Facing this huge ball of electromagnetic energy with terrifying power that flew back towards him.

At this time, Celine, she showed an expression that was shocked and could not be shocked anymore.

She thought that although the other party could resist this huge ball of electromagnetic energy of herself.

However, this is already the limit of the other party.


Now it seems that this is not the case at all.

Until now, Celine had not seen the limit of Kamen Rider’s second-order power.

“Done, it worked… He really succeeded!! ”

And looking at the huge electromagnetic energy ball that was successfully pushed back by Kamen Rider Shi Wang Second Order.

At this time, Zig Fei, he showed an extremely surprised expression.

I thought…

Under Celine’s trick, they all want “all beings equal”.

But…… I didn’t expect it.

“There is hope, this battle.

Maybe…… We can really succeed.

Without using the zero power rating!! ”

Similarly, at this time, it was not only Zigfei who was rejoicing at the power of the second order of Kamen Rider Shiwang.

At this time, Cecilia was almost excited to jump.


They can now really use this man named “Kamen Rider” to successfully solve this collapse crisis.

However, compared to the surprise Siegfried, there is also Cecilia.

At this time, Walter was a little frightened.

Even, at this time, he unconsciously took several steps back.

He couldn’t believe what was happening in front of him.

“No, it can’t be.

Mankind…… It’s impossible to do such a thing. ”


Walter while saying this.

He stopped abruptly, revealing an extremely frightened expression.

“That’s not right… If, if he is also a lawyer.

Then everything can be explained. ”

The sudden thought made Walter seem to have some special ideas.

Soon, though.

At this time, he shook his head sharply and said.

“Nope! No, it can’t be.

His body did not show any trace of collapse energy.

He is not a power system with us. ”

The more he thought about Walter like this, the more he felt the horror of things…

However, no matter how much you compare.

Of all the people present, none could match the joy of Bronia and Ciel.

“Sure enough, it’s really worthy of Teacher Qi Liang…”

“Teacher Qi Liang, how much strength does he still have, is he hiding from us…”

I saw Bronia and Xi’er at this time.

Both of them made different statements at this time…

Only, for sure.

They all showed a joyful expression after seeing Kamen Rider and King Second Order successfully pushed Celine’s electromagnetic energy ball back.

Only, despite this.

Bronia, she still did not relax at this time, and her vigilance was not relaxed for a moment.

Because she knew very well that this was her test.


Although the current Qi Liang teacher, that is, Kamen Rider Shiwang Second Order, he is trying his best to help himself reduce the difficulty of the test of this world.


No matter how much it is lowered, Bronia will not take it lightly.

Because she knows very well that the test of this world bubble, no matter how simple it is, will not be simple.

Just one Celine was already making Bronia realize.

She had fought with and had before.

It’s just child’s play…

And back to the battlefield of the second order of Celine and Kamen Rider.

Although Celine was almost frightened by Kamen Rider’s superhuman performance of the second order.

However, it is limited to shock.

The idea of fighting did not relax for a moment in Celine’s psyche.

Although Kamen Rider Shiwang Second Order successfully pushed his electromagnetic energy ball back.

But it didn’t exert much force.

Naturally, Celine was sideways, and avoided this huge ball of electromagnetic energy with great ease.



In the sky, there was a roar that almost shattered the entire earth and a strong purple light that blinded everyone’s eyes.

That huge electromagnetic energy finally disappeared into this world…

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