With Qi Liang’s voice, just fell.

At this time, it was not only Celine who felt puzzled.

Similarly, at this time, Kiana also showed an extremely shocked expression.

Teacher Qi Liang actually asked her to fight with a lawyer!!?? Well, although Kiana doesn’t think she can’t win.


How to say, this is also a little too…

Moreover, Teacher Qi Liang seems to have mentioned something when talking to that “puffer fish lawyer” just now, teaching Kiana to use the “power of the lawyer” in her body.

What’s going on here!!??

“Teacher Qi Liang, what the hell are you doing!!??

I saw Kiana at this time, she took a step in the direction of Qi Liang, spread her right hand and asked loudly.

“In other words, what is it to teach me to use the power of the law in my body?

I’m a Valkyrie, how can I have the power of a lawyer! ”

Now Kiana, she still didn’t react at all.

What kind of changes had happened in her body during the period she had just fought with Celine.

Seeing Qi Liang at this time, he glanced at the current Kiana again.

The original two twisted braids spread out into a long white hair draped over the shoulders, and what was originally a pair of beautiful blue eyes also turned into a blue and a gold heterochromatic pupil at this time.

The “White Knight Moonlight” Valkyrie armor on her body was also transformed into a new set of black and white Valkyrie armor, “Skydome Ranger” at this time with the change of mood and collapse energy.

This was Qi Liang who specially left some small means when making “White Knight Moonlight” for her before.

The current Kiana’s Valkyrie armor can be changed and upgraded according to the user’s situation and emotions, just like Bronia’s “Reloaded Bunny 19C”.


Originally taught Kiana how to use the power of her internal lawyer, this should be the task of Fu Hua Shangxian in the later story.

It’s just that Qi Liang has advanced the process of this step.

Seeing Qi Liang at this time, he sighed slightly, rubbed his temples, and said to Kiana in front of him.

“See for yourself at your current posture…”

Listening to Teacher Qi Liang’s words, at this time, Kiana looked down at her current self with half a doubt.

“Wow! I, how did I become like this!??? ”

After seeing the huge changes in her body, Kiana also immediately made a surprised sound at this time.

Qi Liang also covered his ears a little speechlessly at this time.

“Qi, Teacher Qi Liang… Why, why did I become the way I am now!! ”

I saw Kiana at this time, and she asked loudly towards Qi Liang in front of her.

Qi Liang, on the other hand, said speechlessly.

“Now you have turned the power that belongs to the lawyer in your body into your own power.

And what was separated was resurrected by me as Celine. ”

While speaking, Qi Liang set his gaze on Celine in the distance.

“And your task now is to learn how to use the power of the lawyer in your body from this puffer fish lawyer!”

However, just after Qi Liang’s voice fell.

Celin, who heard all the conversations between Qi Liang and Kiana, also immediately shouted at Qi Liang in front of her at this time.

“I haven’t agreed to your request, why should I give that fool how to use the power of the lawyer.

Besides… Now in her body, there is not much power left in her body! ”

However, now Qi Liang she doesn’t care what Celine is talking about now…

“Hmph! Now it’s not up to you.

And…… Didn’t you say you were going to kill this little girl to celebrate your resurrection? ”

While speaking, Qi Liang also raised his eyebrows at Celine, as if he was provoking her.

On the other side, Kiana, she listened to Teacher Qi Liang say this about herself.

She also shouted a little angrily.

“Hey! You smelly Qi Liang teacher, how do you talk!!?? ”

Under Qi Liang’s provocation, Celine soon began to fight with Kiana.

One is the pure “Law of Emptiness”, while the other is Kiana, who has awakened the power of the Law of Emptiness.

Now they are engaged in the fiercest battle in the simulated battle space at this time.


Even Kiana, who didn’t know how to use the power of the “lawyer”, was naturally crushed and beaten by Xi Lin at this time.

On the other side, although she has lost the five lawyer cores she got earlier, now she only has her own “void lawyer” core, and of course, the current Celine’s strength is also greatly reduced.

It’s just that, despite that.

The current Kiana is still far from Celine’s opponent.

At the same time, Raiden Bud Yi, who was preparing dinner in the Valkyrie’s dormitory.

She also seemed to suddenly feel something.

I saw that at this time, she suddenly raised her head, and her brows were tightly locked.


In an instant, powerful collapse energy and purple thunder and lightning burst out from her body…

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