After all three had completed their combat preparations.

Kamen Rider Shiwang, he slowly walked in front of Otto.

He gently placed his right hand on Otto’s shoulder and said in a slightly low, serious tone.

“Well, leave it to us here.

Your useless enchantments can already be revoked. ”

As soon as the words fell, at this time, Kamen Rider Shiwang, he had already taken Bronia and Xi’er and the three of them together and began to walk in the direction of the collapsed beasts in front of him.

And it is already because of the reason to maintain the energy force field.

At this time, Otto, whether he is physical strength or vitality, is already extremely close to the limit at this time.

After hearing what Kamen Rider Shiwang said just now.

He finally dared to withdraw his maintenance of the energy force field, and the whole person began to fall to the ground.




And just after Otto had just removed the energy force field.

The ferocious group of Collapse Beasts outside immediately let out an extremely violent roar.


At this time, none of them dared to take the initiative to step forward and attack Otto in front of them.


With the pace of Kamen Rider Shiwang and others.

At this time, these fierce collapsed beasts couldn’t help but start to regress backwards.

It is possible that the memory of the race is conducted.

Because the last time those Collapsed Beasts did not have the slightest chance to resist when facing the crushing strength of Kamen Rider Shiwang.

And now…

These Honkai beasts, who were originally extremely ferocious, actually seemed to have fought with Kamen Rider Shiwang, and began to fall backwards in fear.


And just when Kamen Rider King and the others were about to fight these Honkai beasts.

The infant version of Walter, he also hurriedly ran out of the “orphanage” at this time.


I saw that at this time, he shouted Otto’s name loudly, and still ran over to help Otto up.

Otto, who was helped up by Walter, reluctantly opened his eyes and looked at the familiar face in front of him.

Although now Otto desperately wants to reprimand Walter for running out at such a dangerous time, but… The thought of his life that he didn’t have long left left.

Ultimately…… Otto still failed to reprimand the teenager at this time.

I saw Otto at this time, and every word he said seemed to be doing his best.

“Here, it’s too dangerous.

You better hurry up and go back inside.

Here, it is enough to have Qi Liang and them. ”

Listening to Otto’s words, Walter just shook his head at this time, his expression was extremely complicated.

“No, no.

Why didn’t you tell me the truth then, and if you had told me the truth at that time, maybe things wouldn’t have turned out like this. ”

Although the young version of Walter is relatively withdrawn and dark, at the same time, his mental age is far beyond that of the children in the orphanage here.

For the matter of the Honkai Beast, he already had certain ideas.

In addition, Bronia had quietly told the young version of Walter the truth before.

And Otto, after listening to Walter’s words, also showed a slightly surprised expression.

He also didn’t know why Walter knew the truth back then.

And…… He was obviously done to hide it.

But…… Now that he knows, there is really no way.

I saw Otto at this time, he was silent for a while, and then he continued to speak.

“I’m sorry, but, I won’t let you know the truth.

I want you to continue to hate me, because for whatever reason, I can’t get away with that crime.

So, I’m not going to let you know the truth.

And…… Perhaps hating this feeling can also be your motivation to live. ”

Otto, he finally told the truth at this time…

However, after listening to Otto’s words.

At this time, Walter did not say a word.

He ignored Otto, but at this time picked up the “Void Hidden Treasure” that fell beside Otto, and then slowly walked forward.

Came to Kamen Rider Tokio’s side…

And at this time, Kamen Rider Shiwang, he also looked down at the child next to him.

“Hmph! Interesting…”

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