The hth device, get√

Under the dim overpass, in the tunnel, a beam of warm yellow light penetrated the darkness.

It made the tunnel have a little light.

A girl in school uniform, with a look of fear on her face, was running towards the exit with light.

The school uniform on her body was covered with dust, and there were scars on the knees of her calves wrapped in black silk, and her face was also stained with dust.

Behind the girl, a colorful weirdo followed closely.

"I really didn't expect... the treasure of this world was really found by humans."

"Give the treasure to me! It's not something you humans can get involved in."

Two spider silks burst out from his arms.

With a "puff", a whistling sound passed by his ears, fell on a wall, and penetrated it.


With a pull of his arms, the spider silk moved in the air like a living thing.

"Lie down."

A sound rang out all around.

The girl who was chased by the spider-fang vampire quickly lay down.

The spider silk collided with each other, making a loud noise.

The K-Touch device in the girl's hand fell off.


Looking at the K-Touch device falling from her hand, the girl hurriedly reached out to take it.

If it fell into the hands of those dark knights, this world would really have no future.

A handsome man suddenly appeared in front of the girl, bent down, and picked up the K-Touch device that fell on the ground. Dong Ye Lin couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he caught up -

If it was taken away, the weirdos in this world would wantonly destroy the remaining humans in this world.

"Humans again?"

Feeling Dong Ye Lin's powerful vitality, the spider-fang vampire looked at Dong Ye Lin greedily.

With such a powerful vitality, I wonder... how much his own strength will improve after he absorbs it?


Glancing at the girl, Dong Ye Lin threw the K-Touch device into the storage space and took out the alien Zi Wang dial.

"Spider-fang vampire..."

"Have I had a grudge against spiders these days?"

Thinking of the spider Gurongi that he had killed before, Dong Ye Lin muttered.

It seems that knights have a special connection with monsters like spiders and bats.

【ZI-O! (Zi-O!)】

A low voice sounded, as if the devil in hell was moaning in the ear.

Dark purple energy ripples spread in all directions, and the gray-white skeleton surrounded Dong Ye Lin's whole body.

The gray-white skeleton circle closed, and a twisted figure appeared. The white body and twisted face seemed not to be the product of this world, but the creation born in the twisted history.


The spider-fang vampire was also startled by Dong Ye Lin's posture. too similar to their monsters.

"Spider-fang vampire...I hope you can let me adapt to this power as soon as possible."

After the voice fell, Dong Ye Lin exerted force with his legs, and the whole ground was instantly broken, with a crack of several feet.

The whole person rushed towards the Spider-fang Vampire like a cannonball.

A dark red light appeared on his right fist.

A punch hit!

The Spider-fang Vampire quickly crossed his hands to protect himself.


The whole body flew backwards in an instant, hit the wall hard, and was embedded in it.

"Using a normal attack as a big move? It seems to be the same. The basic data of the alien Zi-O has exceeded the final of most of the main riders in the Heisei era, although... Knights are idealistic."

Dong Ye Lin retracted his fist and murmured.

"It's completely not the same level... Humans... How could they master such power..."

The Spider-fang Vampire shook his body, shaking out powder, and gravel fell to the ground.

He wanted to struggle out of the wall, but the soreness of his body swept over him, making him stagnate.

Enduring the pain in his body, the Spider-fang Vampire stared at the weird figure in front of him, "Damn human!!!"

Just a human.

How dare you.

How dare you.

It's just food for our vampire clan, how dare you resist?

There is such power, how can humans master it!

Thick and long spider silk sprayed out of the mouth.

A silver thread was left in the air.

The speed was very fast, and it was difficult for humans to dodge such an attack.

Qianxia, ​​who was hiding behind the abandoned vehicle, poked her head out and looked at the dark red figure worriedly.

No, to be precise, she was worried about the K-Touch device in Dong Yelin's hand, which was a very important item.

The spider silk fell on Dong Yelin's chest like a sharp arrow, and in an instant, countless sparks were wiped out.

"Just a little."

Before the spider vampire began to rejoice, Dong Yelin patted his chest gently.

