Leaning against the wall, Dong Yelin felt helpless.

Just like what he said in the chat group, in this world, human beings can only die.

No, to be precise, the ultimate outcome of these parallel worlds experienced by the Kamen Rider Emperor is to die.

If it weren't for the sudden change of Kado Yashi, these parallel worlds would eventually be ruled by weirdos.

In Onodera's world, the wolf king Gurungi possesses the ultimate power. Although he is not as powerful as No. 0-Dakubo, his perverted ability is enough to turn the entire world's humans into Gurungi.

In the parallel world of Kamen Rider Sword, knights and undead creatures work together.

Without Kadashi, the world would have fallen into darkness.

However, the world of negatives

That goes without saying.

Even if Kado Yashi comes, he can't save the world.

This is a world without a future, a world destined to be swallowed by darkness.

Dong Yelin sighed softly and focused on the points obtained from the chat group.

"I wonder if these 100 points can help me solve my current predicament."

Big bones boiled into soup: "@ The fugitives of the negative film world, this world of yours is too bad."

Dagu didn't know what to say.

In a world ruled by weirdos, does humanity really have a future?

Hanging his head, Da Gu thought.

What would humans become if aliens ruled the earth?



Suddenly startled, Dagu shook his head.

Dagu~ Dagu, what are you thinking about?

The world is peaceful now and everything is moving in a good direction.

"It would be great if I could go over and help."

Dagu looked a little gloomy.

He is just an ordinary person and does not have that kind of inhuman supernatural power. Even if it passes, it doesn't seem to be of much help.

"Can't do anything?"

Dagu subconsciously touched his weapon.

Feeling the touch of the training pistol in his hand, Dagu's eyes couldn't help but light up.

I couldn't help much in the past, but it seems that I can provide material help? Can you provide weapons for that group friend?

After thinking about it, Dagu couldn't help but get excited. However, the enthusiasm just now dropped again, and Dagu shook his head. Now he does not have this authority. Moreover, the Earth Defense Force has been abolished.

The world is peaceful and there is no need to equip heavy weapons. Moreover, the TPC is not equipped with decent weapons. Now the TPC is just a defense organization.

In this regard, it seems a bit unworkable.

Civil War Illusion God Bei Sanshui: "If the fugitives from @影视世界 need help, please let me know in the group. I can still provide supplies and other supplies."

He, Beimiao, is not short of money!

Since being adopted by a wealthy family, Beimiao has never been short of money.

In terms of material, he can naturally provide it. Such things are not very difficult for him.

Seeing Beimiao's heroic speech, Dong Yelin felt a sense of a divine novel coming to his face.

However, it seems to be about the same. In this chat group, the richest person is probably Beimiao.

As for Dagu, the salary of members of the Victory Team is not very high.

Although Godai Yusuke mastered two thousand skills, he was an unemployed vagrant with little money.

In Higashino Rin's words, well, the savior of the film world who is on the run is really a false savior.

A fugitive from the film world: "@ Civil War Fantasy God Bei Sanshui Thank you very much. I encountered some trouble here, so I left first."

Chat group lottery function.

"Are there all the items in the Tokusatsu world? No, except for the area in the Knight's world, all other areas are gray and white. Can we only extract items from the Knight's world at the moment?"

Dong Yelin looked at the dazzling interface in front of him in astonishment.

Even if there is only the world of knights, there are many items involved in it

Smash it, Dong Yelin's eyes showed hope.

"I hope I can draw something useful. Any knight will do, as long as it gives me the strength to survive."

"One hundred points can be drawn once? Hmm. Is it a discount now? 10% off. The draw is only for this day. It's a limited time event?"

"It looks like it's a group discount."

"Smoke it!"

With a thought, the lottery ticket in front of me started to shake.

A ball of golden light flashed.

"Ding! Congratulations on drawing the alien Time King first-order dial from the Time King world.』

"First-level Alien Time King??"

There was a look of surprise on Dong Yelin's face, and then the shock on his face was replaced by an excited look.

What a blast of luck!

A single draw directly broke out a gold.

This was a bit beyond his expectation.

For Dong Yelin, even a mixed knight is fine. He only needs to have the power to save his life and be able to escape when he encounters strange people. He doesn't expect too much.

But I didn't expect that this time a strange King of Time dial would appear directly.

It's really great!

He clenched his fists in excitement. Finally, in this film world, he also had the ability to protect himself.

Take out the heterogeneous Time King First Order dial from the storage space of the chat group.

Holding the exotic dial in my hand, I saw that it was different from the original toy from Consortium B that I had purchased before. The touch of the dial was more metallic.

The Alien dial is generally dark purple and black. The outer part of the dial is painted dark purple, and there is a black ring of nearly one or two centimeters inside. The black ring shows the distorted appearance of Kamen Rider, especially the white teeth, which are unique.

The dial exudes a strange atmosphere, flashing dark purple light from time to time, mysterious and evil.

"Alien Zi-O. This power is enough to change my current situation. But, can I bear this power now?"

The excitement of winning the Alien Knight dial gradually dissipated, accompanied by worry.

With his current body, can he withstand the power from the Alien Knight?

Alien dials are different from normal knight dials. This type of dial pollutes the user's consciousness.

The Alien Knight born from the distorted history, the tyrannical consciousness erodes the user all the time.

There are too many people whose consciousness is devoured by Alien Knights in Zi-O.

Even the transformer of Kamen Rider DIEDN (Final Rider), Kaito Daishu, was controlled by the Alien Zi-O Second-Order dial.

He became the object of enslavement by the alien dial, and was finally beaten by the little devil and Kadoya Shi before he recovered.

Dong Ye Lin did not think that he had the physical fitness and consciousness of Kaito Daishu. After being controlled by the alien dial, he might become a monster who only knew how to destroy.

Holding the alien time-king dial in his hand, Dong Ye Lin shook his head and encouraged himself in his heart, "What are you thinking about? The most important thing now is to survive. No matter whether he will be controlled by the alien dial, I will definitely use the power of this dial! The Sour King can control the alien time-king dial, and even in the TV plot, he can be sour to the second level, why can't I?!"

The sound of "rustling" sounded, which was particularly loud in the gradually clearing environment.

Dong Ye Lin raised his head and looked at a big tree not far away.

On the treetop hung a thick spider silk with a radius of five centimeters, and at the end of the spider silk was a sub-human race.

It has a human figure, but its skin is green-brown, and its eyes are pitch-black spherical, as if embedded in its face.

Brown cloth strips are wrapped around its arms, and there is a copper-colored belt on its abdomen, on which are engraved some ancient language patterns.

Zi Gumumu Ba, affiliated with the Gurongi Zi Group, is considered to be a Gurongi with low combat effectiveness. It does not have any special abilities and can only rely on its own body to fight.

"Spider Gurongi, hehe, this time, the identities of hunter and prey are going to be exchanged."

Holding the first-level dial of the alien Zi-O in his hand, Dong Ye Lin's heart beat rapidly.

After all, this can be regarded as Dong Ye Lin's first battle.

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