People in Kamen Rider, join the special effects chat group

Chapter 24 Dagu is in danger? Going back in time

"Ding! warn! warn! Crisis warning! 』

"The member of the Dimensional Tokusatsu chat group "Da Gu" was seriously attacked and his life was in danger. The Dimensional Tokusatsu chat group has launched an emergency evacuation plan, and please ask the group members to come to help! Group membership is limited to one person, and you can stay in the group world for two days! 』

Dong Yelin, who had just left the dimensional chat group and stood up, was slightly startled. Dagu was seriously attacked? !

What the hell is this? Da Gu was chatting with them normally just now, why did something like this happen suddenly?

Moreover, the Kakuma incident on Kurara Island should be easy to handle with Dagu's current strength. What happened?

Yusuke Godai: "Dagu, what kind of trouble are you running into?"

Beimiao: "It's so strange. One second Dagu was still chatting in the group, and the next second..."

Takayama Jin: "Now is not the time to discuss this. Who among us can save Dagu? The guy who can put Dagu in danger will probably be stronger than Dagu. The strength of our group seems to be a bit uncertain."

"Are you from Kyriarod?"

Recalling the plot of Tiga, in the early stages of the plot, it seems that only the Kirialodians can pose a threat to Dagu.

And this kind of threat often comes from before he transforms into Ultraman Tiga.

Dong Yelin: "I'll go. Dagu's current situation may require my help."

Once Kirialod kills someone, he is the only one in the chat group who can change the outcome. Use the power of the alien King of Time, the power that can go back in time.

After explaining to Natsumi and others, Dong Yelin went to Tiga World.

While he was away, it was difficult to guarantee the safety of Natsumi and others. Although they had the Victory Hypa Gun, the weapons were of little use when encountering capable weirdos. Therefore, while he was away, Higashi Yelin asked Higashi Yelin to Xia Hai and others stayed at the base.

Tiga World, Southwest Islands, Kurara Island.

The wings of Shengli Feiyan No. 1 flashed with electric sparks, and the entire fuselage crashed into the sand dunes.

"New City! New City!"

In the cockpit, thick smoke filled the air, and the line of sight was blocked, making it difficult to clearly see the instruments, consoles, etc. At the same time, the air is filled with the acrid smell of smoke, making breathing difficult.

Xincheng, who was in the main driver's seat, suffered a heavy impact when the Shengli Feiyan No. 1 made an emergency landing. Blood flowed from his forehead and he fainted.

Dagu pulled out a piece of cloth and made a simple bandage for Xincheng, and began to untie Xincheng's seat belt.

"Xincheng, wake up, wake up!"

Seeing Xincheng who had no reaction at all, Dagu quickly pressed the switch in the cabin, but the door of Shengli Feiyan No. 1 did not open, only the sparks of electricity flickered.


Dagu held the cabin door with his right hand, his cheeks turned red, and the veins on his arms popped out ferociously. The divine light stick in the inner pocket of Dagu's clothes flashed, and a warm feeling flowed in his heart. Dagu burst out with a wave of anger. A force pushed the hatch open.

"Xincheng, you must hold on, I will take you to treatment now."

Carrying Xincheng on his back, Dagu quickly jumped off the Shengli Feiyan No.1.

"Sure enough, you are the human body of Ultraman Tiga."

An eerie voice sounded from behind Dagu. Dagu quickly turned around, and what caught his eye was a blue figure, a figure that looked like a human being.

Before Da Gu could react, a faint blue wave fell on Da Gu, knocking him away.

Fortunately, Da Gu reacted in time and put Xincheng on the ground, so Da Gu was the only one who was blown away.

Dagu slid for several meters on the gravel-filled road. His victory team uniform was in tatters, his face was scratched by the stones, and blood dripped on the gravel road.

The divine light stick placed in his pocket fell to the ground, shining with divine brilliance under the light.

"not dead?"

Mitsuo Itabashi was a little surprised. He didn't expect that an ordinary person could survive his mental fluctuations.

"As expected of human beings who have inherited the genes of super ancient warriors, they can withstand beatings better than others." Then he sneered, so what if he didn't die, it was just a matter of taking more attacks.


Dagu endured the pain in his body and wanted to pick up the divine light stick that fell on the ground.

Mitsuo Itabashi noticed Dagu's move, raised his right hand, and a blue ripple of mental fluctuations spread around, and at the same time swept across again, knocking the divine light rod away.

Seeing Dagu in trouble, Mitsuo Banqiao couldn't help but get excited.

Do you see, this is the power of the Kirialodians. How could Ultraman Tiga be the opponent of their Kirialodians? They Kirialodians are the saviors of this world!

"Invaders?! Haha. We Kiriarodians are not invaders. We are the saviors of this world, leaders who lead mankind in the right direction! Thirty million years ago, we Kiriarodians Then we came to this remote planet. If it weren’t for those giants, we Kirialodians would have succeeded!”

"Haha. So, after the giants left the earth, you Kirialodians dared to appear. What kind of savior are you?!" Thinking of Xincheng's injuries, Dagu roared at Mitsuo Banqiao.

"Go to hell, Ultraman Tiga! This world only needs one savior, and that savior can only be us!"

As the voice fell, Banqiao Mitsuo had gathered a white light bullet in his hand and threw it towards Dagu.

The flames of the explosion engulfed Dagu's figure.

"Hahaha, there is no more in this world"

Before Banqiao Mitsuo gave his victory speech, Banqiao Mitsuo only felt that the scene around him changed, and a light ball gathered in his hand again, and then dissipated

"What's going on!?"

With a panicked look on his face, looking at Dagu on the ground, Banqiao Mitsuo doubted his life. No. It shouldn't be. Wasn't he killed by one of my light balls? What's going on?

"I'm not dead?"

Dagu's eyes were confused. He just remembered that he seemed to be.

"Fortunately, I caught up, Dagu."

A sunny-looking young man holding a purple dial and smiling came over.


Banqiao Mitsuo stared at Dongye Lin in front of him. He didn't have the disgusting super ancient genes on his body, and he was no different from ordinary people.


Looking at Dongye Lin's familiar face, Dagu blurted out.

The alien dial in his hand suddenly flashed a dark purple light, and Dong Ye Lin's expression changed slightly. Damn, why did this side effect come? !

The alien Zi Wang level 1 does not have the ability to go back in time in the setting. It is a special ability born after combining with the dimensional power remaining in Dong Ye Lin's body when he traveled through time.

This ability is very strong, but it also has extremely strong side effects.

With his current physical condition, once a day is a luxury.

"Da Gu, take Xin Cheng away from here quickly."

Throw the divine light stick that was blown away by Banqiao Mitsuo to Da Gu.

Dong Ye Lin gritted his teeth and supported himself to resist the erosion of consciousness from the alien dial.

Now is not the time, wait for me! ! !

Da Gu clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. He could only carry Xin Cheng away. Xin Cheng's injuries were a bit serious and must be treated first.

"Wait for me, Rin."

"Want to leave? Are you kidding me!"

Itabashi Mitsuo sneered. It was so hard to get rid of Ultraman Tiga, who could threaten them, the Kirieloids. How could he just give up? !

He gathered an energy light bullet in his hand and threw it towards Daiko. As for Tono Rin, he was just an ordinary human. Could he make the great Kirieloids suffer?

Get rid of Ultraman Tiga, and a bright future is waving at him. He has seen the scene of himself being supported by his companions. That is the honor of him, Itabashi Mitsuo!

The alien dial in his hand automatically floated in the air, and the button on the dial was automatically pressed.

[ZI-O! (Zi-O!)]

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