People in Kamen Rider, join the special effects chat group

Chapter 18 Don't worry, I will stay here until then.

After exiting the chat group, Higashino looked around and looked at Natsumi and his group who were surrounding Teacher Tanaka.

Dong Yelin felt a little uncomfortable in such an atmosphere and left the base silently.

Noticing Higashino Rin's leaving figure, Natsumi, Chinatsu and others said something and followed him.

Standing in the forest, the bright moonlight poured down, covering the entire forest with a screen. The stars in the sky twinkled, and the gentle breeze rustled the young leaves on the treetops.

He raised his head and looked at the full moon in the sky. This film world is not much different from the normal world. There is the sun during the day and the moon at night. The weather is the same as the normal world. The only difference is that the people living in this world are weirdos instead of humans.

Such a world does make some people feel strange, but there is no need to know so much about knights.

As far as the world view of Kamen Rider Sword is concerned, if the race that wins the extreme battle is not humans but other creatures, then the masters of that world will also become weirdos. These worlds are strange, but normal. Parallel world, full of wonders.

Dong Yelin took out the alien dial and stared at the alien dial in his hand. Dong Yelin frowned, "I don't know how long we have to wait."

The Decider was eliminated today, and this news must have reached the ears of the weirdos and Dark Knights of this world.

Next, we have to face the threat from the weirdo and the Dark Knight.

"It's still a bit reckless." Dong Yelin held the alien dial tightly.

However, now that the decision has been made, Dong Yelin naturally has no regrets.

"So, this can be regarded as the beginning of me becoming a qualified knight?"

With a chuckle, Dong Yelin's eyes fell on the full moon in the sky. There were not many such leisurely days.

The expression on his face changed slightly. Dong Yelin held the alien dial and his eyes fell behind a big tree not far away.

Under the moonlight, a long and narrow shadow fell on the grass in the forest.

The shadow of a woman?

"Natsu Hai?" Looking at the familiar silhouette of the shadow, Dong Yelin called out softly.

"Mr. Lin."

Xia Hai walked out from behind the big tree, with a hint of apology on his face, "Well... I didn't mean it. I just saw Mr. Lin come out, and I was a little worried about you, so..."

"That's it." Dong Yelin nodded, "I'm going out for a walk. Besides, it's better for you not to go out at night."

You know, Xia Hai and the others do not have the power of knights, nor the power of physical monsters. In such a crisis-ridden film world, those who are powerless will end up miserable.

"I understand, Mr. Lin. Well, Mr. Lin, do you miss your own world?"

He looked at Dong Yelin nervously, as if waiting for Dong Yelin's answer.

own world? ?

Dong Yelin didn't miss the world he lived in before so much. There was nothing in that world worth worrying about.

Now, I just want to survive, wait until Kado Yashi arrives, and then leave the film world, find a peaceful world to live in, open a dessert shop, and do what I like to do.

"Don't worry, before that, I will stay in this film world. After all, we are all human beings." Seeing Xia Hai's worries, Dong Yelin put the alien dial into the dimensional space, "Okay, it's cold at night , let’s go back.”

Looking at Dongye Lin's back, Xia Hai breathed a sigh of relief, his clenched fists in his sleeves gradually loosened, and there were some beads of sweat on his palms.

With Dongye Lin, Xia Hai feels more at ease. At least, their safety is now somewhat guaranteed.

There are seven reincarnations of sunrise and sunset.

"Sure enough, you still need to have the attribute of light to learn how to use light."

Dongye Lin sorted out the relevant information in his mind and shook his head involuntarily.

After Da Gu obtained this cultivation method from You Ling and tried it himself, after success, Da Gu uploaded this method to the chat group.

"If I were in the Tiga world, I might be able to cultivate successfully if I had the genes of a super ancient warrior. Or, perhaps, there would be a giant of light in my body who is of the same mind as me."

"It's a pity. I'm in the world of knights now, and there are no giants of light."

Putting the aspect of cultivation behind him, Dong Yelin entered the chat group. After all, he had not signed in for today.

"Ding! Group member Higashi Yelin completed his first check-in today and received six points. 』

Godai Yusuke, who completed today's training mission with Kaoru Ichijo, took a short break before entering the chat group, preparing to be a member of the group who signed in on the first day.

The sign-in prompt for the chat group sounded inappropriately, shattering Yusuke Godai's wonderful idea.

? ? ?

No, I almost pressed it.

Looking at the sign-in button so close at hand, Godai Yusuke was filled with questions.

"Ding! Group member Takayama Jin completed today's check-in and received three points. 』

? ? ?

Seeing the increasingly strange sign-in prompt, Godai Yusuke hurriedly completed today's sign-in. If he continues to waste it, he will be the last one.

"Ding! Group member Yusuke Godai completed today's sign-in and received two points. 』

"Ding! Group member Bei Miao completed today's sign-in and received some points. 』

Bei Miao: "??? One point. No, this is poisonous, right? I only got one point after signing in for three consecutive days. I didn't offend anyone."

Beimiao's mouth twitched. Is this chat group against him? Why is the score so low when he signs in? There must be something shady. I, Beimiao, will report it with my real name!

Dagu: "Mr. Beimiao, it's okay, it's okay. The first day of sign-in next time will be left to you, Mr. Beimiao."

Beimiao: "It's okay, it's okay. I'm just saying it."

He, Beimiao, is not such a petty person. As the captain of the armor team, he has a broad mind.

Xinnan wants to realize his dream, and I, Beimiao, raise my hands and feet to agree. Realizing dreams is a good thing.

However, in order to keep the armor team from falling behind, he also has certain requirements for Xinnan, that is, he doesn't take some time to train, not much, one hour a day is enough.

Unlike in movies and TV, in his world, the strength of the supernatural beasts is much stronger than that shown in movies and TV series.

The shooting of movies and TV series requires costs, and many aspects are not involved.

In the real world, the monsters are not as bad as in movies and TV shows. Although some monsters have low IQ, their destructive power is not small.

Daigu: "Rin, I have already got the Victory Hyper Gun."

Victory Hyper Gun? ?

Higashino Rin was slightly stunned. He didn't expect Daigu to still remember it. It seemed that he just mentioned it when he just joined the chat group. I can only say that he is really worthy of Daigu.

Higashino Rin: "Dagu, thank you. But. Daigu, as for the Hyper Gun, won't the Victory Team be in charge? Is it okay?"

Daigu: "Haha, it's okay. I just talked to Horii and he made another one for me."

Godai Yusuke: "Envy, Daigu. Can I have one too? I'll transfer points to you. Officer Ichijo can't transform, and I also want him to have some means to deal with Gurongi."

Thinking of Kaoru Ichijo who has been silently supporting him, Godai Yusuke felt that he had to do something for this friend.

When he explained the unknown life form called Gurongi and the birth of Gurongi in the Metropolitan Police Department, he was questioned by many senior police officers, but fortunately, he had the encouragement of Mr. Ichijo.

In the battle with Gurongi, Mr. Ichijo always ignored his own safety and always rushed to the front line with him. He also did things for Mr. Ichijo. And the victory hyper gun of the Daigu world is a good choice. But, I don’t know how to explain it to Mr. Ichijo.

Godai Yusuke scratched his head, this is really a difficult problem.

Daigu: "OK, we are all group friends. This is not a troublesome thing."

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