People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 480: Old Malfoy Was Captured

But the "coincidence" family has a lot of people.

A group of violent spells was ejected to this side, knocking away the nearby gravel piles, snakes, rats and ants, and also knocked away the poisonous snake biting Peter's important position.

The poisonous snake bit Peter's important position firmly.

Moreover, the venomous snakes specially prepared and bred by Old Malfoy, although powerful ones are rare, are extremely poisonous. Especially the one that bit him, the venom contained rare caustic and burning power.

Under the counterbalance of this force, Peter's organ was completely separated from him.

Fortunately, the toxicity is strong, which brings a certain paralysis effect. Peter only felt a cold in his lower body, and there was no other pain.

Because of the corrosive power, the venom will help coagulate the blood while destroying the cell structure.

But Peter also went crazy.

He has no hope of recovery.

I'm afraid Voldemort won't either.

After being stunned for less than a second, he screamed loudly, about to transform into a human form, and fight these people desperately.

Fuck his ambitions and his big dreams, he just wants to kill all the people here.

Even if he is not strong enough, he has to drag someone to hell with him.

In the views of this sinister villain, it is clear that he cannot go to heaven after death.

But I never expected that when I tried to reverse into a human form according to the original method, it failed.

"It's over."

As an "old coin" that has been hidden in the form of a mouse for more than ten years, the understanding and comprehension of Animagus' spells has reached a very high level, even the students of the Transfiguration class at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Professor McGonagall is no match.

And the last time his spongy body was cut off and transformed into a human form, there were already some problems.

It doesn't have the roundness it had before.

However, as the body recovered later, the sense of roundness gradually recovered.

This Animagus didn't take it too seriously, but now, an organ of his body disappeared directly.

It becomes even more difficult to restore the prototype according to the original spell. It's not that it can't be transformed into the original form, but it takes more time to modify, and retreat is suitable for me.

But at this time, in the midst of a deadly battlefield, a fatal crisis will come at an unknown time.

But in the end, his life comes first, he thought for a long time.

It's better to escape here first, as for the lost organ.

Think about it later!

Everything in the world has advantages and disadvantages, and this organ is lost. It allowed him to avoid a lot of obstacles, and he squeezed his buttocks and went straight in.

Enter the underground space and run farther and farther.



"Why did you run away, shouldn't you take a good look at it?"

It wasn't until this moment that the two wizards completely unlocked the left and right gates.

What I said before was very long-winded and long, but the total time it took to happen was only a few seconds.

The two Japanese wizards didn't find Peter among the left and right guards, and they were a little bit late.

"Insufficient information, we..."

Although they hide in the dark, perform more shady tasks, and tend to be cold-hearted, but when it comes to their own interests, they still throw the pot away if they can.

Especially when they have such a perverted captain.

As a result, he didn't finish talking.

A black beam of light suddenly hit his back, before he even had time to defend, directly blasted a hole in his chest.

"This is……"

The body ran two steps forward, but it was not knocked into the air, and the blood spit out from the mouth was also black, with the hole as the center. One by one black cracks spread.


He struggled to get the words out. Completely turned into several pieces. When the spell was poured, he knew it was unique to the man in their team, or his best buddy.

He couldn't imagine why the other party would kill him?

Although there are all kinds of spells in the world, the effects of spells are also strange. But as a person with a very good relationship, this guy naturally knows that the spell of his iron buddy cannot be rebounded, and it is also extremely secretive.

Unless the other party intends to kill himself.

The only one who knows this secret is himself, so he can't figure out why.

"Kimata Shinzo!"

But the wizard he was paired with was taken aback, he didn't understand the spell at all.

Seeing that there was no danger, he quickly cast a spell and built a stone wall around it. I wanted to run over, but it was too late.



With a snap, he activated the Phantom Mantra, and appeared in a room on the second floor with a hole in the floor.

At this time, not only the hall they were in before was blasted with holes, but some nearby walls also collapsed.

His eyes fixed on the old Malfoy who was surrounded in the middle and seemed to be crushed and beaten, but in fact he was still able to do a job with ease.

Mobilize magic energy and accumulate strength.

One died again, and one of the wizards of the camp was seriously injured. He finally found an opportunity to output eighty-nine out of ten of the magic energy in his body at once.

The seals with doors on the left and right appear at a faster speed than before

The old Malfoy, who was still awesome before, didn't even have a chance to react, and was locked in the coffin of the left and right gates with a bang.

"Hoo hoo... ho ho ho!"

He was half kneeling, panting wildly.

Using left and right gates twice in a row, he used a lot of his magic power, and his physical strength was also severely exhausted. After confirming that it was completely successful, he relaxed his mind a little.

Magic is different from ninjutsu. Even if old Malfoy was sealed, the poisonous snakes at the scene did not disappear.

The leader took a look.

A total of 8 people came, 3 were killed, 1 was seriously injured, and 4 were completely dead.

He didn't know if there were any other risks here, so he immediately called out to those who could still move, took the remains of the wounded and the dead, and the sealed box of the left and right gates, and left here immediately.

The servant of the Riddle family who was in charge of guarding the cemetery and guarding the ancestral house came over tremblingly this time.

He had heard this side before, as if a mine had exploded and rolled on the ground, rumbling non-stop, and the nearby ground would also vibrate.

Don't dare to approach at all.

It wasn't until he stopped that he had the guts to come over and take a look, but he was just getting close. What caught his eye was densely packed poisonous snakes, which made his already pale face look more like white paper.

"Is there really a wizard in this world?"

As someone who serves the Riddle family, such a big family, he naturally knows more about the truth of this world.

It is also easier to see things that ordinary people cannot understand.

But he didn't believe it at all before, because he guarded the cemetery, but after so many years, he never encountered any ghosts.

Of course, the statue of Death on Voldemort's father's coffin was really bluffing, but he was a statue after all, not a living thing.

As a result, just after saying this sentence, I don't know if it triggered some reaction. There was a sudden click on the nearest wall next to him, and a huge crack appeared.

He screamed and ran away.

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