“Hahaha~~~ How about it, my Valkyrie armor, powerful!”

I saw that on the top of the huge simulated battlefield, Kiana, who was unleashing “light wings, unfolding”, was constantly carrying out a large-scale indiscriminate bombardment, wanting to use this method to defeat that Rita.


In the face of Kiana’s bombardment, Rita at this time also decisively chose to defend.

Because she knows very well that she is such a powerful skill from the beginning.

The collapse energy in Kiana’s body was simply not enough to support this long-term battle.

“Hmph! It seems that this battle is no longer in suspense…”

Rita, who was defending against Kiana’s attack, said secretly…

And above the audience, looking at such an arrogant and smug Kiana.

At this time, Raiden Bud Yi, she couldn’t help but sigh and said.

“This Kiana… She’s too arrogant…”

Bronia, who was sitting next to Raiden Bud, also began to play her best data analysis at this time.

“According to the current consumption of Honkai energy, Kiana is completely insufficient to support the second half of this Valkyrie level assessment.”


On the other side, looking at Kiana who operated like this.

At this time, Qi Liang, he also made a slight side face, looked at Kalian who held his right arm and refused to let go, and said with a smile.

“Kalien, you don’t seem to have taught Kiana how to fight the enemy better…”

Listening to Qi Liang’s slightly mocking meaning, Karen also pouted slightly at this time, and said with some anger.

“What, it’s not all my fault.

It’s that she herself is always reluctant to learn this, and she just wants to learn gun fighting with me every day. ”

As Kalian’s voice just fell, Qi Liang at this time also caressed Karian’s head.

However, on Qi Liang’s left, Yae Sakura, she suddenly frowned slightly at this time and said.

“Ah Liang, something is wrong with Kiana’s body.

It seems that the same situation as before has happened again…”

Obviously, Yae Sakura is talking about the awakening of the Second Law in her body when they first met Kiana.

As Yae Sakura, who is a mimetic, she can keenly detect the abnormalities that are happening in Kiana at this time.

Similarly, Karen on Qi Liang’s right-hand side.

She also heard Yae Sakura’s words at this time, and at this time, her pupils suddenly shrank and began to worry about Kiana.

Listening to Yae Sakura’s words, Qi Liang at this time also nodded and said.

“Well, indeed.

Her crazy release of Avalanche Energy like this really gave the lawyer in her body a chance.

But…… Not a big problem. ”

As Qi Liang’s voice just fell, Yae Sakura and Karen at this time also relaxed a little.

After all, since Qi Liang said that there was no problem, there must be no problem.

Karen and Yae Sakura, the two of them have always believed in Qi Liang unconditionally.


And back to that simulated assessment battlefield.

After tens of seconds of “light wings, unfolding” bombardment, it was obvious that Kiana’s collapse energy had also been consumed to a certain extent.

Compared with the powerful power at the beginning of the battle, the current Kiana’s attack is obviously much less powerful.

I saw Kiana at this time, she couldn’t help but shout loudly.

“Abominable! You guy, if you have the ability, don’t hide!! ”


Listen to Kiana’s loud cry.

At this time, Rita, she also smiled secretly.

“Since you want me out so much, then do as you wish…”

As soon as Rita’s voice fell, at this time, she also immediately swung the huge scythe “Gene Reaper” in her hand vigorously.


A loud bang.

The scythe easily broke Kiana’s “Light Wing, Unfold” attack.

The continuous use has weakened Kiana’s attack a lot now.



Seeing her attack being easily cut apart by Rita, Kiana also showed an extremely shocked expression at this time.

However, floating in mid-air, she also made an attack posture again, intending to carry out the next wave of attacks.


Compared to Rita’s attack, Kiana is already one step slower now.

“I won this mock battle.

Little Kiana…”

As soon as Rita’s voice came, at this time, she had already kicked her feet hard and flew into the air, and the huge scythe went towards Kiana in front of her.

And looking at this huge scythe that was about to fall on her, although she knew that she had Valkyrie armor to protect her, she would not suffer much damage.

At this time, her pupils, which were also instinctive, began to dilate, and her heartbeat accelerated violently.


A sound.

I saw Rita at this time, and she gently fell to the ground.

Her attack… Fell short.

“This, what’s going on?”

For what happened just now, Rita felt a little puzzled.

After all, Kiana disappeared from her eyes out of thin air.

And just when Rita felt puzzled, the voice that looked like Kiana also sounded from behind her at this time.

“Hmph~~ It’s really stupid, it actually gave me such a chance.

You’re really too lax, Kiana. ”

“Moreover, for this level of confrontation, it is really embarrassing for me.

Let me teach you how power is used…”

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