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Chapter 144: Jin Ke Emaru: I came, I left

Chapter 144 Jinke Amagulu: I’m here, I’m leaving~

"How is it? Did you find anything else? Lin."

Looking at Higashino Rin, who had a strange expression on his face, Kado Yashi couldn't help but frown. The current situation and the development of things they expected did not seem to be so ideal and smooth.

If this unreasonable situation happened in the past, Lin Ye could be said to have always had the overall situation in his hands, strategizing in the palm of his hand, but this time the situation seemed to be a little wrong, and it could be said that it was a little out of Lin's control.

"Neither in this Santu River..."

"Not in the human world either..."

"No, there was a place that had that strange smell."

"But it only appeared for a moment, and the whole breath seemed to have evaporated."

He carefully began to recall what happened along the way in his mind. After sorting out the things, Dong Yelin couldn't help but frowned. What he couldn't understand the most was that the change in Duokou's strange aura seemed to be somewhat beyond his expectation.

It's a bit like being constantly taken away by something... This possibility suddenly pops up in my mind, and a person instantly appears in Lin's memory!

"Could it be Narutaki..."

Thinking of this elusive person, Dong Yelin also began to murmur in a low voice.

In their current world, the only one who can make the breath of multi-mouth monsters disappear in this world instantly is Narutaki, who can travel between different parallel worlds. Only him can explain this matter and replace him After this incident, I couldn't bear to resolve any contradiction.


Kado Yashi gently approached Izai who was thinking about the problem. The moment he heard the name in Higashino's muttered voice, he couldn't help shouting.

"What the hell! This bitch!" Thinking of that hateful guy, Kado Yashi couldn't help but clenched his fists. "I knew this trouble must be caused by that guy... Damn guy, you But you have to hide it well from me. If you are discovered by me, you'd better pray that it doesn't fall into my hands...otherwise..."

"Then what should we do now?" Kado Yashi calmed down and looked at Higashino Lin, who was already looking familiar. There was some worry in his tone, "If that guy is really taken away by Narutaki, what will happen to the group of victims? no……"

Hearing Kado Yashi's words, Higashino looked at the long river flowing with blood-colored water with a half-smile, and in the river was listening to the swaying wooden boat, "Brother Xiao Ming, you seem to have forgotten One thing.”

"What did I forget?" Hearing Higashi Yelin's words, Kado Yashi was stunned. For a moment, he really couldn't remember anything, because there was no information to remind him now.

Looking at the confused Kadaya Shi, Higashino Lin sighed helplessly, "Don't you understand yet? Shi, what is our greatest characteristic and ability, that is, we can also play with time."

"Playing with time..." Hearing the word "time", Kado Yashi also murmured, and then he suddenly realized something in his mind, and suddenly raised his head and looked at Dong Yelin, "Could it be..."

"It's not easy to rescue them. We just need to restore the time of their bodies to before they were injured." Seeing that Kado Yashi had understood what he meant, Higashino Rin also showed a fatherly smile. .

"If this is possible, then let's leave here now?" Kadoya Shi's eyes fell on the wooden boat in the Santu River.

"Brother Xiao Ming, I don't know what you are thinking about?"

Dong Yelin smiled helplessly, "I don't know what little Jiujiu you have in your heart?"

Especially when Kadoya Shina's eyes fell on the six-door ship.

In addition, since we have come to Santuchuan, if we don't do something and go back, wouldn't it be a wasted trip?

Hearing Higashino Rin's words, Kado Yaji felt as if he had met a confidant. The corners of his mouth started to rise slightly because he couldn't help it. Then he took out the Decade drive and said, "That's not true. We worked hard to get it done." I’ve come here to build up my reputation no matter what.”

Before Kadayaji could finish his words, Higashi Yelin immediately took out the Dark Xingtian Summoner that had been left in another time and space for a long time.

"Lin, you driver..."

The moment the driver appeared from the alien space, Kado Yashi felt a cool breeze blowing down his back, which was strangely cold.

And when he recovered, his expression froze when he cast his gaze on the summoner in Dong Yelin's hand.

“It’s not like someone’s good guy’s drive is so evil, why is it still spewing black smoke?”

Is this drive really serious? Could this be the legendary "righteousness gone evil?"

Glancing at the Dark Xingtian Armor Summoner in his hand that was constantly emitting black smoke, Dong Yelin said indifferently, "This, this is purple energy~ It's just too thick and it became like this."

After saying that, Higashino Rinya patted Kado Yashi on the shoulder helplessly, "Don't worry too much about the details, as long as it works."

