Listen to the Chonghuang Shiwang in golden armor in front of him.

It was at this time that he accurately stated all his plans.

Celine at this time.

She was immediately frightened and unconsciously stepped back.


She didn’t think about it at all.


This guy in front of him, he was able to be under such conditions.

See through all your plans.

It’s just amazing…


Celine, she still doesn’t know.

The other party, what kind of means the other party uses to be able to see their own means clearly.

In theory, this is simply impossible.

In the midst of the battle just now.

Celine has been deliberately creating some unnecessary small attacks.

Use this to attract the attention of this guy named Kamen Rider Shiwang in front of him.

By the way, he could also direct his thoughts to another place.


Naturally, she was already covering this thing and doing it perfectly…


Even if you don’t deliberately do cover.

The golden King in front of him, he theoretically had no way to see his skills clearly.

After all……

This skill of his own move has never revealed any trace above the ground.


That huge meteorite, she was all pulled from outer space.

Other words.

Up to now……

Those huge meteorites are still in outer space.

And Celine has been preparing.

Ready to use these meteorites that can destroy the heavens and the earth to completely kill the golden King in front of him.

However, now it is actually seen through by the other party in such a simple way!!??


Looking at his calm appearance, he didn’t care at all!!?? Just kidding, this is a super giant meteorite that stretches for hundreds of kilometers.

If it lands directly on the earth like this, it will not be powerful.

The phenomena and destruction caused by it alone are enough to destroy the original environment and civilization of the entire earth.


This guy in front of him, he actually found out and didn’t stop himself!!??

“Damn it, you fellow.

How much you don’t put me in your eyes!! ”

I saw Celine floating in mid-air at this time.

With a sharp wave of her right hand, she roared loudly towards King Chonghuang, who was also floating in front of her.

Again and again.

This shiny guy in front of him, he shattered his self-esteem.

“I… I’m the strongest lawyer!! ”

I saw Celine at this time, she emphasized it again.

He emphasized that he was the strongest “lawyer”.

…… But.

King Chonghuang was quite calm, and he knew Xilin’s plan.

But others don’t think that way.

After all……

They don’t have the power to almost destroy the heavens and the earth like King Chonghuang.

“Sure enough, it’s the same as I guessed.

But…… That guy, why can he be so calm. ”

Compared with the emperor, Walter is also a “lawyer”.

He had known about Celine’s plan for this meteorite a little earlier.


What he didn’t understand was.

This move is obviously a skill that can destroy human civilization.

However, this Chonghuang Shiwang, he didn’t even take advantage of the opportunity to stop Xi Lin now.


What the hell was going on.

Or does he have hole cards…

And the other side’s.

After listening to the words of the king to Xilin.

I saw Ziegfried and Cecilia at this time.

Both of them were surprised and silent at the same time.

They are now…

I don’t know what to say…

Huge meteorites that destroy the Earth.

Something like this…

Is there really a way to do it!?


The power of the “lawyer” is really already strong to that point.

That’s a meteorite, from the power of the universe.


The power of the “lawyer” is already beyond this planet.

Have you come to the universe!!??

“Hey~~ This is no joke.

If you don’t stop the lawyer, it’s really bad. ”

I saw Zigfei at this time, he shook his head and said.

After all……

He didn’t know how powerful that King of Chonghuang was…

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