People in Kamen Rider, join the special effects chat group

Chapter 16 Destroy all Amazons, including myself!

No. 1azon, including myself!

Amazons world

The city is shrouded in rainy days, and the drizzle is flying, like a dream, gently falling from the sky and blowing over every corner of the city.

Pedestrians hurried through the rain, holding umbrellas or walking in the rain. The roar of distant vehicles was intertwined with the sound of raindrops hitting the ground.

A melancholy atmosphere enveloped the entire city. In an alley and in a drainage channel, water flowed gurglingly.

A figure hit a puddle hard, and water splashed out.

The sound of heavy footsteps echoed in the alley, but within a moment, it was covered by the sound of falling raindrops.

A red figure walked out from behind a pile of wooden boxes. The rainwater hit the red figure and splashed down.

The main body is mainly red, with light green lines on the body. The chest armor is silver, the head is triangular, the compound eyes are dark green, and the arms and calves are covered with black armor. The arms, in particular, are very distinctive. Obvious arm blade.

"why why?"

Moving around in a panic, the water in the puddle rippled, and water splashed in the air. The inhuman figure seemed full of fear and helplessness.

"Why?" The red figure slowly raised his head, looking at the weird man in front of him with his green compound eyes, "Because you are a man-eating Amazon, that's all!"

"Eating humans is not something we can decide! We also want to live like humans, but..."

Holding his head in his hands, his body was shaking. He also wanted to live a normal life like humans, but humans were really sweet, and there was always a voice in his heart that kept tempting him.

"No, I want to live. I want to live!"

The body that was kneeling in the puddle suddenly burst out with a force, like a beast, and rushed towards the red figure.

Place your right hand on the grip on the drive and twist it slightly.

"Violent Slash!" (Big cut!)』

The green compound eyes of the driver on the abdomen flashed with light, and cold electronic sound effects sounded.

The arm blade on his right arm flashed with cold light, and suddenly, the raindrops falling from the sky reflected silver light, as if it had been cut off.


The body of Amazon that rushed forward was cut in two and smashed against the bluestone in the alley.

The black liquid fell along the blade of the arm blade and dripped on the wet bluestone road, making a "ticking" sound.

The Amazon's body that was cut in two on the ground turned into a thick black liquid, which was gradually diluted by the rain until it was washed away.

"Ding! The Dimensional Tokusatsu chat group has detected that you are determined to destroy all Amazons. Do you want to join the chat group? ! 』

"Chat group?"

Standing in the rain, Takayama Jin couldn't help but frown. Isn't this thing used for multi-person chat? Why can such a voice still ring in my mind?

"Audio hallucinations? Or what?"

As a biological scientist, rounding things off, I can be considered a scientist. Therefore, Jin Tingshan still has a thirst for knowledge about these things that cannot be explained by science. Therefore, without much thought, he joined this so-called dimensional chat group.

"join in."

Big bones boiled into soup: "A new member is here? Welcome! Welcome!"

After getting the training methods on how to use light from Yu Ling, Dagu, who was about to give it a try, was suddenly attracted by the notification in the chat group.

It’s been so long, and new group members have joined the chat group?

But, a lonely old man?

Does this title sound a little sad and lonely?

After joining the chat group for so many days, Dagu thought he had a general understanding of the chat group.

For example, the nicknames of group members are divided according to comprehensive factors such as some of the disasters that the person has suffered in his own world.

With the title of Lonely Old Man, I am afraid that this group member from another parallel world may have suffered a bit badly.

Civil War Fantasy God Bei Sanshui: "Welcome! Welcome! If you don't understand anything, you can read the announcements in the chat group. If you still have questions, you can ask us seniors in the group."

Heisei's life-picking king: "Thumbs up.JPG"

As soon as he joined the chat group, some members of the group gave him a welcome ceremony for new members.

This is similar to the chat group he used to join some like-minded friends. The only difference is that this chat group does not require the use of equipment and can appear directly in the mind.

"What a strange thing." Takayama Jin muttered, "But why is my nickname \u003cLonely Old Ren\u003e? Group announcement?"

Seemingly interested in these new things, Jin Takayama was not in a hurry to go back. Instead, he found a place to shelter from the rain. After releasing the transformation, he read the group announcements of the chat group.

"Tokusatsu world?" This new vocabulary made Takayama Jin a little puzzled. "Is it the same as the parallel world?"

If the tokusatsu world is replaced by a parallel world, then everything will be explained more clearly.

"So, this chat group can connect people from different parallel worlds? What a powerful technology." Jin Takayama showed his signature smile, which is a symbol of health.

Fugitives from the world of negatives: "@ lone widowed old Ren Renshu, have you encountered the Nozama Pharmaceutical Paytons extermination team now?"

Higashino Rinpo doesn't mince words, but gets straight to the point. If we could understand the timeline of Jin Takayama's current situation, we might be able to change Jin Takayama's tragic ending.

The Showa Knights born in the Heisei era always have bad stories. Tragedy is the theme of these Showa Knights in the Heisei era. Especially Yingshan Ren, Uncle Ren.

In order to make up for the crimes he committed, he eliminated Amazon, even his wife and children who became Amazon, and even... why not let Amazon appear in this world again, die bravely, and let Mizusawa Yu eliminate him.

The Amazon world is a tragedy, and such a big tragedy, Dongye Lin naturally wants to change.


The smile on Yingshan Ren's face gradually faded, revealing a vigilant look. Aren't all the members in this chat group from parallel worlds? Why do some people know about my things here? And Uncle Ren? Am I that old?

Subconsciously touching his beard, he just has a beard, he is not even forty years old, and he has reached the age of being called uncle?

Lonely old Ren: " @How did the fugitives from the film world know about my world? According to the explanation in the chat group, shouldn't we come from different worlds?"

Fugitives from the film world: "This situation is difficult to explain. Uncle Ren, just assume that I know what will happen in your world in the future."

Dongye Lin didn't know how to explain it. You can't say that the world you are in was filmed, right?

Or is it that the worlds influence each other, and your story went to another world and was presented in the form of film and television?

Neither explanation is the best, it's better to just brush it off.

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