“It’s all right. All to ashes! Flowing blade like fire!! ”

Accompanied by Qi Liang’s shouting of the first explanation of the flowing blade.

Immediately, the simple black sword in his hand immediately burst into flames.

Beasts are afraid of flames, which is the most common method used by human ancestors against beasts.

And now…

When this group of Collapsed Beasts faced Qi Liang’s incomparably powerful “Flowing Blade Like Fire”, they couldn’t help but unconsciously take two steps back.



They gritted their teeth and made a low roar, but they did not dare to take the initiative to attack the man in front of them, but they were unwilling to give up such a rare prey.

It’s just that it is precisely because of the instinct of their most primitive beasts that they have been scourged…

I saw Qi Liang at this time, and the corners of his mouth rose a little.

“Now, I have to praise your courage.”

But…… That’s the end of it. ”

As Qi Liang’s voice just fell, at this time, the flames on the “flowing blade like fire” on his right hand were already burning even more vigorously.

The white snow around Qi Liang also turned into flowing water at this time, and then was directly evaporated into the air.

Just from a distance, I can already feel the terrifying heat.

“Burn the city!!”

With a loud drink, Qi Liang immediately waved the “flowing blade like fire” in his hand.


An incomparably huge fireball directly blasted towards the group of Collapse Beasts in front of him.

In an instant, those Collapsed Beasts didn’t even have time to scream, and they were already directly vaporized and disappeared into this world.

Not even the slightest trace of what once lived in this world disappeared, and even living things were able to vaporize immediately.

This is the true power of the strongest slashing knife “flowing blade like fire”.

He looked at the group of Honkai beasts that disappeared in front of him, and the ground around him that had been exposed to hard rocks because the snow that had disappeared from the original cover.

At this time, Qi Liang, he couldn’t help but pick up the “flowing blade” in his hand and said.

“Sure enough, just the casual wave of the initial solution already has such a huge power, if it is solved, it is estimated that it is even more unimaginable, at least… It is also the same plough surface level as the full firepower of the sword. ”


While speaking, Qi Liang also put the “flowing blade like fire” in his hand back into the space of his “king’s treasure” at this time.

I saw that at this time, he slowly turned around and began to walk slowly in the direction of Otto’s “orphanage”.

“Well, it’s time to go back now.

Although I don’t like Otto very much.

However, the key to clearing the level of this world bubble is to help this man, which is really painful…”

Qi Liang complained in his mouth, and he walked in this white snow…



A sound.

With Qi Liang pushing open the door, in an instant, Bronia and Xi’er in the room also immediately showed excited expressions.

“Teacher Qi Liang! You’re back safe! “×2

I saw that Bronia and Xi’er said happily at the same time at this time.

Although they have great trust in Qi Liang’s strength.

Merely…… There will still be worries.

After all, the hearts of the two of them are not made of stone.


And Qi Liang, he looked at Bronia and Xi’er who gathered in front of him.

At this time, he also slowly stretched out his hands and gently placed them on the top of Bronia and Xi’er’s heads.

And Bronia and Xi’er, who felt Qi Liang’s “touching their heads to kill”, the two of them also showed a happy look at the same time at this time.

Merely…… Solid.

At this time, Qi Liang, but his gaze stayed on the body of Otto in front of him and the young version of Walter.

Obviously, after returning to the orphanage, Walter had woken up.


He had no idea about what had just happened, and he had no idea about the incident that Otto had saved him.

It’s just that even if you really know, it is estimated that you can’t feel grateful at all in your heart.


Can’t help it, at this time, Qi Liang sighed slightly.

“It seems that the bubble in this world will stay for a while…”

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