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Chapter 47 Assuming there is Brother Xiao Ming in the mirror world

"The world of negatives."

"The scroll in the palace just now is somewhat similar to the scroll in the photo studio where Brother Xiao Ming is. Is there any connection between the two?"

Dong Yelin's heart was filled with confusion about the mysterious palace scroll.

knight war

According to the pictures on the scroll in the palace, this is the world of Dragon Riders.

After thinking about it, Dong Yelin was going to ask Brother Xiao Ming to confirm his conjecture.

Higashino Lin: "@门雅士-Brother Xiaoming, are you in the parallel world of Dragon Riders now?"

Kamen Rider Ryuki Parallel World

Kadashi held a wad of banknotes in his hand and grinned happily.

“This profession is really popular!”

"I won a sum easily. This way, Xia Hai has no reason to talk about the rent."

Whenever Natsumi brought up the rent and the cost of repairing the camera, Kadoya felt difficult to deal with it.

No way, he really has no advantage in this regard.

But it’s not like I don’t give it. Do I need to keep talking about these things?

Sure enough, women are unreasonable.

Speaking of which, why didn't you see Natsumi this early in the morning?

Forget it, never mind.

Anyway, there aren't many weirdos in this world, so it's quite safe.

Tsk tsk tsk. The trial in this world is really special. Kamen Rider is used as the tool of trial. The Kamen Rider who wins the final victory means that his client has not committed a crime.

"Is this trial really fair?"

Kado Yashi muttered, in his opinion, using a knight battle to judge a person is completely like playing house, which is really ridiculous.

However, it’s pretty good to play house.

It allows him to earn more!

Oh, no!

This is what he should do as a lawyer.


Kadoya Shi: "Dragon Rider? I am in the Dragon Rider world now."

Dongye Lin: "No wonder. I may understand the general situation."

? ? ?

Go against Tiangang!

Seeing Higashino Rin's answer, Kadoya felt like he was being NTRed.

Shouldn't that be his mantra?

Kadashi: "Lin, what do you understand again?"

Higashino Rin: "In the world of negatives, I saw the same picture scroll as the one in the photo studio where you are. The picture scroll happened to be the unique knight battle scene of Dragon Knight, so..."

After receiving Kado Yashi's answer, his own conjecture was verified at this moment.

No wonder Hongyin found Brother Xiao Ming as soon as he came to the film world.

It also has GPS positioning that can be updated at any time, right?

However, Brother Xiao Ming is not connected with the Dark Knight in the film world, right?

Is there really another Xiao Ming brother who uses the Dark Emperor Cavalry?

Wouldn't a Mirror World Xiao Ming-ge just like Mirror World Shinji suddenly pop up in the film world?

So far, there are only three humans in the mirror world.

There is Shinji of the Mirror World, Yui Kanzaki of the Mirror World, and the last one is the Little Demon King of the Mirror World.

The little devil in the mirror world is the one who completely controls the mirror world.

In the novel, he has gained the power of the other eighteen main knights in addition to the power of Xiao Mingge’s imperial cavalry.

He even devoured the alien Gates and the alien Tsukuyomi and became the alien demon king. According to Woz's description, it was an alien demon king that could be compared to the old demon king in 2068.

When he was pulled into the mirror world by a giant spider a few days ago, he was also wondering whether there would be him in the mirror world in this mirror world.

If he really existed, he would have staged a famous scene where he beat himself up.

Fortunately, it didn't happen in the mirror world.

"Is it because this mirror world is different from the mirror world in Dragon Rider?"

Dong Yelin murmured.

The two of them appeared in the mirror world of Dragon Rider.

In Tokio's world, because of Tokio's special nature, the worlds of the other Heisei Knights are attracted, and the world merges with Tokio's world.

What is the same is overlapped, what is different is preserved. Therefore, the mirror world of Dragon Knight has also been preserved.

Thinking about it this way, it does seem to make sense.

The mirror world self?

Ha. I can only use the power of the knight. When the time comes, I will ask Zero to have a single body, and shoot the light directly in the face.

Thinking about Higashino Rin's words, Kado Yashi was slightly stunned.

Has his travels been watched?

No, is his journey so bumpy?

There is always Narutaki around me who spreads that he is the "demon that destroys the world". Now you tell me. I have been watched by the villain knight who rules the world during my travels. Why do I feel so creepy?

