Although she used to be an “assassin”, she is a professional killer who will complete tasks strictly according to requirements.

However, after a period of contact with Xi’er, and after contact with Kiana and Raiden Bud Yi.

At this time, Bronia’s heart has already undergone subtle changes.

At least……

Now she will feel pity and regret for this little boy who is about to be taken by the “destiny” for experiments…

However, compared to Bronia’s words, Xi’er at this time has not changed so much.

Even, at this time, she believes that this is also one of the tests that if she cannot strengthen her determination and successfully complete this task, she may fail the test.


And these subtle changes in Bronia’s expression were naturally captured by Qi Liang.

Qi Liang here also quickly sensed that Bronia’s compassion was in an activated state.

At this time, Bronia’s heart was red, and she was definitely struggling with it.

However, he did not guess here that the “Mandate of Heaven” communicators would tell them the purpose so easily.

Although Bronia knows very well that the “Lawyers” are their enemies, and studying the “Lawyers” is indeed incomparably great for them to fight against Honkai.


Despite this, she still thought that this was too cruel for a young boy at such a young age.


A sound.

At this time, Qi Liang, he also turned off and withdrew his wristband-type communication device at this time.

However, at this time, he did not immediately choose to directly hand over this comatose “Law of Reason” back into the hands of “Destiny”.

I saw Qi Liang at this time, he slightly turned a side face, skimmed the expression around him and said with a very complicated expression.

“Naw, Bronia, what do you think.

Do we want to put this law into the hands of destiny? ”

If it were Qi Liang himself, even if it wasn’t out of compassion, he wouldn’t have let Otto’s “destiny” be so smooth.


Here, Qi Liang is more testing Bronia.

Although now he can rely on his strength to forcibly take away the “core of the Law of Reason”.

However, he still hopes that Bronia can obtain it through normal channels.

And listening to Qi Liang’s question, Bronia at this time was also slightly surprised.

With her mouth slightly open, she seemed to want to say something, but she didn’t make any sound.

At this time, she just bit her lip lightly, and then shook her head indifferently and said.

“No, everything, just leave it to Teacher Qi Liang to make a decision…”

As Bronia’s best friend, Xi’er naturally noticed these changes in Bronia’s emotions at this time.

She also saw that Bronia was very entangled now, but she still listened to Qi Liang’s words very much.

At this time, Xi’er also said in a volume that only she could hear.

“Sister Bronia…”

Looking at Bronia like this, Qi Liang at this time also sighed slightly.

He continued to look down at Bronia beside him and said.

“Are you sure? I don’t want to hear you say this, I want to hear what you say. ”

While speaking, Qi Liang’s expression also became serious at this time.

“You know, in this space, any action we do may be a part of the test… So…… Every decision you make plays an incomparably key role. ”

Qi Liang’s words were deliberately guiding Bronia to make her own decisions.


After listening to Qi Liang’s words, Bronia was also immediately touched at this time.

However, despite this, it still could not change the incomparably complex and tangled emotions in her heart now.

Because…… She didn’t know what kind of decision she should make now.

Just as Teacher Qi Liang said, her every decision may become the key point of this test.


However, while Bronia was still struggling with whether to hand over the little boy to “Destiny”.

Xi’er, she also suddenly came to Bronia’s side at this time and said.

“That, sister Bronia.

I think…… The key point of this task is to test whether we have a firm determination to complete the task.

After all, this is the key to humanity’s victory in the face of Honkai. ”

“I don’t think we can defeat Honkai if we don’t even have that determination.”

Listening to Xi’er’s words, Qi Liang at this time.

He finally reacted to why the “Destiny” correspondent would deliberately and directly tell them to recycle this “first lawyer” little boy to go back to research to fight against Honkai.

Because this confrontation collapsed, it was already a point of introduction.

Obviously, Xi’er has fallen into the misunderstanding.

“Interesting… It seems that every step in this test has certain difficulties…”

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