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Chapter 75 What happened to the Netherworld Demon? Should the Netherworld Demon die?

"No! Really no!"

A dull crash sounded, Xiaogang fell to the ground and waved his hands.

"Brother Lin, let's stop here for today's training. If we keep fighting, I feel like my bones are going to fall apart."

Glancing cautiously at Emperor Yan, Xiaogang whispered.

This is not training at all, this is just looking for abuse. There is no intention of letting him go, his fists and feet are attached with intention and magnetic field.

Who's sparring partner is like this?

Also, look at the passionate look of Emperor Yan, he is completely in a fighting state, beating them like sandbags.

"You can't do this kind of training?" Emperor Yan snorted coldly, he is not satisfied yet, he has been locked up for thousands of years, and he feels uncomfortable without fighting.

Now he finally has someone who can be a sandbag, he can't just give up like this.

"I ****"

Xiaofei was so angry that his dialect burst out, and Xiaotian and Xiaogang were stunned.

Good guy, Xiaofei was also beaten hard.

People started to curse in dialect.

"What are you talking about?"

Emperor Yan looked at Dong Yelin in confusion.

How could he not understand this? Do people on Earth have this kind of language?

"Ahem. I don't understand it either." Dong Yelin shook his head awkwardly. There was nothing he could do. In their area, each dialect had its own accent. In a town, the dialects of several villages might be different.

"You guys should recover your energy first, and then we can continue to practice."

"Now you have to remember this feeling, forget the armor on your body, and let your energy fill your body." Emperor Yan said slowly, "In this way, you can cross the threshold of the unity of man and armor."

"Xiaotian, Xiaogang, Xiaofei, Brother Dongye, can you hear me?"

"Welcome?" Dongye Lin concentrated his energy and asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"

"That set of armor appeared and is currently chasing a purple Nether Demon in the city. This Nether Demon is different from other Nether Demons and looks like it is at the captain level."

"Okay, let's go now."

After disconnecting the energy link, Dongye Lin frowned. The purple Nether Demon is also at the captain level. The one who meets this characteristic is the captain of the Gray Nether Squad, Amice.

"But, this King Pierre showed up just to chase Amice? What's the purpose?"

"To get Amice's gene code? To build his own puppet Netherworld Army, and then fight back to the planet Ares?"

"But since it's here, let's just deal with it. In this way, there won't be any major crisis in this world."

Dong Yelin muttered.

Otherwise, he would have left this world when he got the Gengqi Vajra and Shura Armor.

But, King Pierre suddenly appeared as a variable.

"Fortunately, the flow speeds of the two worlds are different. Four days passed in this world, but only one day passed in Brother Xiaoming's."

Otherwise, he was really worried about sudden changes in the film world.

After taking a look at Emperor Yan, Dong Yelin walked over and told him what happened.

"New armor? Or was it summoned by King Pierre? Interesting, too interesting. I must go and see it. I want to try the power of King Pierre."

The two fists collided, and Emperor Yan's eyes were full of excitement.

He took out the Shura Armor Summoner, and instantly completed the armor fusion. At the same time, he used the teleportation. The whole process was as smooth as flowing water, carrying Dong Yelin and the other four to the city.

The three people in the armor state looked around in confusion. Xiao Gang was puzzled, "No one here?"

"Wait, they will definitely come from this side." Yan Di crossed his arms and looked at the three sets of armor around him. Seeing the objects, he recalled the days when he was still the King of Yanxing.

At that time, he seemed to have led the three sets of Xingtian armor to resist the invasion of Ares. He didn't expect that after so many years, he would have the opportunity to lead the three sets of Xingtian armor to deal with Ares.

However, time has passed, and things have changed.

He is still him, but the three sets of armor are no longer the original three sets of armor.

"Haha. I really didn't expect that a martial arts fan like me still has memories of the past."

After a self-deprecating laugh, Yan Di looked into the distance.

A purple figure kept running wildly on the street, followed by a set of dark purple armor, with a thick black gas on the armor.

"Ashura. Armor???"

King Pier was stunned, staring at the purple-silver armor not far away, and the cloak behind the Asura armor swayed gently in the wind.

Especially the three sets of Xingtian armor next to the Asura armor, this scene reminded King Pier of the humiliating scene before.

