When he felt the coercion of the man in front of him who was shining with a faint golden light, out of instinct, Kevin Kaslana at this time also made a fighting posture.

He had never felt such an oppressive enemy, and his instinct to fight told Kevin all the time that the man in front of him was extremely dangerous.

And at this time, from Kevin Kaslanna’s body, it also began to emit bursts of cold air, and ice crystals kept falling from his body.

As Qi Liang expected, Kevin Kaslanna, who lost the “Heavenly Fire Saint Tailor”, used the power of ice and snow more to fight.

After all, he had the DNA of the emperor-level ice avalanche beast “Pafanti” in his body.

And it is with this power to control ice and snow that Kevin Kaslana can offset the negative effects of using the “Skyfire Saint Tailor”.


And at this time, King Chonghuang, he just casually bowed to his right hand and whispered to Bronia behind him.

“Bronia, you step back first.

You’re no match for him yet…”

Listening to the words of King Chonghuang in front of her, Bronia at this time was also a little anxious to refute King Chonghuang.

After all, in the task of saving Xi’er, she didn’t want to rely on Qi Liang’s power all.

Xi’er is her own stumbler, so Bronia hopes that she can save her with her own hands.


The situation is indeed as Qi Liang said, the collapse energy of the man with white hair and blue eyes in front of him who is exactly the same as the “paramecium” does have an unbridgeable gap with himself.

There is really no way, at this time, Bronia she is also driving her “Heavy Bunny 19C” to float back slightly.

“Then, it’s over to you, Teacher Qi Liang…”

After watching Bronia retreat a certain distance, at this time, the king of the Chonghuang Shiwang shrugged his shoulders again.

“So, Kevin Kaslanna.

Let’s start fighting! ”

I saw that at this time, the king of Chonghuang, he said such a sentence indifferently towards the man in front of him.

However, in the face of the words of the King of Chonghuang in front of him, Kevin Kaslana at this time, he just continued to lock his brows.

“That man, he knows my name…”

I saw Kevin Kaslana at this time, he said secretly in a voice that only he could hear.

“It’s time to start fighting.

Hopefully, though, after I defeat you.

You can tell you how to get into the Quantum Sea. ”

Although he hasn’t started fighting yet, Kevin Kaslana doesn’t think he will lose.

Even already thinking about the development after the victory in battle.

And listening to the words of Kevin Kaslana on the other side, at this time, the king of the emperor just shrugged his shoulders and said.

“Let’s wait until you defeat me.”

While speaking, King Chonghuang stretched out his right hand and touched the relief representing “Kamen Rider Dragoon” on his body.

In an instant, a golden gate shining with dazzling golden light appeared from his right side, and then a “dragon saber” as red as flames appeared from inside.

“If you are fire, you should restrain ice and snow.

But…… For a man like you, who is so good at playing with fire, I don’t know if this truth will work. ”

I saw that at this time, the king of Chonghuang, he held the exclusive weapon of “Kamen Rider Dragoon”, “Dragon Saber”, and put on a fighting posture.

However, from the moment when the king of Chonghuang took a fighting stance.


of a sound.

At this time, Kevin Kaslanna, he was already like an off-string arrow, turning into a white streamer at an extremely exaggerated speed and rushing towards the King of Chonghuang.

“Oh roar, it’s fast…”

And looking at the stream of light in front of him, King Chonghuang Shi was also slightly surprised.

After all…… To this extent with a human body alone, Kevin Kaslana is indeed a bit of a strong exaggeration.

It is worthy of being the ace warrior of the last civilization era.

It’s just that compared with King Chonghuang, it’s still a little worse.


I saw that at this time, the king of the Chonghuang Shi, he only slightly sideways and had already dodged Kevin Kaslanna’s attack.

Moreover, he also seized the wave of this moment.

Holding the “Dragon Saber” that was already burning in his right hand, he slashed out at Kevin Kaslanna.

However, Kevin Kaslanna, who has incomparably rich combat experience, also launched the ice and snow ability in his body at this time, barely canceling out the attack of the Chonghuang King.

At the same time, at this time, he also lost his balance and flew out because of the impact of his attack and the attack of King Chonghuang at the same time.

And Bronia, who was watching this battle, also widened her cute big eyes to capture any detail of this battle.

However, it is a pity that this is still a little reluctant for her.

“So strong, Teacher Qi Liang and that guy who looks like a paramecium are so strong.

The naked eye could not fully capture their figures. ”

“These two guys are as strong as monsters… No”

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