People in Kamen Rider, join the special effects chat group

Chapter 44: Universal Ability of Light and Shadow Armor: Meditation Seal

Chapter 44 General Ability of Light and Shadow Armor - Meditation Seal

Armored Warrior Xingtian World

Located on the abandoned cement road in the suburbs of Hope City, the light yellow heavy armor and the mainly blue and white light armor were lying on the ground and covering their chests.

"They are just a bunch of young boys. Do you really think they can be invincible if they can summon armor?"

There was a strange man with a pair of goat-like horns on one end, and his body was mainly purple and blue. He was holding a sword-shaped weapon and making a sneer.

The tone was full of disdain.

"Asshole! Nether Demon, if you have the ability to make your grandpa stand up, your grandpa will beat you to the point where you can't tell the north, south, east, and west!" Xiaogang shouted.

"Do you know what is the most taboo on the battlefield?" Bucket held the Lun Ming Sword in his hand, the disdain in his eyes seemed to overflow, and he stepped on Xiaogang's chest with his right foot.

"That's just self-righteous!"

"You Earthlings are really stupid. Just a small plan made you armored warriors kill each other."

Salman's bloated body came from a distance. Just the weight of his body made the stones on the ground beat.

Of course, don’t let down your guard because of Salman’s bloated body. In terms of speed, Salman is not weak at all.

"Stop talking nonsense! Bucket, Salman, deal with them. Then, bring me the armor summoner!"

Bawang Enterprise, in the secret room

Lufa, who was possessed by Croton, gave the order.

"Understood, General."

Bucket kicked Xiao Gang to Xiao Fei's side, and gathered energy with Salman at the same time.

boom! boom! boom!

The roar of the engine continued, and a black sports car suddenly appeared on the road.

When the two ghost demons gathered their energy, Beimiao stepped on the accelerator and rushed forward. Then he made a beautiful drift and knocked Salman and Bucket away with the rear of the car.

A sports car arrives, interrupting Bucket and Salman's spellcasting.

Kadashi: "No? This car can drive there too?!"

I thought there would be restrictions on going to other dimensional worlds through chat groups, but I didn't expect that the only limit was the number of people.

"I probably understand."

Kadashi touched his chin and nodded thoughtfully.

Looking at King Kong and Hiying lying on the ground, clutching their chests, Higashinoya knew what was going on.

It was entirely these two people who did it. The Nether Demon borrowed a knife to kill people and consumed his energy, and then the Nether Demon came back to reap the benefits.


Dong Yelin rubbed his brow in distress. Fortunately, he didn't have such a teammate. If he really stayed with such teammates, he felt that he would not be tortured to death by the Nether Demon side, but would fall into the hands of these precious teammates.

Duan Muyan: "No? What's going on with these two people? They can't beat two against two?"

Duan Muyan, who was pulling ramen, was furious. He, a novice who just got the summoner, could kill an Oxer, so why couldn't he defeat this two-on-two? !

Dong Yelin: "It's normal! After all, there is a gap between the two armor summoners. This time, they should have made a fight, and then the Nether Demon Fisherman took advantage of it."

A fight? !

Beimiao, who opened the car door and walked out with the water shadow stone, couldn't help but be stunned.

Speaking of which, it seems that I also have a practice in this regard. However, he has never done it now.

Beimiao: "Lin, do these two guys have any special abilities?"

These two have higher IQs than ordinary people, and Beimiao didn't dare to rely on them. It would be better to get more useful information.

Dong Yelin: "Just be careful as they escape. They can molecule themselves into any substance."


The corners of Beimiao's mouth raised slightly. If he only had this ability, then he was quite worthy.

As the number of training increased, he also discovered many abilities that were lost in the light and shadow armor. What's more, the light and shadow armor also has the ability to pause time in a certain area.


Bucket stared at the man in the black trench coat, his voice cold and biting.

At the same time, he looked warily at the stone emitting light green light in Beimiao's hand.

The radiant stone contains a lot of energy.

This man is no ordinary human being!

Kadashi: "I'm familiar with this!"

Hearing this, Kadoya Shi almost subconsciously shouted, "It's just a passing Kamen Rider, remember it for me!" 』

"Here comes the one who sends you to hell!"

Beimiao held the Water Shadow Stone in his hand and said slowly, "Black Rhino Armor!"


"Armor fusion!" 』

The water shadow stone in his hand exudes energy and covers Beimiao's body. Starting from the abdomen, beehive-like armor covers Beimiao's body.


Bucket shouted quickly.

Salman then released black mist surrounding himself, and the black mist gathered into a purple-black ball of light.

Corrosion magic ball! ! !

The powerful corrosive ball of light hit Beimiao, and the flames of the explosion enveloped Beimiao's figure.

