Turning into a blue streamer, she was rushing towards the Shiwang True King form in front of her at an extremely exaggerated speed.

And the position where she was originally standing was also collapsed into a hole that was not deep or shallow because she could not withstand the huge force that erupted when she started.

“So fast!!”

Looking at this blue streamer, Kiana, Karen and the others couldn’t help but say in surprise.

Although Karen is said to be the strongest Valkyrie of the “Mandate of Heaven” 500 years ago, she herself also has the strength of an S-class Valkyrie.

However, in the face of the three Collapsed Immortals of Youlandale, Kevin and Fuhua Shangxian, Karian’s strength was still slightly inferior.

However, Karen, who has the “Sword of Oath Victory”, now also has the power to fight with these three Collapse Immortals.



Coming to the Yulan Dale in front of the true king of Shiwang, she suddenly stabbed out the huge riding spear in her hand.

However, it was resisted by the dark golden energy shield temporarily condensed by the right hand of the Shiwang True King form.

The riding spear bombarded the dark golden energy shield, emitting a huge roar.


This dark golden energy shield did not move in the face of the powerful attack of Yurandell, and did not even make the slightest wave.


And seeing that her assault still did not play any role, Yulandel she also gritted her teeth slightly at this time.

She didn’t expect that even if she became stronger, there was still no way to break through the energy shield of the man in front of her.

Looking at the strongest Valkyrie of the “Mandate of Heaven” in front of her, she looked stunned.

Under the armor, Qi Liang, he also continued to show a playful expression and said.

“What’s wrong… Such an attack can’t break through my defenses.

Do you want to use the power of your God’s Key? Maybe in that case, you can tear my shield apart. ”

At this time, Qi Liang, he deliberately hinted at the ability of Yu Landell to activate her God Key “Black Abyss White Flower”.

“The power of the Black Abyss White Flower!?”

After hearing Qi Liang’s words, Kalien, who was watching the battle from a distance, also showed a slightly puzzled and surprised expression.

In her time, she had seen the power of the black flower in the “Black Abyss White Flower” once.

That kind of power is simply too dangerous and unreasonable.

And it was because Qi Liang took the initiative to ask Youlandale to use the power of the “Black Abyss White Flower” that Ka Lian felt a little puzzled.

“There are two kinds of abilities of the black abyss white flower, blackening represents the power to decompose everything,

White flowers represent restoration.

Ah Liang actually took the initiative to ask the other party to use the power of the Divine Key.

What kind of idea is he playing with? ”

Just after Ka Lian made a surprised voice, Fu Hua Shangxian was acting as an interpreter.

“So powerful, able to break down everything!!??”

And just after Fu Hua Shangxian’s voice fell, everyone present showed an extremely surprised expression.

If that “Black Abyss White Flower” can really break down everything, doesn’t it mean that nothing in the world can stop her attack…


Back to the battlefield.

After hearing the mocking words in front of him, named Shiwang Zhenwang form, at this time, Youlandale also frowned slightly and gritted his teeth.

She was obviously feeling a little angry.

“Hmph! I don’t need you to say, I will too…”

As soon as Youlandale’s voice fell, the “Black Abyss White Flower” in her hand seemed to slowly recede its white shell at this time, revealing the black inner inside.


A black mist-like energy began to seep out at this time, eroding the dark golden energy shield released by the Shiwang True King form.

And looking at his shield that was being eroded little by little, Qi Liang, who was under the armor, did not show any expression of surprise.

“Uh-huh, the key of God… It’s still a little useful.

But that’s about it. ”

The voice that accompanied the form of the true king of Shiwang just fell.

At this time, the dark golden energy shield became thicker, and the dark golden energy on it also became more huge, and a little dark red lightning like blood flashed from time to time.


And the breakthrough of Youlandell only ends there.

Seeing that there was no way to continue to break through the shield of the man in front of him, at this time, Youlandale also showed a surprised expression again.

“Black Abyss White Flower… Failed!!?? ”

Unable to break down the situation of what is in front of you, this is the first time you have encountered it.

Now she is beginning to wonder if the ability of “Black Abyss White Flower” has failed…


Looking at the surprised Youlandale, Qi Liang also began to explain at this time out of kindness.

“It’s not that your abilities are invalid.

It’s just that…… My strength and your Black Abyss White Flower are not above one dimension.

Lower dimensions cannot interfere with things in higher dimensions.

That’s all. ”

As soon as the words fell, Shi Wang Zhenwang slowly raised his other hand and made an attack posture…

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