And just after Walter finished his exclamation.

Not far away, Zig Fei, he also began to be surprised by the power of the second order of Kamen Rider Shiwang said.

“His power, for this battle, is the existence of crushing.

But…… Why, he kept saying that the battle had dragged on until now. ”

Although Siegfried is lamenting the strength of the second order of Kamen Rider.

But he was also curious about why Kamen Rider Shiwang Second Order didn’t end this battle immediately.

What kind of plans does he have?

Unconsciously, at this time, countless bad thoughts appeared in Zigfei’s heart.

“Five nine zero”…

It’s just when Zigfei’s expression became slightly complicated.

Cecilia suddenly spoke, interrupting Siegfried’s terrifying thoughts.

I saw Cecilia at this time, she opened her lips slightly and said.

“Although that guy is powerful and mysterious, I believe he must be someone on our side.

He didn’t end the battle right away, and there must be his reasons. ”

I saw Cecilia at this time.

She looked at the Kamen Rider Shiwang Second Order and Celine not far away, and revealed a shallow smile.


Listen to Cecilia’s words.

At this time, Zigfei also smiled a little bitterly.

Subsequently, he still gave up his original extremely terrifying thoughts.

After all……

Cecilia said this, she was boring to joke about others, then it was really a little too much.

No matter what, the current Kamen Rider Shiwang Second Order is a partner who is on the same front as them.


Only, despite this.

At this time, Zigfei, he still couldn’t help but smile bitterly and said.

However, this battle is just a game for him.

Why, didn’t he end it sooner.

It’s really hard. ”

Inevitably, at this time, Zigfei complained and said…

However, he once again clenched the Heavenly Fire Saint Tailor in his hand.

Since the other party has secrets that cannot be said, it is impossible to end the battle with all his strength.

Then he still has to fight seriously.


He still has to be prepared to give his life at any time…

After all…… Above this battlefield.

If you don’t fight with such a mentality.

It is estimated that it will be directly obliterated on this world all of a sudden.

Only fighters who fight with the intention of dying are real warriors.


And looking at Zi Gefei, who re-clenched the “Heavenly Fire Saint Tailor” in his hand.

At this time, Cecilia, she also clenched the “Black Abyss White Flower” in her hand.

The battle is far from over.

However, at this time, Siegfried and Cecilia still did not start immediately.

After all……

Now the battle between Celine and Kamen Rider Shiwang Second Order is not to the extent that they can intervene.

The only thing they can do now is find the right opportunity for them.

The battle between Celine and Kamen Rider Shiwang Second Order.

It’s just the aftermath, for them.

It’s already a big blow and group AOE…

And back to the battlefield of the second order of Celine and Kamen Rider… Seeing that her attack did not work, Celine was shocked and shocked.

But she was already reacting.

“Damn, I will never lose to you!!”

While gritting her silver teeth, Celine said this.

She tried hard to withdraw her right hand…

However, it was at this time that she finally found out.

His right hand, at this time, there is no way to get rid of the shackles of the second order of Kamen Rider Shiwang.

Damn, since that’s the case.

You can only use other methods…

Thinking like this, Celine gently left the ground with her feet and floated in mid-air.


A loud bang.

I saw that at this time, she used the blessing of the core of the “Thunder Lawrator” to kick her right leg with great strength on the face armor of the second order of Kamen Rider Shiwang.

That deafening sound was already telling everyone.

How exaggerated and powerful is the power of this surprise attack of Celine.

However, Kamen Rider Shiwang Second Order is still unmoving…

“This! How is this possible!!?? ”

Once again, at this time, Celine, she showed an extremely shocked and incredible expression.

She originally thought that the first attack, the guy in front of her used the strength of his whole body to show that he blocked it so easily.

However, now Celine she found out.

It doesn’t seem to be like that…

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