"Don't be too outrageous!"

The corner of Kado Yashi's mouth twitched, it was all nonsense. Why did things become troublesome as soon as we got to him?

Duan Muyan: "Who cares about ghosts and monsters? If you don't accept it, just take it down!"

Duan Muyan was in a particularly good mood after killing an Oxer. Looking at the records of the chat group, he roughly figured it out.

As the son of a great detective like Duanmu Gushang, Duanmuyan more or less inherited his father's excellent genes.

In terms of reasoning, it can be regarded as having some innate advantages.

Dong Yelin: "General Duanmu is General Duanmu."

Just complain if you don’t accept it? So reckless? Oh, it turns out to be General Duanmu, so that’s quite normal.

It was not surprising at all that Duan Muyan said such words.

This comparison has been circulating on the Internet:

What happened to the Nether Demon? Should the Nether Demon die?

Xinnan: Silent

Xiaotian: Hesitant

Duan Muyan: You are a Nether Demon for one day, and you will be a Nether Demon for the rest of your life! Too lazy to talk and listen! The Nava of Flame, swallowing the power of fierce flames, merges!

Duan Muyan was obviously the type to fight whenever he could, without giving his enemy any chance to breathe.

Except for my mother-in-law, my girlfriend's family has never been beaten. My eldest brother-in-law, second uncle-in-law, father-in-law, and my girlfriend were all beaten by Duan Muyan.

Kadoya Shi: "Lin, let's talk when we have time. Something happened to Natsumi again, I have to go and take a look."

Dong Yelin: "Okay, Brother Xiao Ming."

Watching the wanted Natsumi on TV, Kado Yashi rubbed his brows.

No, there are no weirdos in this world, so why did something happen again?

Give me as much trouble as you can.

As he said this, his body still walked towards the Metropolitan Police Department.

Xiaogang: "Everyone is here, I have a question to ask."

Xiaogang, who has been peeking at the screen, has been thinking about how to speak and ask about their world.

Duan Muyan: "Hey, you lost the summoner? You didn't lose the summoner again, did you?"

Lost the summoner? !

No, is it necessary to give me such a nickname?

Xiaogang: "There is no way I will lose the summoner this time."

Dong Yelin: "So. Xiaogang, what exactly do you want to ask?"

What to ask?

Xiaogang, who had thought "angry", came back to his senses and scratched his head.

Yes, he came to ask questions.

Why did he suddenly have a quarrel with Duan Muyan?

Taking a deep breath, Xiaogang calmed down his emotions at this time.

Xiaogang: "Boss Lin, I just want to ask if I want to apologize to that young master."

ha? Apologize?

Dong Yelin thought it was a big deal, but he didn't expect it to be a question of whether to apologize or not.

This is not a big deal, just apologize directly.

Oh, no. Apologizing may not be the solution.

Xiao Fei's character in the prequel was looked down upon by both Xiao Gang and Xiao Tian. He was a wealthy young man himself, looking like a second-generation ancestor.

If you want to make Xiaofei obedient, a beating is the most appropriate thing.

However, both of them are similar. Therefore, we have to admire Xiaotian's ability to withstand pressure in the prequel.

Dong Yelin: "Why don't we give him a good beating until he is convinced."

Xiaogang: "Huh?"

Isn't that an apology? Why did it turn into a fight again? He had just promised Xiaotian not to conflict with Xiaofei, and now he was going to fight Xiaofei?

Dong Yelin: "It's just a joke, but if you want to apologize, you'd better take Xiaotian with you."

"Ding! Group member Dong Yelin uploaded some clips of "Armor Warrior Xingtian""

"Ding! Group member Higashino Lin uploaded some clips of "Armor Warrior Nava""

He didn't remember much about these two shows, but he still had some clips.

Dong Yelin: "There are stories about you in this, which can be used as appropriate reference. @小 Gang – Don't lose the summoner again."

After finishing the chat, looking at the sparkling sea level, Dong Yelin murmured, "The Dark Emperor Cavalry won't really appear, will it?"

"But that's okay."

Regardless of whether he has it or not, it has little impact on him anyway. The alien King of Time has fully mastered the power and does not panic at all. In this film world, he is invincible (crossed out)!

"Then it's time to complete my mission as the Dark Knight Ryuga."

As soon as the voice fell, Dong Yelin entered the mirror world through the sea and headed to the place where the Dark Knight was.

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