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Chapter 106 Magic in the Lord of the Rings

In the late night city, Nan God Aikongli stood on the roof of a skyscraper, holding a long bow and covered with moonlight.

Above the sky, the bright moon hung between the clouds. Its bright moonlight was like a silver river, gently falling on Aikong Li's body, covering it with a layer of mysterious and elegant brilliance.

There was a chill in the surrounding air. Holding the long bow in his hand, Aikongli lowered his head and looked down at the dim lights below.

"Confucianism and Taoism, am I really right to do this?"

There was a hint of confusion in my heart.

Obtain three sets of soul steel armors from the Knights of the Ring and resurrect Confucianism and Taoism that have been dead for many years. Is this method really feasible?

"Raptors, forgive me for being willful."

Thinking of the dragon whose soul had been taken away from him, Nan Shen Aikongli's body trembled for a moment, and his voice trembled a little.

Suddenly, a soft and poignant melody floated in the night sky. Her voice was as soft as moonlight and as melodious as flowing water, making people intoxicated.

"The moon of Twelve Nights is watching you from the clouds..."

"The sword in your hand is the silver blade that I admire you for..."

"Even though the grass and trees are swaying, the night dew turns the road to mud..."

"I will hold your hand and take you into Izayoi..."

"If the road is dark and desolate, I would like to turn into light..."

"Shine on you like the bright moon until you turn into dust..."

"Pretty beautiful."

The clear sound of shells colliding sounded. Nan Shen Aikongli looked at the beauty in black magic clothes, and there was a rush in his voice.

"Today's moon is really beautiful, Aikongli." Manmei walked slowly to Aikongli's side, half of her face covered by the veil slightly raised, looking up at the full moon in the sky.

"Ru Dao, you will come to see us soon."

"Is the Soul Steel Armor already there?" Aikongli looked at Manmei and couldn't help but be startled.

Got it all?

"No, we still need the last set of soul steel armor - the soul steel armor of the Golden Knight Yalang." Manmei shook her head, staring at the rising full moon in the sky with bright eyes.

"Time is running out, Aikong Li, you will help me, right?" Manmei looked at Aikong Li, her voice soft.

Aikongli was silent for a moment, then nodded.

Manmei smiled slightly and walked away.

Looking at the beautiful back, Aikongli held the long bow tightly and sighed.

"The soul steel armor was taken away?"

Haidong sat on the ground, leaning against the cement pier, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly: "In other words, does that woman have the soul steel armor of other Lord of the Rings Knights? It's really great, I just need to get that woman's soul steel All this is enough”

With burning eyes, Haidong quickly followed Manmei.

Follow this woman and get the Soul Steel Armor, which is known as a treasure in this world.

It’s very exciting to think about it.

Inside the department store

“‘Tooth of God’? "Department store manager D Apple expressed some surprise, "That legend is actually true. "

He walked around the department store with an anxious look on his face.

"How to do how to do?"

"Wouldn't it be true if the "God's Fang" was summoned?"

Kadayaji rested his head on the sofa and touched Higashino Rin who was teasing him with his foot.

Higashi Yelin looked at Kadoya Shi doubtfully.

What happened again? ?

With a gentle smile on his face, Kadashi raised his right hand and pointed at the fruits on the table.

"Shi, where's your hand?" Higashino glanced at Kadoya Shi, picked up the fruit plate on the table and handed it to Kado Yashi.

"It's not like you are here. If you want to relax, of course you have to relax." Kadashi picked up a piece of fruit and put it in his mouth, with a look of enjoyment on his face.

"Brother Xiao Ming, you will enjoy it." Dong Yelin put the fruit plate on the table and stretched out his hand to wipe the top of his head.


Pretty smooth.

"Hey, store manager. There's no need to be so nervous. Smile more. You'll look better when you smile."

Looking at the nervous store manager, She Beng Meng Ya showed the healthiest smile on his face, not feeling intimidated or frightened at all by the so-called "Tooth of God" in the Ark.

However, this can be regarded as Meng Ya’s character.

Although he is careless and out of touch when it comes to things, he is still quite reliable.

