Listening to Kalien’s sudden words, Kiana at this time also immediately showed an extremely puzzled expression.

“Huh!? Back, back!? But we won’t necessarily lose to that arrogant guy now? ”

Now Kiana, she thought that Karen-sensei meant to let them retreat.

However, just after Kiana’s voice fell.

They hadn’t waited for Karen and Qi Liang to answer what she was up to.

Raiden Bud Clothes grabbed Kiana’s collar on the Valkyrie armor and immediately took her back.

“Bud, bud.

What are you doing?

I, I can still continue to fight! ”

And Kiana, who was caught, she also shouted loudly at this time.

It’s just that Raiden Bud Yi ignored her shouts.

And Bronia, she also drove her “Heavy Bunny 19C” to slowly float towards the back.

Qi Liang and Fu Hua Shangxian were also at the same time, and they had already arrived behind Ka Lian.

After all……

The sword of total liberation pledge victory is no joke.

Without any defense and no change, even if Qi Liang eats a “curry stick” head-on, it is estimated that it will not feel very good.


And after seeing that everyone has come behind him.

At this time, Karian, who held high the sword of oath victory in her hand, also said to Qi Liang behind her with a slightly sideways face.

“Ah Liang, now it’s time to start releasing it.”

Faced with Kalien’s question, Qi Liang also nodded and said at this time.

“Well, that’s it.

But…… Pay attention to the proportions yourself.

The power of this god-made armor may be a little beyond your imagination. ”

At this time, Qi Liang also did not forget to remind Karen to pay attention to the release of the power of the “Sword of Oath Victory”.

If it is to deal with the “lawyer”, or Kevin and the complete Fuhua Shangxian, it is better.

But for the “anti-entropy” titan mecha, the power of the “sword of sworn victory”, it is really a dimensionality reduction blow.

“Ah! It hurts, what the hell is going on.

Bud clothes… We obviously haven’t lost to that guy yet. ”

Kiana, who was led away by the lightning bud clothes, fell heavily.

At this moment, she was rubbing the back of her head and said.

And listening to Kiana’s words, at this time, she also set her sights on Teacher Karian.

“Kiana, see for yourself.

The current Karen teacher. ”

“Huh? What’s wrong with Teacher Kalien…”

Before Kiana finished her words, she saw an extremely spectacular scene…

On the other side, on the side of the “anti-entropy” Titan mech.

Looking at the group of inexplicably retreating Valkyries, Kokolia thought at first that the other party was afraid of his Titan mech troops and fled.


As Kokolia continued to look back, it didn’t seem like that.

Because, at this moment.

The woman with long white hair and beautiful blue eyes.

She was holding aloft a simple longsword in her hand.

And on that long sword was condensing an incomparably huge energy, an energy that did not belong to the collapse energy, did not belong to any kind of energy they recognized.

Yes, it is clear what this energy is.

Kokolia didn’t even know, but she still felt an incomparably huge energy from the “Sword of Oath Victory” in Kalien’s hand.

“Gee! The whole army, defensive posture!! ”

Out of safety, at this time in Kokolia, she waved her right hand vigorously and commanded her Titan mech army to put on a defensive posture.

In front of them, a huge blue energy shield condensed.

The energy from this planet also turned into countless bits of starlight shining with golden light at this time, and little by little converged on the “Sword of Oath of Victory” held high by Karin.

“Good, so beautiful…”

Looking at Kalien, whose whole body was shining with faint starlight, Kiana at this time she couldn’t help but sigh and said.

And Lei Dian Bud Yi and the others were also a little dumbfounded when they looked at the current Ka Lian’s posture.

They were all shocked by Kalien’s current gesture.


“Hmm, sure enough, handing over the Sword of Oath Victory to Karen was an extremely correct choice.

But…… That’s pretty much it. ”

“Kalien, but released!”

I saw Qi Liang at this time, and he reminded Karen loudly and said.

Listen to Qi Liang’s words, Karen at this moment.

She did not respond to Qi Liang immediately, but at this time, she held the “Sword of Oath Victory” in her hand even harder.


As Karen shouted the real name of the longsword in her hand, her hands also slashed forward at this moment.


An incomparably huge torrent of golden energy also roared towards the titan mecha in front of him with an extremely exaggerated momentum and an aura of destruction…

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