There was no trace left on the chest.

As if the scene that just happened had never happened.

"Stronger than the average monster."

"My current strength is roughly equivalent to that of a mid- to late-stage knight."

"I can easily deal with some monster cadres."

"If I can fully master the power of the alien Zi-O, I will be able to deal with the boss among the knights."

The Spider-Vampire embedded in the wall released the spider silk that could penetrate metal and made its last struggle.

Looking at the spider silk coming straight at him, Dong Yelin grabbed the spider silk fired by the spider fang vampire, his white pupils flashing at this moment. It looked particularly scary in the tunnel.

With a strong force, the spider-toothed vampire was pulled out from the wall.

Immediately, he kept throwing the spider-toothed vampire around.

boom! boom! boom!

Along with the sound, the ground, walls, and ceiling were full of traces of collision between spider-toothed vampires.

Venting his dissatisfaction over the past year, Dong Yelin felt more and more comfortable.

"it's over!"

Rotate the Spider Fang Vampire 360 ​​degrees in the air, and then throw it into the air.

The Alien Time Limit Sword and the Alien Strongest Limit Sword appeared in his hands. The two swords were crossed together, and dark purple energy spread from the intersection.


The restless sound of energy sounded, and as Dong Yelin swung down, the shadow of a clock appeared in the air. The hour and minute hands overlapped. The light blade passed through the spider-tooth vampire's body, and the energy ripples generated spread in all directions.


The explosion sounded, and countless sparks exploded in the air. The sparks were accompanied by colorful light spots. The whole scene was very beautiful.

“The compatibility with heterogeneous dials is getting better and better.”

Feeling the weakness of the alien dial devouring his consciousness, Dong Yelin breathed a sigh of relief.

Taking off the Alien Time King dial, Dongye Lin's eyes fell on the girl hiding behind the abandoned vehicle.

If he remembered correctly, this girl should be called Qianxia.

In the original plot, she seemed to have snatched the K-Touch device, but the ending

Of course, that's the original plot.

Now with Dongye Lin's intervention, her fate has changed.

"It's okay now, stop hiding."

"Are you...a human...or a weirdo..."

He looked carefully at the man in front of him.

Unlike their group of refugees, the man was wearing clean clothes and his face was very rosy.

This... doesn't look like being hunted at all.

"If I were a weirdo...that spider-toothed vampire just now would have killed you long ago."

Listening to Dong Yelin's words, the girl was silent.

"That...that device..."

"Put it here with me first. If you hold it, it will only bring misfortune. It has no power and cannot be held at all. It will only bring you no more trouble."

The girl lowered her head silently.

With their current strength, there is no way they can defeat the monster... let alone deal with the Dark Knight above the monster...

"You have such great power...are you the savior of this world?"

Hopeful eyes fell on Dong Yelin.

The world needs a future!

We need a light that can illuminate the haze, dispel the darkness, and light up the way for mankind to move forward.


"It's not... I just came to this world because of an accident."

"If you want a savior, maybe... you can wait."

"Maybe the savior will come."

Dong Yelin was silent. He was just an ordinary person and became a savior? He is not that noble, nor does he have such awareness.

He just wants to leave this world as soon as possible.

Savior? !

He is not a savior.

In a world of negatives, how can he save the world?

The world is full of monsters from the old decade of Heisei. When an ordinary knight comes to this world, he will be dragged to death by the sea of ​​monsters.

Except for those at the top, who can talk about saving the world?!

Unless, wait for him to fully adapt to the power of the alien king.

It's just... that's still too far away for him now.

Or, wait until the chat group has more members and let them solve it.

Or, wait for Kado Yashi to come to this world.

However, it is not yet known whether Kadoyaji has started traveling.

Facing Qianxia's expectant eyes, Dong Yelin turned around and said, "Let's go, get out of here first. If those guys are watching, it will be troublesome."

Looking at Higashi Yelin's leaving figure, Chinatsu bit her lip, as if she had made a very important decision, and shouted to Higashino, "Sir, come with me."

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