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Chapter 73: Leo from Zero's time and space meets Yamaguchi Momoko

That night, in the dark corner of Hope City, a dull voice sounded, the street lamp flickered with a weak white light, and a figure in armor with dark purple and red as the main colors walked from the corner.

"There is only one last point left, and it will be completed soon."

King Pierre stroked the armor summoner on his abdomen, and a translucent card was ejected from the armor summoner and floated in front of King Pierre.

The card was between the virtual and the real, sometimes becoming illusory, and sometimes becoming real.

The card was wrapped with the thick energy of the three sins of greed, anger, and ignorance, which was enough to make people stunned.

"As long as the three sins of greed, anger, and ignorance are completed, this card will be completed. By then, no one in this galaxy, no, even in the universe, will be my opponent!"

The greed in his heart was infinitely magnified by the three sins of greed, anger, and ignorance, and the color of the armor on his body became thicker, as if he had become a demon, exuding a suffocating and oppressive atmosphere.

No, it should be that since the time he was sentenced to the three sins of greed, anger, and ignorance, he has completely become a demon and a monster that satisfies his twisted heart.

"Greed, anger, and ignorance"

King Pierre murmured, his eyes flashing with a dark red light of God Devouring. His body seemed like a puppet, his steps were stiff, but every time he took a step, he was already dozens of meters away.

The next day, early morning

"What time are you still sleeping! Is it time for you to sleep at your age!?"

A irritable voice sounded outside the door, and Dong Yelin turned over and covered his ears.

The mind energy attached to the eardrum, trying to isolate the noisy sound.

"This sound has mind energy!"

Opening his eyes, Dong Yelin also lost his sleepiness.

When he opened the door, he saw the armor summoners who were called up by Emperor Yan one by one.

Xiaogang yawned, with a pair of thick dark circles under his eyes. It seemed that he stayed up late to play games last night.

Xiaotian and Xiaofei were fine, and their spirits were quite full.

"Remember, training you armor summoners is also because of Dongye's face, otherwise."

Emperor Yan snorted coldly, for such unenterprising armor summoners, he didn't look down on them at all.

"Ahaha——" Xiaogang yawned and rubbed his eyes, "I feel my willpower is quite strong now, how about... let me sleep for a while?"

Sir, I can summon the Exploding King Kong now.

Why does it need training?

"The willpower is very strong?" Yan Di smiled, stared at Xiaogang, raised the Shura Armor in his right hand, "Let's have a competition."

"Shura Armor! Combine!"

"Change the shape and scene!"

In just a moment, the four of them appeared in a dense forest.

"Come, let me see what you call willpower."

Yan Di pointed at Xiaogang, with an arrogant look.

"Let me see my Exploding King Kong. If I pass the test, let me rest."

Xiaogang took out the King Kong Armor summoner and looked at Yan Di.

"Okay, I, Emperor Yan, always keep my word! What if I fail?"

"I'll train hard, you can train me as you wish."


Emperor Yan applauded, he just likes young people like him, impulsive, fearless of hardships, this is what a warrior should be like!

"Vajra Armor! Combine!"

Concentrating all his energy on the armor summoner on his abdomen, Xiaogang instantly entered the armor upgrade state!

"Exploding King Kong, upgrade!"

The whole body glowed with golden light, and rushed towards Emperor Yan at the same time.

"Brother Lin, will Xiaogang..." Xiaotian couldn't help but worry, always feeling that something bad would happen.

"Nothing will happen, just a beating. But after a beating, he should be obedient."


Xiaofei and Xiaotian looked at each other, as if there was indeed such a truth.

Squeak, squeak--

A figure flew backwards instantly, the speed was so fast that it was astonishing.

Dongye Lin was also stunned, this speed was too fast, right?

Once again, he was defeated. He had just finished upgrading his armor, but was disintegrated by Yan Di with one punch.

Xiao Gang fell to the ground, wanting to cry but no tears. How could it be so fast? Shouldn't it be able to hold on for a while?

Why does it feel more powerful than what Brother Lin summoned?

"Okay, you summon the armor and then attack me."

Yan Di put away his fist and looked at Xiao Tian and Xiao Fei.


Both of them were stunned. Is this training, or are they just taking a beating?


Scarlet eyes stared at Xiao Tian and Xiao Fei. They could only bite the bullet and combine their armor to rush towards Yan Di.

