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Chapter 94 Without the Beyond Insect Meter, what are you playing?

The next morning, the sun shines through the glass windows of the photo studio and onto the wooden floor, creating mottled light and shadow.

Kadashi slowly woke up from his sleep, rubbed his sleepy eyes, and sat up.

Stretching and looking out the window, I couldn't help but feel a sigh of relief in my heart: "I'm leaving this world."

"What's wrong? Brother Xiao Ming, do you like this world very much?"

Higashino Rin's voice interrupted Kado Yashi's thoughts.

The air was filled with the fragrant aroma of coffee, and Kado Yashi glanced at Higashino Rin who was standing at the door.

Dong Yelin was holding a steaming cup of coffee in his hand.

"Who doesn't like a world where the whole world revolves around you? In this world, anything you want to do can come true. It's a dream world."

Kadoyaji picked up the photo on the counter.

These photos were all taken by him in this world. Whether it is lighting, composition or color, they all demonstrate Kadoya's excellent photography skills.

“It’s just that I still prefer the photos I took before.”

The corners of Kado Yashi's mouth raised slightly.

Traveling to different worlds and making friends in these worlds is what he yearns for.

Moreover, there are many people in other worlds who are persecuted by weirdos.

"Let's go, it's time to end everything in this film world."

Kadashi stood up, took the windbreaker on the side and put it on himself.

Dong Yelin nodded.

The time has truly come to end this world of film.

A world overrun by weirdos is not a good place at all.


Seeing that his hands were empty, Dong Yelin frowned and felt helpless, "Brother Xiao Ming, why do you have to take the coffee with you?"

"Lin, you don't understand. I just got up and I need to replenish my strength."

"Wait, Brother Xiao Ming."


If you ask me to wait, I have to wait?

Eating alone is not a good habit, Lin.

The corners of Kado Yashi's mouth raised slightly, he picked up the coffee and took a sip.


When the coffee entered his throat, the strong bitter taste immediately exploded in his mouth, as if a strong electric current hit his taste buds.

Kadashi frowned, his eyes widened, and he coughed violently.

"No, who made this coffee?"

Kado Yaji put the coffee cup in Higashino Rin's hand with disgust.

It tastes really bad!

This is not coffee at all. It smells like various seasonings piled together and fermented.

Is this really coffee that a human can make?

Even my fellow warriors can use foot soaks better than this.

"Ahem, cough, cough. Didn't I say I wouldn't let you drink? I just learned from Mr. Guang yesterday." Dong Yelin subconsciously took a step back and looked at Kadoya Shi with embarrassment.

"Lin, you studied well, don't do it next time."

Men Yashi reluctantly showed a smile.

"Hey, it looks like you two are in good spirits."

Kaidong looked at Higashino Rin and Kadoya Shi with some envy.

Friendship is really enviable.

"Haidong, what did Narutaki say?"

Dong Yelin walked to the living room, put the coffee cup on the coffee table, and looked at Haidong.

"Don't worry when I do the work." Haidong smiled, then looked at Dong Yelin, his tone suddenly became serious: "But, are you really sure that you can solve this whole world of weirdos?"

"I won't make random promises when I'm not sure."

"In that case, let's go."

Haidong nodded thoughtfully, "But why don't you go say goodbye to Natsumi and the others?"


"It's not like we're leaving without a return, so there's no need to say goodbye." Kadoyaji complained, "If we finish it early, maybe we can make it in time for lunch."

"Lin, you say so."

Raising his eyebrows at Dong Yelin, Kadoya Shi smiled.


The sound fell, and an aurora curtain appeared behind Dong Yelin, swallowing the three people into the aurora curtain.

In the city, Hongyin is also holding a violin and playing.

When a song ended, warm applause came out like a tide.

Human beings around

No, it should be called a weirdo, and he gives his enthusiasm without hesitation.

Hongyin also glanced at Narutaki who was sitting on a chair outside the coffee shop, and her voice was full of doubts: "Are you sure they will come?"

"Look, isn't this coming?"

Feeling the change in the surrounding space, Narutaki pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose.

Everything is under his control.

Hongyin also looked at the Aurora Curtain that appeared, and a familiar voice sounded from the Aurora Curtain.

"It looks like this is it."

"Is it just the two of us?" Haidong looked to his side, where is that guy?

"Lin has his work to do."

Kadoya Shi walked out of the aurora curtain, glanced around, and his eyes fell on Narutaki.

"Narutaki, you are really trying to deal with me, you can think of any way."

Kado Yashi was a little helpless.

Is his charm so strong?

Even Narutaki, a middle-aged man, can charm him.

"No, no, no." Narutaki stood up and slowly raised his head, with a smile on his face, "I'm here to congratulate you this time."

"Congratulations? I'm afraid you're congratulating yourself. Congratulations on finally getting rid of me?" Men Yashi pointed at Narutaki with his finger.

"These are no longer important. You just need to live in this world and be good to everyone."

