi to avoid it.

"Sword Four: Broken River!"

Bright golden light was released from his sword. More powerful than ever before. In an instant, a golden lightsaber with a length of 20 meters and a width of more than 5 meters was formed.

Wrap him tightly, and then swing the lightsaber from the air, destroying the fireball with one blow, even the Chinese Fireball Dragon was knocked into the air, and a deep wound was cut on his chest.

Boom boom boom!

The fire dragon landed.

He lay on the ground and didn't relax for a while.

Sword Seventeen fell.

He was panting slightly, but he still held his breath and adjusted his breath quickly. This move was a bit exhausting for him.

But seeing the Chinese fireball dragon lying on the ground, it didn't respond for a long time.

He held the long sword in his hand with a sword flower, threw it back, and sucked it directly on the back.

"He has lived in a foreign country for a long time, and his strength has become weaker!"

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