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Chapter 87 Kadoya: I must be a good brother

"Mr. Lin!"

Mr. Lin? ? ?

What the hell?

Also, why does this voice sound so much like Xia Hai's?

When did Xia Hai know Lin?

Kado Shi rubbed his temples and muttered with a dizzy head.

"Mr. Lin, who is he?"

Xiao Hai looked at Kado Shi next to Higashino Lin and hesitated, "Yes, Mr. Lin, is he your friend?"

"The reinforcements I brought here, Kado Shi." Higashino Lin said with a smile, "At the same time, he is also a Kamen Rider."

"Kamen Rider???"

This title attracted everyone in the base, and they all looked at Kado Shi with surprise and confusion.

"It feels... not at all."

"Which Kamen Rider likes pink things?"

Looking at the pink camera hanging around Kado Shi's neck, Sato muttered softly.

"This is magenta! Magenta!"

When Kado Shi mentioned the color, he shook his head, looked at Sato who said pink, pointed at the camera hanging around his neck, and shouted hurriedly.

If you have eye problems, go to the ophthalmologist!

This is clearly magenta! Magenta!

Damn it! Why do they say it is pink? It is clearly magenta.

Looking at the angry Kadoya Shi, Sato shrank his head.

"But I didn't expect you, Rin, to protect so many people alone."

Looking at the people in the base, Kadoya Shi poked Higashino Rin's arm with his elbow and said with a smile.

"Huh??? Natsumi?!"

Glancing around, Kadoya Shi looked at Natsumi next to Chinatsu, with a puzzled look on his face, and exclaimed.

"Mr. Shi knows me?"

Looking at Kadoya Shi's shocked expression, Higashi Natsumi was stunned.

This seems to be the first time they meet, right?

"Hey, Rin. What's going on?" Kadoya Shi hurriedly asked in a low voice.

"This matter starts from this world." Higashino Rin explained Kadoya Shi's doubts.

"Can it be like this?" Kadoya touched his chin, "Then, I have understood the general situation."

"Understood?" Looking at Kadoya who seemed to know everything, Higashino Rin was stunned.

"Of course, when I, Kadoya, take action, there is nothing unclear." Kadoya laughed softly, and then raised his eyebrows at Higashino Rin, "Rin, don't get excited, this is very simple for me."

"After all, not everyone has a brain like me."

"Alas, being invincible is so lonely."

"You really are." Higashino Rin shook his head helplessly.

Kadoya looked up.

As for whether it is clear or not, it is no longer important.

Anyway, he only needs to know how to eliminate the monsters in this world.

Then, he can save this world.

Sure enough, I, Kadoya, am a genius!

"It's not a good idea to stay here any longer. Why don't we go back to the photo studio first?" Kadoya looked at Higashino Rin and said softly.

"Photo studio?" Guang Xiahai looked at Kadoya in confusion.

"Yeah." Kadoya looked at Guang Xia Hai, his mouth slightly raised, "If Mr. Guang saw two Xia Hais, he would be very excited."

"Mr. Guang???"

Guang Xia Hai was slightly stunned, who was that?

"Ah?" Kadoya was stunned, "You don't know him?"

"No, since your world and Xia Hai's world are equivalent to the positive and negative sides, your grandfather should also be Mr. Guang, right?"

"I haven't seen my grandfather since I can remember. It has always been my father and mother who took care of me until..."

Guang Xia Hai lowered his head, tears rolled down like beads that broke off the string, silently telling the sadness and pain in his heart.

China Xia comforted softly, "Xia Hai, you still have us."

"I really can't stand such a scene." Kadoya muttered, and then walked out of the house.

"China Xia, you guys clean up."

Dong Ye Lin explained to China Xia and others, and also walked out.

Kadoya Shi leaned against the wall, playing with the camera hanging around his neck, and said slowly: "Things seem to be getting more and more troublesome."

"Thinking about it this way, Mr. Guang's identity is indeed not simple." Kadoya Shi said slowly.

It seems that the old man is not surprised that his photo studio can travel through different worlds.

"Rin, do you know the old man's identity?"

Higashino Rin leaned on the fence and nodded.

"The cadre of the Great Shocker Organization, Dr. Death."

As for the identity of Mr. Koei Jiro, Higashino Rin currently only knows that this old man has become Dr. Death of the Great Shocker Organization in the theater version.

Once in the theater version of All Knights VS Great Shocker, Mr. Guang came to the Great Shocker's fortress in a daze to rescue Xia Hai, was slapped by the messenger of hell, and then became Dr. Death in a daze.

Another time was in the joint theater version of Decade and W, it seemed that he was implanted with the memory of Dr. Death by Narutaki, and then forcibly became Dr. Death.

As expected, the plot of Decade is confusing.

"It's Dai Shocker again?" Kadoya Shi was stunned and complained, "Is this organization a troublemaker? How come they are involved in everything?"

"Maybe this old man is used to observe you, the leader of Dai Shocker." Dong Ye Lin said with a smile.

"Leader?" Kadoya Shi waved his hand and complained, "What's so good about monitoring a puppet leader."

"You can't say that, Brother Xiao Ming."

"For Dai Shocker, Brother Xiao Ming, you are always an unstable factor."

"If they can control it, they will naturally make you the leader of Overhaul Card."

"After all, your family's abilities are quite perverted."

"Especially your sister."

"Huh? My sister??" Kado Yashi was stunned, "Lin, why haven't I heard you talk about this?"

"You didn't even ask me."

Dong Yelin waved his hand helplessly.

"I have a younger sister." Kado Yashi muttered, as if he was trying to remember his younger sister's face.

He frowned and sighed helplessly.

"As expected, I don't seem to be a competent brother. Now, I can't remember what my sister looks like." Kadashi smiled bitterly.

"Well, he is indeed an incompetent brother."

Dong Yelin nodded.

After Xiao Ming awakened the ability to travel through different parallel worlds when he was a child, he had a great time playing in these parallel worlds.

Then Xiaoye was unable to travel through the parallel world, and could only watch her brother playing in different worlds, while she could only stay in a cold room.

This would be impossible if his sister didn't hate him.

After being tricked by Overhaul Card into becoming the apparent leader of Overhaul Card, he didn't seem to spend much time with Saya. Then he was cut off by Nobuhiko Tsukage, the real leader of Overhaul Card, and told Kadoya Saya all kinds of bad things about Xiao Ming.

Words like [why your brother doesn’t want you anymore].

When I think about the things my brother did, it seems to be the same thing.

Then there is the well-known darkening plot, using the earth stone to control Onodera and punching Brother World.

So, it’s not unfair for Xiao Ming to receive these punches.

"What, Lin." Kado Yashi covered his chest, as if his young heart was traumatized, "I want you to comfort me."

"But, Brother Xiao Ming, you are indeed incompetent for your job."

"You have to be more careful in the future, otherwise you will be punched by your sister."

My sister hits me?

Kado Yashi waved his hand indifferently.

It's just a little girl, how can she beat him down?

"Okay, let's not discuss this for now."

Kado Yashi clapped his hands and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, "Let's solve the trouble in front of us first."

Looking into the distance, the weirdos headed by the Dark Knight were walking towards this area.

"It seems that these guys can't wait to present that treasure to you. Brother Xiao Ming."

Dong Yelin held the Diend drive in his hand and chuckled.

"Tch, I have to continue traveling. No matter what, I still have to meet my sister."

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