Accompanied by Riren Geshier wielding the huge scythe in her hand.

Cut through the air and emitted a “boom! ”

of ringing.

And then……

It bombarded Celine’s body with incomparably powerful power.

This time, Li Ren Gexier used all the strength of his whole body to use the most powerful move.



A loud bang.

Facing such a swift blow from Ri Personality Hir.

At this time, Celine, she didn’t even have time to defend.

It was directly blasted out.

Her body dragged a long ravine above the ground.

Just pass the impact on the terrain.

It is already possible to know how powerful the attack caused by the personality just now is.


And at this time, Bronia also came to the side of the person Gexier.

“How? Xi’er, did you get it? ”

I saw Bronia at this time, she seemed to be a little eager to know about Xi’er’s attack just now, and it did not have an effective effect.

Listening to Bronia’s question, at this time, she was also “Hmph!” ”

Said with a smile.

“Naturally, there is no problem.

But I confirmed that the attack I just had just now definitely worked, and it must have caused her harm. ”


Just when Bronia and Richer thought they were very close to victory.

At this time, Kamen Rider Shiwang, he also came to the side of these two girls.

Qi Liang under the armor, he said with his mouth slightly open.

“You guys… Let’s not be so careless.

That guy has more power than that.” ”


As a traverser, and also familiar with Qi Liang, who is the original book of Honkai.

He knows it perfectly.

Now Celine, although not yet at her peak, “six-core drive”.

But it’s also perfect.

In particular, the power of thunder and lightning in the “Five Lawyer Cores” and the power of the “Death Lawyer”.

But, nevertheless.

Despite this Celine, she has such great power.

But it’s still only the first level in this world.

The real difficulty…

Or the next more formidable opponent.


Now, just a “five-core drive” Celine has already plunged Bronia and Xi’er into such a bitter battle.

Then not to mention the enemies behind.

And this…

It was also what Qi Liang was worried about…

“Ahem… Abominable…”

And at this time, he was thrown out of the hole by himself.

Celine, she slowly stood up from the ground.

There was also a wound on her body that was neither deep nor shallow.

And this is also obviously caused by the attack of the personality just now.

After spitting out a little blood, at this time, Celine also began to use the collapse energy in her body…

“Hmph! Don’t think that in this way, you can defeat me, the strongest lawyer!! ”

As soon as the words fell, Celine was already using the power of the “Law of Death” in her body at this time.

She began to slowly heal her wounds.

And guided by the power of the powerful “lawyer of death”.

Celine’s wound actually healed quickly at this time…

The original “Law of Death” has the power to accelerate the rate of cell decay.

It’s just that since “Black Abyss White Flower” can have the power of creation and withering.

So now Celine, she uses the core of the “Law of Death” in her body to heal herself.

And what’s unreasonable about it!? “That was… High-speed regeneration!? ”

Looking at Celine in the distance, she was healing her wounds at an incomparably rapid and exaggerated speed.

At this time, Bronia and Rich, both of them said in shock.

Originally, the two of them thought that they had already caused effective damage to Celine.

As long as these injuries can successfully affect Celine’s combat effectiveness.

Then everything is fine.


Now it seems that this is not the case…

On the other side, Cecilia, who had just picked up the flying Ziggy Fly.

She saw that Celine was healing her wounds at a super fast pace.

She also showed an incredible expression.

Even some despair.

After all……

It was hard to hurt Celine, thinking that this battle could finally see hope.


Now, that hope seems to have been suddenly lost… Drag.

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