“Okay, now… I was finally able to continue the fight. ”

Because of the change in combat tactics.

Limited after healing wounds that will affect their combat performance.

At this time, Celine, she finally floated in the air again.


This time, a confident smile appeared on her face again.

And Qi Liang left above the ground.

After he saw such a Celine.

He couldn’t help but show a shallow smile at this time.

That’s right……

Celine in this world bubble.

Her combat IQ is indeed…

It is no longer as simple as simply being much stronger than the “puffer fish lawyer” in the original world.

Celine at this time.

She even showed a combat IQ that almost surpassed any character Qi Liang had encountered in this Collapsed World.

This is really… Too strong.

Plus Celine in this world bubble.

She was extremely proficient in using the existence of the five “Law Core Cores” in her body.

Such a Celine, if you say that she can easily destroy everyone here except Qi Liang.

It’s all right.

After all……

She already had that power.

It’s just that there is Qi Liang here.

Incarnated as the King of Chonghuang, he had already sealed all of Xi Lin’s strongest skills in advance.

And…… With him on board.

This battle is also full of hope.

However, the current war situation is still extremely difficult.

“Hmph! Did you abandon those insignificant wounds and give priority to healing those wounds that would affect the performance of the battle? It’s really smart…”

At this time, Qi Liang, he also had to sigh.

But…… Sigh back sigh.

At this time, Qi Liang continued to raise his right hand.

Although now Celine is able to restore her combat effectiveness again.


This does not mean that her wounds are completely healed.

The almost irreversible wound Cecilia had left her before she was on board.

In this battle, Celine she was still in a wounded fighting posture.


It was still Qi Liang and others who had the upper hand.


Accompanied by an order from Qi Liang.


A sound.

And the crisp sound of snapping fingers on his right hand.

At this moment, countless divine weapons and blades.

At this time, he passed through the gate of another dimension shining with golden light, and rushed towards Celine in front of him at an extremely exaggerated speed.


This time Celine, she was not as flustered as the last time.

“Hmph! This time, it’s not that simple! ”

Accompanied by a roar from Celine.

At this time, she was already waving her right hand vigorously.



A gust of wind that cut through the air and made a roaring sound blew away the countless “King’s Treasure Treasury” divine weapon blades released by Qi Liang.

And looked at Celine, who used the power of the “Wind Lawr”.

At this time, Qi Liang was also slightly surprised.

He didn’t expect that Celine’s combat intelligence was so high.

As a matter of fact……

The divine weapon blades released from the “King’s Treasure Vault” were all micro-manipulated by Qi Liang.

If she is the one who uses the “Law of Flame”

The “Law of Thunder” or her original “Law of Voidness” power.

In fact, there is no way to play any role in the “treasure house of kings” of Qi Liang.


All that was released from Qi Liang’s “King’s Treasury” was a divine military uniform.

Relying on the power of flames and lightning, it is impossible to have any impact on these weapons.


Relying on the power of the wind, it can easily change the original walking trajectory of these divine blades.

And Celine, she only suffered a loss once.

She immediately recognized this weakness.

It can be said that…

In this world bubble inside Celine, her combat IQ.

It is indeed already a high point.

However, at this time, Qi Liang only smiled slightly.

Just changing the trajectory of the “King’s Treasure House” can not be enough… Five.

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