It was the same scene when they, Ares, went to Yanxing to arrest the galactic criminal Yandi. As a criminal, Yandi used the Asura armor and the three sets of Xingtian armor to wipe out their Ares Legion at that time.

Even though they, Ares, arrested Yandi and brought him to justice, they were ridiculed by some planets in the Milky Way, which became the most humiliating scene in King Pier's life.

Amice was surrounded in the middle, looking at a loss.


First King Pier, then Armor Warrior.

What else is this? !

Tired, destroy it.

"Damn you."

"Hahaha, I never thought that the king of Ares would fall to this point." Looking at King Pierre, who was plagued by the three sins of greed, anger, and ignorance, Emperor Yan couldn't help but laugh.

"Fell to this point?" King Pier sneered, holding the Dark Sky-Destroying Sword and opening his arms, "I just recognized my own nature. Only this power can allow me to return to Ares and ascend to the position of the Lord of the Milky Way again, no, even the Lord of the Universe!"

After the voice fell, King Pier's figure suddenly appeared in front of Emperor Yan, and the Dark Sky-Destroying Sword in his hand drew a dark red trajectory in the air and fell towards Emperor Yan's neck.

Bang! Bang!

Sparks flew everywhere, and the power was so great that Emperor Yan couldn't help but retreat a few steps.

"It seems a little wrong." Dong Yelin took out the alien dial, "Senior, I'll help you."

Now that King Pier appeared, it must be solved now. He didn't want to delay it again and again. Who knows what will happen later.

"That's it."

Staring at the dial in Dong Ye Lin's hand, King Pier's eyebrows jumped. If it was really two against one, he couldn't stand it. Then he quickly mocked Yan Di, "What's wrong? The Galaxy Warrior, whose reputation resounded throughout the galaxy, now needs two against one?"

"It's really getting worse and worse!"

After being said by King Pier, Yan Di snorted coldly, "I, Yan Di, am upright and honest, not like you politicians who only know how to play tricks behind the scenes. But you are right. Two against one is really unfair. Boy, leave this guy to me. I don't need anyone to interfere in my battle."

"Change the scene!"

Looking at Yan Di who was leaving with King Pier, Dong Ye Lin was full of helplessness. Such a character would suffer a great loss.

For people like Yan Di, the method of provoking is indeed very effective. Yan Di is very confident in his own strength, but...Times are changing.

"Brother Lin, which one is better, the Shura armor or that set of armor?" Xiao Gang asked in confusion.

Dong Yelin waved his hand. He didn't know. After all, this thing was in the abandoned project. It seemed to have been passed on. It needed to be solved after the Shura Armor was upgraded.

"I don't know. If the Shura Armor can't beat it, it's still not a problem to escape."

"Then, what about this guy?" Xu Tingfei pointed at Amice, who was standing in the wind, and his right hand had already crossed the card box on the right side of his belt.

"Of course it's sealed. The Nether Demons are a bunch of damn guys." Xiaogang collided his fists. He didn't have a good face for the Nether Demons.

The Nether Demons who invaded the earth deserved to die!

"What's wrong with the Nether Demon? Do Nether Demons deserve to die?" Listening to Xiaogang's malice towards the Nether Demon, Amice roared.

They were also righteous warriors at the beginning. Do they really deserve to die? !

"Shouldn't die?!" Xiao Fei clenched his fists and sneered, "Look at what you Nether Demons have done. How many people are lying in the hospital because of you, and how many families are broken because of what you have done? Don't you deserve to die?!"

"Warriors of justice? When your hands are stained with the blood of innocent people, what kind of justice are you talking about!"

"Lightning Wind Kick!"

Jumping up, ready to give Amice the final blow.

Xiao Fei's words were like a sharp blade piercing straight into Amice's chest.

Looking at his hands in confusion, Amice gave up resistance.

Perhaps, from the beginning of becoming Nether Demons, from the beginning of plundering energy crystals and destroying planets, they have been unforgivable.


"What? Xiaotian, get out of the way!"

Looking at Xiaotian who was blocking Amice, Xiao Fei shouted hurriedly.

"Wait, he's my friend."


I've passed this plot earlier. I feel that it's getting more and more confusing. I'll write the knight's plot later.

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