Paying attention to the chat group, Dong Ye Lin was also stunned.

No, is this for real?

Is this a matter of opinion?

[Feng Yuan: @Zero, Master. ]

[Zero: Hey, apprentice, Master is here. ]

[Da Gu: What happened to this world? Why did it become unrecognizable to me? ]

[Beimiao: Is this a moral decline or a distortion of human nature? The world is going downhill, and people's hearts are not as they used to be! ]

[Yingshan Ren: @Zero, if your master in time and space knew about this, would you be beaten up? ]

[Zero: What do you know? I am thinking about my master. My master has too many regrets. This young master is helping my master to change his regrets. If he knows, he would be eager for me to send him here to see. ]

[Dongye Lin: Zero is right. There will be many tragedies in Fengyuan's future battles. ]

[Fengyuan: Tragedy? Me? ]

[Dong Ye Lin: That's right, Feng Yuan, but don't worry, these things shouldn't happen in your time and space. After all, you now have powerful foreign aid. ]

"Foreign aid?"

Feng Yuan murmured, with a smile on his face.

Yes, he is not alone now.

Besides, his apprentice in another time and space also said that his brother Astra is still alive.


Looking up at the sky, as if passing through the galaxy, looking at Astra.

"Feng Yuan, emergency, aliens appear on Earth, come back quickly now."


Feng Yuan was stunned, and quickly replied with the communicator, "Captain, I'll be back soon."

[Feng Yuan: I'll get off first, there are aliens hiding in Tokyo, I have to go back to the team. ]


Dong Ye Lin murmured, and the alien that looked like a monster appeared in his mind.

Zuluk, it seems to be this name.

Dong Ye Lin has some impression of this alien. After the giantization, the appearance is not much different from the monster. Moreover, this alien also completed a kill on Team Mike.

[Dongye Lin: Fengyuan, be careful with this alien this time. As far as I can remember, Axiang and Atong's father, as well as Team Suzuki, all died at the hands of this Zuluk alien. ]

It can be said that Leo has been experiencing life and death all his life on Earth.

[Fengyuan: Lose your life? I know, Lin. That bastard! ]

"Zuluk alien, you dogzz!!"

"Brother Fengyuan, what's wrong with you?" Meilixiang and Meilitong came to Fengyuan, looked at the angry Fengyuan, and asked with concern.

"Axiang, Atong, I just received news that there are aliens nearby. If your father picks you up, don't go out. Remember not to go out. Promise me."

Putting his hands on Atong's shoulders, Fengyuan's eyes were already bloodshot at this time.

Atong nodded a little scared, "Brother Fengyuan, are you really okay? Just now..."

This is the first time that Fengyuan has shown such an angry and worried look.

"I'm fine, remember what I said."

After warning the two, Feng Yuan hurriedly ran out of Chengnan Sports Club.

"Atong, Axiang, where is Feng Yuan?" Yamaguchi Baizi looked at the two children standing at the door and looking into the distance, and asked in confusion.

"Brother Feng Yuan said there are aliens nearby."

"Aliens?" Yamaguchi Baizi looked at Feng Yuan's departing back and prayed silently, "Mr. Feng Yuan, be sure to pay attention to safety"

At this time, in a barber shop on a street somewhere in Hope City.

Qiao Shefei was learning haircutting from his master, but Lu Fa's devilish moan kept appearing in his mind.

"Hey, what are you doing? Look at what you have built."

Looking at the hair that was cut off, the man shouted hurriedly.

"Harmony brings wealth, harmony brings wealth, if you have something to say, talk it over, talk it over."

Master Qiao Shefei hurriedly came out to mediate, and calmed the farce with all kinds of good words and discounts.

Looking at his most proud apprentice, Master Qiao Shefei was concerned, "Xiao Qiao, what's wrong? Why have you been absent-minded since you came back last night? Is there any difficulty? If you have any difficulties, tell me, I can help you."


Qiao Shefei hesitated, lowered his head, and clenched his fists.

He didn't want to involve innocent people.

"Master, I'm fine." Qiao Shefei shook his head.

Looking at the expression on Qiao Shefei's face, Master Qiao Shefei patted Qiao Shefei on the shoulder, "I'll give you a few days off, go back and rest for a few days. It's not too late to come back to work after you adjust yourself."

"Finally found you, Qiao Shefei!"

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