"Is this smoke black because the purple color is too strong?" It was also the first time that Kado Yashi heard this kind of thing, and he couldn't help but twitching the corner of his mouth.

Lin, if it weren’t for you, this excuse would be too...

However, this thing seems to be somewhat similar to Xiaogang's armor summoner.

Could it be that Lin came from Xiaogang's world?

World thief? are more Haidong than Haidong.

However, it seems that he has not yet obtained the power of armor.

It seems that I have to go to the world of Xiaogang, Duanmu, and Beimiao. I don't know what the difference is between the power of armor and the power of knights.

Speaking of which, I wonder if the Ultra Warrior's power can be turned into a card by him...

I can turn the Dark Giant's power into a dial, so it seems reasonable that he can turn the Ultra Warrior's power into a card.

Seeing Kado Yashi's thoughts spreading, Higashino raised his hand to summon the Aurora Curtain to engulf the two of them.

Six-door boat

Peering in through a finger-wide gap, Bone Death Taili kept an eye on the fat-eyed army.

"No wonder it can only be sealed by the first-generation True Swordsman." After seeing the previous situation, Taili of Death of the Bones couldn't help but sigh. The strength of this Wumingless One has surpassed many of the Unknown Ones in their hands.

Speaking of which, these rotten unknowns and the unknowns in their hands can be regarded as relatives.

But in terms of strength, Fu Zhiwumingzhong is much stronger.

"It's a pity... The fat-eyed monster only blames you for being too ambitious and not greedy enough." Bone Death Taili snorted coldly.

At this time, the thin-skinned man was playing the shamisen, and the sad notes of the piano kept echoing in the middle.


Feeling the energy fluctuations coming from the cabin outside, Taili looked nervously at the entrance of the cabin, and under his gaze, an aurora curtain that he was very familiar with appeared again.

"What else do you want to do?" Bone Death Taili asked, "The multi-mouth monster has been taken away by you, you..."

Before Bone Death Taili's voice fell, the silver sword blade drew a cold light in the air and touched Bone Death Taili's neck.

"Oh?" Kado Yashi looked at the octopus-like bone in front of him, Taili, "In other words, that guy was taken away by Narutaki."

"Lin, it seems...your calculation is good."

He looked at the armor whose main tone was black and red. The goggles on his eyes showed a dark red color, flashing with a scarlet light from time to time.

Especially when the blood-colored light of Santuchuan shines on the Dark Xingtian Armor, the whole person seems to be an evil ghost crawling out of hell, exuding an icy aura.

"It' guys!!!"

After Bone Death Taili saw the pink guy in front of him clearly, he couldn't help but lost his voice.

Kamen Rider!

A completely different existence from the real swordsman.

The power used is completely different from the power of words!

I don’t know why it appeared in this world.

"Tsk, it seems that I have quite a reputation." Men Yashi said with a smile, "I didn't expect that the military advisors of the outsiders also know my name."

"Let me guess if that guy Narutaki told you?"

Bone Death Taili:? ? ?

Narutaki? The middle-aged human wearing a hat couldn't help but come to mind.

Damn guy!

What did this guy do?

Seeing the Death of Bones Taili being restrained by Kadoya Shi, the thin-skinned Taifu quickly drew out his dagger and slashed at Kadoya Shi.


The sound of Jinge colliding was heard, accompanied by sparks shooting out. Dong Yelin held the Fire Punishment Heavenly Fierce Sword to block the blow from Bopi Taifu.

"Damn it! Who are you?"

Bone Death Taili, who was held up by Kadoyaji with his katana sword, shouted quickly.

"It's just a passing Kamen Rider, remember it for me."

"Attack Ride!" (Attack control!)』

"Slash!" (cut!)"

The magenta energy wrapped around the blade, and the card box sword slashed at Bone Death Taili's body instantly with lightning speed.

"Damn, what kind of power is this!"

Feeling the pain in his body, especially the power that was completely different from the power of words, Bone Death Taili roared angrily.

"Yo yo yo~ Death Taili, you seem to be in danger."

A ball-shaped energy suddenly struck Kado Yashi.

He instantly appeared in front of Kado Yashi by changing his form, and swung the Fierce Heavenly Fierce Sword forward in his hand.

The Cuju-like energy split into two instantly and fell into the river on both sides of the six-door boat.

There was a loud "boom" sound, like thunder exploding from the top.

In an instant, the water of the Santu River was lifted up by the violent shock wave of the explosion, forming high water columns that shot straight into the sky.