Narutaki glanced at Kaito who was standing next to Higashino Rin, and shouted quickly: "Haitong, what are you waiting for?!"

"I'm so sorry, Uncle Narutaki, I think it would be more interesting to follow Shi and the others."

Haidong smiled, took out the enhancement card given by Narutaki, and put it into the Diend drive.

"Haidong Dashu, don't forget, only I can help you solve your world."

Narutaki shouted towards Kaidong.

"I will resolve matters in my own world by myself."

The Diend driver was aimed at Narutaki, and the corner of Kaidong's mouth rose.

"Hen Shin!" (Transform!)』

"Then you and Decade will perish in this world!"

A cold light flashed on the lenses, and Narutaki said coldly: "Jin Dou."

The moment the voice fell, a cold mechanical voice sounded.

『HyperClockUp! (Super time upgrade!)』

Everything around him seemed to be at a standstill, and the blue card released by the Diend drive was stuck in the air.

A golden figure appeared in front of Kado Yashi.

"The flower language of roses is love, so spread your flowers with love!"

When the fist was about to fall on Kadoya Shi.

The surrounding scenery began to change, and time began to rewind at this moment.

The time goes back to before Jin Dou used the super-ascension time transformation.

"How can it be?!"

Narutaki shouted uncontrollably.

Time has turned back!

Narutaki was sure that this scene was too familiar.

"ZI-O!" (King of Time!)』

"Got you!"


Jin Dou, who had just recovered from the time regression, looked at Dong Yelin who was holding his right hand, and his face under the mask showed a look of shock.

"This way, you won't be able to use Super Time."

After Kaidong informed Narutaki and Beniya that there was a cooperative relationship, Higashino Rin called the alien Ryuga over.

After learning about the existence of Jin Dou who possesses the Hypa Insect Instrument, he has been waiting for this opportunity.

Look for Jin Dou's figure, and then pull out the Beyond Insect Instrument.

Otherwise, the ability to super-enhance time would be too difficult to handle.

"It's better to leave this thing to me for safekeeping."

Pulling out the Transcendent Insect Instrument and throwing it into the dimensional space, Higashino Rin looked at Kadoya Shi and said, "Shi, that's it."


"Who the hell are you?"

Looking at the weird-looking Higashino Lin, Narutaki roared angrily.

It was clear that Decade was about to be eliminated, but suddenly a guy with the ability to go back in time appeared.

Everything was in vain!

"A strange knight passing by, remember it for me."

"Hey, Lin, that's obviously my slogan."

Kadayaji was a little helpless, why did he even steal his slogan?

There is really no love at all.


Narutaki roared angrily, waved his hand and an aurora curtain appeared, covering Jindou: "Decade, you won't be so lucky next time."

"Let me give you a ride."

Dong Yelin touched the driver on his abdomen with his right hand, and dark purple-gold energy circled his right leg.


The shadow of a dark purple-gold clock suddenly appeared on Jin Dou's body, and it injected violent energy into Jin Dou's body.

Boom! ! !

The surface of the aurora curtain covering Jin Dou rippled like water waves.

"Enole Decade!"

Narutaki's voice echoed.

Kado Yashi's face darkened.

No, it's not me.

Why are you scolding me again?

"Narutaki has been dealt with, now it's your turn, the Dark Knights."

Kado Yaji took out the Decade drive and looked at Beniya.

"Shi, you have been looking for your own world. Wouldn't it be nice to live in this world? If you live in this world without pain or sorrow, you can get everything you want. Your journey is over." Hongyin also looked at Kadoya Shi in confusion.

Obviously in this world, you will gain supreme rights.

Why not accept it?

"I am really happy in this world. I am very happy to find a world that is willing to accept me."

"But, make no mistake. I don't want the world I live in to be a world full of weirdos. What's more, other worlds are still waiting for me, the savior, to save them."

"You're right, Lin."

Kadoyaji patted Higashino Rin's shoulder, took out the K-Touch device, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"That is."

Seeing the device in Kadayaji's hand, Hongyin was also stunned and looked at Higashino Rin in shock.

"You guy."

The anger in his eyes seemed to be about to burst out.

"Get rid of them for me."

In the city, weirdos who mimic humans reveal their original forms.

Grungki, Zerg, Vampires, etc.

This film world is filled with weirdos from the past decade.

"Hey, it won't be just the three of us fighting this group."

Looking at the dense crowd of weirdos, Haidong swallowed.

This was the first time he had faced so many weirdos.

"Of course not, we have help."

Dong Yelin raised his hand, and a huge aurora curtain appeared in the sky.

The entire sky seemed to be shrouded in a thick layer of darkness. The sunlight could not penetrate the dark clouds, and could only weakly shed mottled light and shadow through the gaps.

Haidong raised his head, with a look of astonishment on his face.


Looking at the red, blue and yellow fighter planes in the sky, Haidong swallowed his saliva.

The knights fighting the monsters turned into a war of planes? ?

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