"What do you know, you little brat? That's the "Tooth of God". "

"The summoning of Ark "God's Fang" needs to be within a specific time period, and the one that fits this time period is tonight. "

"Right now, we don't even know where the "God's Fang" is starting from. "

"But, if the "God's Fang" wants to take off, it needs a Dark Knight of the Ring. Without this Lord of the Ring, the "God's Fang" won't be able to move. "Onodera Yusuke said.

Previously, Yusuke Onodera had heard a lot from the Knight of the Ring.

The store manager looked at Onodera, he was stunned for a moment, and then clapped his hands: "Yes, without the Dark Knight of the Ring as a fuel driver, the "God's Fang" cannot take off. We just have to wait until tonight. "

If the Ark "God's Fang" wants to go to the moon, it needs a fallen dark Knight of the Ring as fuel, and all the fallen dark Knights of the Ring should have been destroyed by the Knight of the Ring.

If you want to fall into darkness, the Lord of the Rings Knight needs to be resurrected, and resurrection requires three sets of soul steel armor.

Currently, Yalang's soul steel armor is still in Liuya's hands.

As long as he survives tonight, Hora's action will naturally be self-defeating.

Without the fallen dark knight as fuel, even if the Ark "God's Tooth" is found, the group of Hora who want to make the legend come true will not be able to complete it.

"It sounds reasonable, but why do I always feel that it won't go so smoothly?" Kado Yashi muttered.

If it can be accomplished in this way, then his mission in this world seems to be quite easy.

"That's really good, no injuries." Dong Yelin smiled.

After all, fighting always involves bloodshed and sacrifice. If you can solve the problem without fighting, it is also an excellent option.

"Contact Aikongli first. I'm always a little worried about him being alone with that woman." Daowei Liuya grabbed the sofa with his right hand, always feeling uneasy.

"Lixing, please do me a favor."

Li Xing nodded and drew runes in the air with the magic pen in her hand.

"Is this the magic of this world? It seems pretty good, but I don't know if I can learn it." Menyashi looked at Li Xing who was establishing a connection and couldn't help but touch his chin.

"Magic?" Dong Yelin thought for a moment.

The magic of the Makai Mage in Makai Knight is very practical, with various formats of spells and various formats of spells.

Teleportation, mimicry, etc.

It is of great help to the Demon Knights in battle.

"Liuya, we're connected."

Li Xing's voice just fell.

"Why is there the sound of fighting here?"

Dao Wai Liu Ya frowned, and the sound of the collision of gold and gold came from the telepathic spell, which meant that Aikong Li was fighting with Hora at this time!

Holding the transmission talisman, Aikong held a long bow and suddenly shot an arrow.

The blue stream of light flashed through the air instantly, making a "crack" sound, and the air exploded under the rapid shooting of the arrow.

After getting rid of Hora in front of him, Aikongli shouted at the red telegraph: "Liu Ya, please stay away."

Before the voice could finish, a dull sound sounded.

Aikongli was instantly thrown away from his head, and his body hit the stone pillar heavily. The terrifying impact left cracks on the stone pillar.


Aikongli quickly looked around.

The crisp sound of the soles of high heels hitting the ground was heard, and a female Hora wearing a black tights and with white hair came from a distance.

"Linza, this Knight of the Ring, that...can I eat it?"

Aikongli supported his body with a long bow and looked at Boel not far away.

Boel's face was pale, as if he was suffering from Parkinson's disease. His hands in front of him were shaking constantly, and his eyes were staring at Aikongli greedily.

"Boel, now is not the time. After all, we still have to wait for the Golden Knight."

"You say, Knight of the Ring."

Hora, who was called "Linza" by Boel, stretched out his finger and flicked it, and the talisman dropped by Aikongli floated in front of Linza. An evil smile appeared at the corner of Linza's mouth, and he chuckled.

"I thought you Knights of the Ring had forgotten your companions, but you kept us waiting for a while."

Listening to the voice echoing in the department store, Dao Wai Liu Ya was slightly startled, with a solemn look on his face: "Who? Where is Aikong Li?"

"Oh, you're talking about the Skybow Knight. His situation right now is not good at all."

Linza looked at Aikongli who was sent flying by Boel's head and gloated.

"What? Won't the Golden Knight come to save your friend? Or do you want to give up on your friend?" Linza smiled, with a slightly contented voice.

"You don't have much time. If you don't come before eleven o'clock tonight, we haven't tasted the flesh and blood of the Knight of the Ring."

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