The river was churning in the air, and the splashing water dropped down like a heavy rain, soaking the six-door boat.

"Thanks, Lin." Men Yashi said with a smile, and then his eyes fell on the culprit.

With a black hat on his head and a half-smiling smile on his face, he has a kabuki-like feel.

Judging from his appearance, he is a very annoying guy.

Kado Yashi thought in his mind.

"The development of the plot seems to have changed somewhat..."

Looking at the outsiders who appeared, Dong Yelin murmured.

According to the current plot of Jinke Amaro, the current True Swordsman has not yet obtained the Inron Maru, and it will take some time for this one to appear.

Jinke Aimalu waved his head-cut short-body wat towards the six-door ship.

The green mist instantly enveloped the entire six-door ship.

"Hey!" Kadashi rushed into the mist, but the figures of the three people had already disappeared.


Kado Yashi looked at Higashino Rin.

"Don't worry, they can't escape."

Dong Yelin raised his hand and waved.

Back in time!

In just a moment, time flashed back to the moment when Jinke Amagaro released the mist.

"What's going on..."

Jinke Amaru looked at his raised right hand in astonishment.

He seems to have experienced this scene before, this...

Could it be...

An unrealistic idea came to mind.

Time has turned back! ! !

How can it be!

How can anyone in this world master this ability.

However, what responded to him was a dark red sword energy.

"Ah drink——"

The sword energy struck Jinke Amaru's body, and its terrifying destructive power instantly knocked Jinke Amaro away.

The body knocked a hole out of the six-door ship.


Higashino Rin looked at Kadoya Shi.

At this time, Kadoya Shi has completed his final form transformation.


Kado Yaji draws a card and throws it into the drive!

"Final Attack Ride!" (Final attack control!)』

"De-De-De-Decade!" (Emperor-Emperor-Emperor-Emperor Cavalry!)』

Several golden light stickers formed a bridge between Kado Yaji and Jinke Amagaro. The magenta light beam passed through the light stickers one after another, and the energy continued to gather at this moment.


Jinke Amaru put his hands in front of his body.

The magenta beam of light instantly penetrated Jinkei Amagaro's body.

Boom! ! !

Brilliant fireworks suddenly appeared over the Santu River.

Looking at the two people who wiped out the heretics so easily, Gu Zhidaili looked downcast.

What the hell are you still playing? !

Is this a magnitude battle? !

Damn it, who did they provoke? !

"Then it's your turn!"

Dong Yelin's scarlet eyes fell on Bone Death Taili, and at the same time, the dark red body was filled with black gas...

"What kind of villain statement is this..."

Kado Yashi muttered.

If they do this, they seem to have become villains with heinous crimes.

It's obvious that Yashi is the most caring Kamen Rider.

Suddenly, the entire six-door ship shook violently.

The water in the Santuchuan River carrying the six-door boat suddenly rose and swallowed the entire six-door boat at an extremely fast speed.

A red figure stands on the water of Santu River.

Blood sacrifice weeping! ! !

Heretic generals!


An extremely angry voice sounded at this moment. Blood Sacrifice raised his hand in mourning, and a blood-red shock wave instantly hit Higashino Rin and Kadoya Shi.

Boom! ! !

The explosion sounded instantly.

Dong Yelin and Dong Yelin were knocked back a certain distance.

"That guy is...Blood Sacrifice Crying." Men Yashi looked at Dongye Lin.

Dong Yelin nodded, "The generals of the outsiders, weeping for blood sacrifices..."

"Let's get out of here first."

"Huh? Leave?" Men Yashi was stunned and looked at Dong Yelin in confusion, "But obviously..."

"Look around." Dong Yelin said helplessly.

Kado Yashi looked around and saw that there were a large number of nameless people growing on the river bank, and there were even many large nameless people...

"In addition, the purpose of our coming here is not to eliminate them." Dong Yelin looked at the blood sacrifice and cried, "Let's go find the real swordsman first, and then...completely eliminate them."

"Tsk." Men Yashi looked at the blood sacrifice and cried, "You have saved a life."

When the blood sacrifice cried and waved the long knife, the aurora curtain instantly enveloped Dongye Lin and the two of them.

Boom! ! !

The sword energy split the entire Santu River water into two and combed the entire Santu River water into a middle part. The Ultraman next door who combed the middle part of the sea had to praise him when he saw it.

"Did you escape?" Blood Sacrifice wailed and snorted coldly, looking at Bone Death Taili, "What happened during the days when I was sleeping?"

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