As a result of divination, the sea has appeared several times.
It’s just that the coordinates are different every time, so Guan Zu didn’t confirm it.
And this time the coordinates.
“Huh? Seems familiar…”
Guan Zu quickly picked up the mobile phone next to him, opened the sticky note, and checked the coordinate information recorded in it.
Find the sea first.
Then compare the coordinates.
“Is there really?”
It seems that the treasure has been found again~! .
107. Let’s go to the island for vacation together (please subscribe!)
In the morning, Guan Zu disguised Miyano Akemi and Haibara Ai.
“How long until the weekend?” Guan Zu asked while changing Miyano Akemi’s face.
Last night’s divination allowed him to find another location that might contain a lot of treasures.
The same coordinates appear twice, it is worth Guan Zu to go to the scene to have a look.
But Miyano Akemi and Haibara Ai haven’t learned the disguise technique yet.
So I have to find a time to go out on the weekend.
In this way, even without his help to change their appearance, the two sisters can stay at home and not go out.
Otherwise, Hui Yuanai would have to ask for leave from the school.
“Tomorrow is the weekend, don’t you even look at the calendar?” Hui Yuanai sat on the side tinkering with disguise props.
They also need to practice every day.
Guan Zu rolled his eyes speechlessly.
Also look at the calendar.
He wants to see it, but what’s the use?
The date on the calendar is normal, but the time in this world often changes randomly!
The key is that people in this world still can’t feel it.
He was the only one who felt out of place in this world.
If you want to know what day of the week it is, you can only wait until that day.
There are 05 poisons!
“Tomorrow is the weekend, that’s just right. I’m going on a long trip today, and I’ll try to come back before Monday. You guys should try to stay at home and not go out on the weekend.” Guan Zu took a tool and licked Miyano Akemi’s face.
The shape of the face is done, the next step is to modify it.
“Eh? Are you going out again? But Xiao Ai has an appointment with Yuanzi and Xiaolan, and she is going to go shopping this weekend…” Miyano Akemi said.
This is Xiao Ai’s first time going shopping with friends!
Akemi Miyano doesn’t want Xiao Ai to break the appointment with her friend for the first time.
“This is something that can’t be helped. I have important things to do and I have to go far away.” Guan Zu was unmoved at all.
Last night, he already took the sea area where the latitude and longitude is located.
It was the sea area near a small island called God Island.
And Guanzu also found news about Shenhai Island!
Ten years ago, an underwater monument was discovered on the seabed near Shenhai Island.
Many scholars went to research, but they didn’t find out why.
But two weeks ago, someone found silver tableware in the underwater palace.
All of a sudden, the topic of treasures in the underwater palace that sank in the waters near Shenhai Island spread instantly.
There is a lot of news about Shenhai Island on the Internet.
It seems that because of this reason, the number of tourists on Shenhai Island has surged recently.
If it’s too late, don’t let the treasure be found by others.
Don’t say it’s just that Xiao Ai wants to date Yuanzi and Xiaolan, even if she is willing to have something to do with him, Guan Zu doesn’t hesitate.
On one side are massive treasures that may be found by others at any time.
On the other side is the meat that is already in his own bowl and can be eaten anytime.
Everyone knows how to choose such a multiple-choice question, right?
“If it doesn’t work, Xiao Ai, you should be more careful when you sleep at night, and then don’t wash your face tomorrow morning, and go directly to the appointment with Xiaolan and the others.” Guan Zu’s Miyano Akimi said without squinting.
“Go and get busy if you have something to do, don’t worry about me.” Xiao Ai beside him said lightly.
Guan Zu gave an ‘hmm’ and continued to disguise Miyano Akemi.
After a while, Miyano Akemi’s disguise was completed.
Guan ZuHe was about to continue to disguise Xiao Ai, but unexpectedly discovered that Xiao Ai had made it up for himself, and the effect was quite good.
The cast is almost complete, and later I just need to use various cosmetics to describe her facial features.
“It’s ok! It’s finally looking good.” Guan Zu praised.
I didn’t expect Xiao Ai to be quite talented.
She and Miyano Akemi learned the disguise technique together, but Miyano Akemi can’t even make the first step of the human skin mask well.
Not to mention the next step, putting makeup on the human skin mask.
Unexpectedly, Xiao Ai has almost finished making the human skin mask.
It’s just that this time is a bit slower, but it’s normal, after all, she is not proficient yet.
Guan Zu didn’t take over, but let Hui Yuanai complete the remaining steps by himself.
An hour later, Haibara put the wig on her head.
“Emmm…” Guan Zu squeezed it, and carefully looked at Hui Yuan Ai’s masterpiece.
“Congratulations, you have finally graduated~!” Guan Zu affirmed the achievements of Hui Yuanai’s work.
Although it took a long time, there were a little blemishes on the face.
However, it is not a big problem.
As long as people who are not very close look at it, you can basically see no flaws.
Sure enough, a genius is a genius.
Learn everything fast.
She didn’t know how to disguise herself before, just because no one taught her.
If Belmode was willing to teach Xiao Ai when she was in the organization, she would have already mastered the ability of disguise.
But that’s just thinking about it.
Hui Yuanai is a scientist who studies drugs in the organization, and Belmode is the ‘victim’ of that drug.
Belmode hated Hui Yuanai before it was too late, and it was impossible to teach her the skill of disguise.
In fact, Belmode didn’t give the disguise technique to anyone.
Apart from her, no one in the organization knows how to use disguise.
“Hmph~~You are useless now~Mr. Guan~!” Hui Yuanai said with a proud face.
“Yes~ yes~ I am much more relaxed now. From now on, I will leave the disguise work between you and Machiko to you~Xiao Ai~!” Guan Zu stood up and suppressed Hui Yuan Ai’s head with his big hands.
Tousled her wig vigorously.
Xiao Ai ate breakfast in a hurry, and ran to school with her schoolbag.
Today, she disguised herself, which wasted a lot of time. If she didn’t hurry up, she might be late.
Guan Zu also drove out.
He had to rush to the port to buy a boat ticket to Shenhai Island.
By the way, book a hotel on the way, and stay on Shenhai Island for the next few days.
Until you find the treasure beneath the nearby sea.
Didan High School.
“Eh? Xiaolan, your father guessed the jigsaw puzzle of the daily newspaper correctly, and won 300,000 days. So you want to take us to the island for vacation on weekends?” Xiao Ai looked at Xiaolan in surprise.
Didn’t you agree to go shopping on the weekend?
She has already thought about which styles of bags and shoes she is going to buy!
“Xiaolan~! Uncle really wants to invite us to the island for vacation?? Ai! Uncle Maori rarely invites us to go out to play, we must go~!”
“As for shopping or something, we’ll go together when we come back next time~!” Yuanzi was excited.
It’s not that she hasn’t been to the island for vacation.
It’s because Kogoro Mori hasn’t invited everyone before, so it’s strange.
This opportunity is rare and cannot be missed.
I don’t know when the next time, Uncle Maori will invite everyone out to play again!
“Okay, then let’s go together.” Xiao Ai agreed.
It just so happened that she hardly had a normal vacation.

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