Seeing that his attack was perfectly resisted by the unknown little girl in front of him.

At this time, Celine, she also showed a slightly surprised expression.

There was nothing strange about that girl.

Even the weapons seem to be very ordinary.


Her strength is strong and eccentric.

No, Celine at this time.

She also showed a slightly puzzled expression.


Soon, at this time, she had already adjusted.

After all, in her heart.

She knows very well that any goal, no matter how powerful.

It is impossible to compare to the guy in armor…

And the guy in armor…

The guy who claims to be able to perfectly manipulate the power of “time and space”.

He is his real goal.

Ignoring the person who had already consumed a lot of physical strength because of resistance.

At this time, Celine, she once again burst out of collapse energy.

Aiming at the Kamen Rider Shiwang in front of him, he was about to raid away…

And in the face of such Celine.

At this time, Kamen Rider Shiwang, he didn’t even pose for battle.

Because he knows very well.

This battle…

Even if he withdrew, it was estimated that there would be no impact.


The key to the battle is no longer on his body…

“Hmph! The next second, you won’t be so calm.”

With Celine’s voice just fell.

At this time, she had already adjusted her posture.


A loud bang.

Celine at this time.

She had already disappeared in place and rushed towards the Kamen Rider Shiwang on the ground.


It’s just that she was in the middle of her flight.


On one occasion, at this time, Bronia used the “Heavy Bunny 19C” behind her back to aim at Celine and launched consecutive attacks.

“How many times have I said that the same move is of no use to the lawyer!!”

While a little annoyed, Celine raised her right hand and shouted out the “Imaginary Number” to send those cannons to the “imaginary space”.

Celine, once again, perfectly defused Bronia’s attack.

It’s just that at this time.

Bronia, who was perfectly defused by the attack.

She actually showed a shallow smile at this time.


Where Celine didn’t notice, there was another person.

He was cooperating with Bronia and raised the two guns in his hands.

“Sorry… This time, it’s not the same trick. ”

I saw Bronia at this time, she said in a low voice…

With Bronia’s voice just fell.





Instantly, at this time, Ziegfried pulled the trigger continuously.

From the muzzle of the Heavenly Fire Saint Tailor in his hand, tongues of fire immediately spewed out.



Countless flame bullets formed by the collapse energy successfully hit Celine’s body at this time.

Bronia, who was raided, had to pause her flight at this time.

Celine, who stayed in place and floated in mid-air.

She immediately used the core power of the “Law of Death” and began to repair the wounds on her back.


At this time, Celine, she once again gritted her silver teeth, revealing a slightly angry expression.


However, it contrasted with Celine’s angry expression.

At this time, Bronia, she showed a shallow smile.

“Hmm… It seems that the lawyer will not fall for the same trick.

But will fall into the same trick routine. ”

That’s right, this feint move.

At the very beginning of the battle.

Bronia and Ziegfried were already used together.

Celine she hit…

And now, it’s her second trick.


On the other side, Ziegfried at this time.

He also withdrew the “Heavenly Fire Holy Tailor” in his hand, and blew the muzzle smoke like a character in a movie.

I saw that at this time, he said with a smile.

“Hmph! Didn’t think… It’s not bad to cooperate with that little sister.

That little sister is a girl who has experienced a lot of battlefields. ”

I saw Zigfei at this time, and he said with some sighs.

However, looking at Celine, who was still repairing her wounds.

At this time, Cecilia was already aware of her opportunity.

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