Kadashi: "Is everything going to be okay?"

Dong Yelin: "Don't worry, it'll be fine. As the saying goes, smoke never hurts."

Smoke brings no harm, this is a rule in tokusatsu.

Whether it's a tokusatsu like Knights, Ultraman, Sentai or Armored Warriors, this law is always applicable.

Moreover, the Black Rhinoceros Armor is known for its defensive power, and the Nether Demon who has not yet returned to his peak is not necessarily the opponent of Beimiao who has been training in the chat group for a long time.

"The bluff guy."

Bakt sneered.

Suddenly, Bakt felt an invisible force surging from his abdomen.

At some point, the black armor appeared in front of Bakt.

A palm slammed into Bakt's abdomen!

Boom! ! !

The whole body flew backwards instantly, and rolled several times on the road before stopping.

Kadoya Shi: "Is that the teleportation ability?"

Higashino Rin: "It is a unique ability of the light and shadow armor, but the energy consumption is very fast. However, if you use the light and shadow stone combined armor, there is no such saying."

Light and shadow armor, these heaven-given armors have many abnormal abilities.

However, these abilities are very energy-consuming, so they are rarely displayed. However, if you use the light and shadow stone combined armor, you don't need to worry about energy consumption. After all, at this time, the light and shadow armor itself is a mobile power bank, which can achieve long-term battery life.

"Bakt." Salman looked at Salman who was knocked away by the black rhino, his voice full of anger, "You, damn it!"

Salman kicked his legs and flew into the air, holding the Moon-chopping Ruler in his hand and fell towards Bei Miao's neck!



The Moon-chopping Ruler fell on Bei Miao's neck, and the whole ruler trembled with a clang.

Buzz buzz buzz--

"A painless attack." Bei Miao shook his shoulders and shook Salman back a few steps, "Now, it's my turn!"

After the voice fell, Bei Miao summoned the water armor shield and fell towards Salman's chest!


Sparks flew out, and Salman's body also flew backwards and hit Bakt who had just stood up.

"So strong! Why haven't you heard Huanying say this armor?" Xiao Fei looked at the black armor in amazement. At this time, this set of armor was playing with the two Nether Demons in a crushing posture.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

In the secret room, Lufa started to cough violently.

"Damn armored warriors!"

Feeling the injuries of Bakt and Salman, Lufa quickly issued an order to retreat, "Salman, Bakt, come back!"

The two Nether Demons supported each other, looked at each other, and released a ball of light.

Dongye Lin: "Beimiao, it looks like you are going to run away."

"Don't worry, Lin. If you are targeted by me, Beimiao, you can't escape!"

Beimiao put his hands together and flattened them, and invisible waves spread around.

Zen Seal!!!

Everything in the range of the wave was still.

The ball of light released by the Nether Demon was suspended in the air.

Kamen Rider: "Pause time?! Damn!"

Duanmu Yan: "No, this ability is so perverted?!"

Pause time, this ability is too buggy.

Bei Miao summoned the Meteor Gun, and hit two Netherworld Demons with a fatal blow, and then added a Crazy Waterfall Top to penetrate the bodies of the two Netherworld Demons.

Unlike before, the two Netherworld Demons that were penetrated did not turn into genetic codes, but were sealed into magic seals by the sealing ability of the light and shadow armor.

After the seal was completed, the four weeks of time were also restored.

"The solution is solved?!"

Xiao Gang looked at the black armor holding the two cards in astonishment. He seemed to have seen nothing just now, as if he had lost some memory fragments.

Bei Miao looked at Xiao Fei and Xiao Gang, and then threw the two magic seals to Xiao Gang.

"Keep these things."

Xiao Gang hurriedly took the two magic seals thrown by Bei Miao. (PS: Change the setting here, set up a separate world view for Xingtian, and don't mix it with the light and shadow world view. So, the light and shadow armor, no one in Xingtian knows it.)

"This is."

Looking at the pattern of two Nether Demons in the magic seal post, Xiaogang and Xiaofei were full of astonishment.

This is completely different from their seal. They typed the Nether Demon into genetic code and then sealed it, while this set of armor forcibly sealed the Nether Demon in the card.

After removing the armor, Beimiao took the water shadow stone back to the car.

"I know you have a lot of questions. After reading the chat group, you will know what it is." Beimiao waved his hand, "See you next time, King Kong. Well, I hope it's not in this way today."

A light path appeared, and Beimiao drove a sports car and drove into the light path with a roar.

"Hey, Xiaofei, Xiaogang, are you okay?!"

After Xiaotian, who was driving a motorcycle, arrived at the scene, he stopped the car and hurriedly cared about the two.

"No, it's okay."

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