But he was caught by Guan Zu.
His current combat power is at least at the real level of Kyogoku, how could he be attacked by Xiao Ai?
“Hey~~ I didn’t hit it~!” Guan Zu said teasingly.
“Sir! Please let go of my sister! Otherwise, I will call someone!!” Akemi Miyano warned.
This time when she came to Shenhai Island, she actually carried a pistol in her bag.
It is to prevent accidents.
But she couldn’t just take out the pistol just because she was harassed by a man.
It doesn’t matter if there is no one at night.
But it was still broad daylight, and there were many people on the beach, so it was impossible for her to take out the gun.
As for attacking the man in front of him, it was even less realistic.
Neither she nor Xiao Ai are combatants, and they have no combat power in the first place, and the muscle lines of the man’s arm in front of him can be seen as powerful.
Doing it is the most irrational way.
“Oh? Call someone?” Guan Zu turned to look at Akemi Miyano.
Miyano Akemi also stared at him with a very serious expression.
Guan Zu actually wanted to say that very much.
‘Scream, scream, and no one will come to rescue you even if you scream and break your throat! ‘
But it is daytime now, and there are many tourists around.
If Miyano Akemi really called for help, it would be a bit of a joke.
Guan Zu turned sideways, sat down beside Xiao Ai, and at the same time put his arms around her shoulders like an old friend.
This action is used on the opposite sex, not like brothers, but like a couple.
Just as Miyano Akemi and Xiao Ai were about to explode, Guan Zu spoke.
“Machiko, Xiao Ai, why did you come to this small island?” Guan Zu resumed his original voice.
“Xiao Ai, didn’t you say that you’re going to go shopping with Xiao Lan and those two girls in Yuanzi on weekends?” Guan Zu said with his arms around Xiao Ai’s shoulders.
Xiao Ai is wearing a swimsuit. Although the style of the swimsuit is relatively conservative, the shoulders are still exposed.
The smooth and delicate muscles are as smooth as crisp, as smooth as fat, and it feels great!
“Zu??” Miyano Akemi looked at Guan Zu in surprise.
Hui Yuanai also looked surprised, so surprised that he even forgot that Guan Zu still had his arms around him!
“Hmm~.” Guan Zu shrugged and admitted his identity.
“Why are you here?” Miyano Akemi couldn’t believe it.
Didn’t Guan Zu have something to go out?
Why did you come to this small island? ?
“I still want to ask you. When I first saw you, I thought I was wrong.”
“Aren’t you going to go shopping with Xiaolan, Yuanzi and the others? Why did you come here with Machiko?” Guan Zu looked down at Xiao Ai who was in his arms.
“Mr. Maori won the big prize in the quiz, so he invited us to go out on vacation together.”
“In addition to us, Xiaolan and Yuanzi, there are also Dr. Ali, Conan and his three classmates.” Akemi Miyano explained.
“That’s it.” Guan Zu pinched his chin.
Can Kogoro Mori win the prize in guessing games?
Totally impossible!
That kid Conan must have guessed it, and Kogoro Mouri went to accept the award.
“Then what about them? Why are you two here?” Guan Zu asked curiously.
“Xiaolan and Yuanzi went diving, and those kids went to play the treasure hunt provided by the tourism class.”
“Dr. Ali was resting in the hotel. As for Mr. Mori, he thought it was too hot and went to drink at the tavern on the island.” Miyano Akemi explained.
“Diving??” Guan Zu’s eyelids twitched.
Those two women, did they go diving in the underwater palace? ?
However, there is no need to worry about them encountering any danger.
After all, he didn’t leave any bombs in the underground palace either.
and many more……
That underground palace seems to have its own bomb!
The underground palace is filled with methane. Once it encounters an open flame, the probability of an explosion is very high!
But Xiaolan and Yuanzi are both protagonists, so their lives should not be in danger, right?
Well, probably not.
“Well, I heard that there is an underwater palace in the waters near the small island. Many people will go there for diving.”
“It’s a pity that Xiao Ai and I can’t go, otherwise I would also like to see it.” Miyano Akemi said helplessly.
“If you want to dive, it’s not impossible. I can help you make waterproof human skin masks.”
“But the waterproof human skin mask is not so comfortable, are you going?” Guan Zu asked the two.
“Xiao Ai?” Miyano Akemi looked at Xiao Ai.
“Whether to go diving or not is another matter. You! How long do you want to cuddle?” Xiao Ai stared at Guan Zu and said.
At first, because of Guan Zu’s identity, he was too surprised, so he didn’t notice it for a while.
But soon she reacted.
But Guan Zu kept talking to her sister, so she endured it.
As a result, Guan Zu went too far, not only hugged her, but also caressed her twice with his hand.
Is it true that she can’t feel anything?
“Hahaha~~ If you don’t mind, I can hug you forever~” Guan Zu said with a smile.
He thought Xiao Ai didn’t mind~!
While speaking, Guan Zu still didn’t let go of Xiao Ai.
“Beautiful thinking!”
Xiao Ai patted off Guan Zu’s hand that was holding her shoulder.
Guan Zu also accepts as soon as he sees it, there are some things that don’t need to be rushed.
“By the way, which room do you live in? Let’s chat with you at night~.” Guan Zu asked with a smile.
“We live in Shenhai.” Xiao Ai said.
Isn’t it living in the largest hotel on the island?
“To the west of the town, there is a hotel. Mr. Mori only won 300,000 yuan, so there is no way for so many people to live in that hotel~.” Miyano Akemi looked at the Shenhai Hotel not far away.
118. Diving sharks, dangerous! (Please subscribe!)
Xiaolan and Yuanzi followed the diving instructor and the proprietress to the diving sea area.
When we got there, the proprietress parked the boat.
After checking the diving equipment, the two dived into the sea under the leadership of the diving instructor.
Almost along the route that Guan Zu took before, head to the underwater palace.
Xiaolan and Yuanzi also visited the scenery that Guan Zu had seen along the way after a day.
Soon, the three of them came to the submarine palace.
Kimiko took the two of them to a place close to the cliff for a look, but they were not allowed to get too close.
Just as he was about to leave, a shark suddenly swam up from the bottom of the cliff.
Scared, Xiaolan and Yuanzi quickly turned and fled.
Kimiko quickly stopped the two of them.
How can a person swim past a shark in the water?
He gestured for the two to calm down, and then took Xiaolan and Yuanzi to hide in a concave stone wall.
The three of them hid among the sunken stone walls, surrounded by boulders of the underwater palace, it was difficult for the sharks to attack the three of them.
Unless it hits the three of them directly.
But apparently, the sharks didn’t do that.
The shark circled twice in front of the three of them, and then swam back to the bottom of the cliff.
The three of them looked down the cliff and found that there was more than one shark below!
There were five or six sharks cruising back and forth in the water, and at the same time there were three people, surrounded by sharks, these sharks.
A large amount of blood continued to gush out of one of them.
It dyed some of the surrounding seawater red!
The other two used compressed air toAnd the underwater propeller rolls up to the current, constantly driving the sharks away.

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